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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Aug, 2019
Daniel is clocking "18" tommorow and Mrs William wanted to surprise him with a perfect birthday gift for him but she didn't know the proper gift to give to a boy clocking 18, but she will find out the exact gift when she get to the supermarket.Garty supermarket was the place she has in mind,she drove her SUV car to the supermarket in search for the perfect gift Mrs William enter the supermarket and the first thing that caught her attention was a
Everywhere where in the house was design with different colour of balloons,no doubt it's Janet birthday.Janet was the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Smith,they love her so much that they decided to make her 5th year birthday an unforgettable one for her.Her mother Elizabeth Smith has gone to the cake shop to get her daughter a colourful cake but ironically as she was rushing to get home before visitors started coming, the cake fell on the ground and smash to pieces.Mr Joseph Smith at his own side was already making the barbecue outside then the...
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