M.C. Washington

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Mar, 2022

Author bio

Hello to all of you! Thank you for finding your way here. I hope these writings may serve to impart and inspire creativity, passion, learned lessons, and love. Love for oneself and others. Love for the beauty and complexities of life. And ultimately, love for the power of creativity and manifestation residing in all of us. Writing and reading have been a part of my life—though not always active—for over two decades. Reading Treasure Island in high school completely changed my life and the person I became. It introduced me to boundless worlds and endless adventures. Universes we choose to explore, where we witness characters emerge, and stories come to life. I have always felt writing calling me but never truly heeded that call. May these entries serve as a starting point and foundation of practice. I will no longer run away from the work I know lies ahead of me. Dreams want to live today. Answer those calls with outstretched hands. Ready to fight for what your heart desires. Why do we wait? When life is ready now.