α΄κ± α΄α΄Κκ±Κα΄α΄ΚΚα΄κ± α΄Κα΄ α΄ΙͺΙ΄α΄
, α΄‘Κα΄Κα΄κ±α΄α΄α΄, α΄Ι΄α΄α΄α΄Κα΄Ι’ΙͺΙ΄Ι’ α΄α΄α΄α΄Κα΄ α΄‘Κα΄ α΄Κα΄ α΄Ι΄ α΄Κα΄ κ°ΙͺΙ’Κα΄ κ°α΄Κ α΄ΙͺΙ΄α΄
Ι΄α΄κ±κ±! α΄‘α΄ α΄ΚΚ α΄Ι΄α΄
κ±α΄α΄α΄ α΄
α΄α΄‘Ι΄α΄ α΄α΄α΄Κκ± ΚΚ α΄α΄α΄ α΄α΄ΙͺΙ΄Ι’ α΄Κα΄κ±α΄ α΄‘Κα΄ Κα΄α΄ α΄ Κα΄α΄Ι΄ α΄
α΄α΄‘Ι΄α΄ α΄α΄α΄α΄
α΄Κ κ±α΄α΄α΄α΄α΄α΄
. Κα΄α΄α΄
κ±Κ Ιͺκ± α΄ Ι’α΄α΄α΄
α΄Κα΄α΄α΄, α΄Ι΄α΄
ΙͺΙ΄ α΄Κα΄
α΄Κ α΄α΄ κ±Κα΄α΄‘ α΄Κα΄α΄, α΄‘α΄ α΄α΄κ±α΄ κ±α΄α΄α΄ α΄Κα΄ Κα΄α΄
. α΄α΄ΙͺΙ΄ α΄Κα΄ α΄α΄Κκ±Κα΄α΄ΚΚα΄κ± α΄α΄ Κα΄α΄ α΄α΄κ±α΄Ιͺα΄α΄ α΄Ι΄α΄
Ι΄α΄κ±κ± α΄Κα΄α΄ α΄ΙͺΚ!
Here is my website link! I write short stories based on your prompts and post them on the website.
Do you know how it feels?
The way you suffocate
From the ever-consuming darkness,
Demons knocking on your
Do you know how it feels?
To be heartbroken?
The one person you ever cared about
Splits you open, her
Cutting into you like a razor-sharp
It slowly drags along your skin,
The cold blade digging,
Drawing blood.
It feels good.
You push the blade deeper,
Blood spurting from your veins.
You sit for a while, staring at the lights.
The pain is gone.
Do you know how it feels?
Do you�
-Caleb Weigt