Historical Fiction

This galaxy slowly started to intertwine with ours. As the process continued, it started to pick up speed. Stars began to merge together, along with all sizes of asteroids being flung around. And then they came. The Andromedan people. They sought to destroy, and destroy they did. We were already weakened. When they arrived in our system, the man slaughter began. They sent powered people down on Earth, to destroy us. All our armies were destroyed within the hour. I was sixteen when that happened. I remember one man said, "This is the beginning of the end." Twenty years later, and their ships still can be seen in the skies.

"Wake up!" someone shouts nearby. I slowly and reluctantly get up, not actually wanting to. It was my sister that had woken me up, frantically pointing at the sky. I look up, and finally see the end of what I'd assume be the largest ship in the fleet, the ship that's been flying through our skies for ten years. My excitement was short lived, for I could begin to see the other, smaller ships, flying behind it.

"When will they leave?" I ask to no one in particular. We didn't know who all survived the attack twenty years ago, but I haven't seen anyone. I walk out of the house(or what's left of it), to go on my morning walk. Today, I change my route. I take a right instead of a left, and walk toward the graveyard. I start to look around for the one that I made for Ava, my girlfriend. She had died when they came. I come upon it, and tears start to flood my eyes, and slowly drip onto the dirt. The flowers were still there, one for every year she was gone.

"One day Ava, I will be with you. You didn't deserve to die like this, nor did your brother, parents, or turtle." I crouch down, and kiss the stone that had her name engraved in it.

"I love you Ava," I whisper to the stone, rubbing my hand along it. I get up and continue to walk, missing all the times we could've had together. Going to the movies, laying on the beach, getting ice cream, laughing together, crying together, loving each other. But those cold-hearted Andromedans took everything away from me.

I continue to walk, through the leafless trees and green-less grass. The grass hasn't been green in years. I walk over to the rock, the one that Ava and I used to sit on before the attack. That was where I first kissed her, first held hands, and had our first picnic. I take a seat on the rock, my eyes still moist from crying. I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn around. It was just my sister.

"Hey," I say to her. She sits down next to me, where Ava used to sit.

"Sit on the other side," I tell her, and pat the other side of the rock. She listens, thankfully. She was 20 when the attack happened. She wraps her arm my shoulders, in an attempt to comfort me. We sit in silence for a few moments.

"I love her," I tell my sister, staring at the spot where Ava used to sit.

"I know you do," she says, and hugs me. I'm usually not very fond of hugs from my sister, but this time I let her, and even hugged her back.

"I love you little bro," she says to me, and I just cry into her shoulder, the same way I did when I fell on the playground when I was 5.

"Will I ever see her again?" I ask my sister. She moves a little bit so we look each other in the eyes.

"Maybe one day, yes," she says, and then hugs me again. This time I felt abandoned, and I'm the one that ends the hug, which she didn't seem to have a problem with. I stare off into the distance, longing to see the stars, and the sun, but instead see the dark shapes of the ships that still ruled our skies.

"It's been so long since we've seen the sun," I say aloud.

"I can't get tan anymore," my sister says jokingly and I laugh at that. She smiles when I laugh and starts to laugh too. I like making my sister laugh.

I lay down on the rock, and my sister does too. We stare at the darkened skies, not even a speck of light in the air. My sister holds my hand as we stare up at the sky, the same way she held my hand back in grade school.

"You know what I think?" she says to me and looks over.

"What?" I ask, waiting for some funny saying or something.

"We are not the last humans here," she says. I laugh.

"I have not seen a single soul other than a few rabbits in the past 20 years," I say to her. I look over to her, and her facial expression is serious.

"Have you lost faith in humanity?" she asks me.

"We always figure something out," she says to me.

"I didn't give up on them, that was, until 20 years ago when all the capable people were picked off one by one," I explain to her. I hear a sound coming from behind us, and from the looks of it, so does my sister. We sit up and turn around.

"Did you hear that?" she asks me. I nod my head and look around. I cautiously get off the rock, trying to see through the darkness where the sound was coming from. I hear a click.

"Move," a voice says, sounding dry and raspy. I don't move due to the shock of hearing another human being.

"I said move!" he screams and shoves the barrel into the back of my head. My sister punches this strange man in the side. He quickly recovers and tries to aim the gun at my sister. She grabs the gun. I couldn't see what happened from then on. I made out two shapes wrestling on the ground.


The shot filled the quietness of the woods. That was the loudest sound I've heard in 20 years. Both my sister and the man were on the ground, with a pool of blood in between them. I was scared to see who it belonged to. I walk over to my sister, shaking down to the bone as I got closer. I bend down and gasp.


Another shot rings throughout the night, or perhaps day. I fall to the ground, next to the rock. That's when I realize that I've been shot. I look over to the rock, three feet away from me. I slowly crawl over to it, without the man seeing me. My hands find it, and I pull myself onto the rock. I see the man standing above me, watching me bleed out. Then he speaks.

"This is the beginning of the end." Another shot is fired, and I am no more.

Moments after, I see someone and gasp. I could recognize her from a mile away.

"Oh my god," I whisper, as we embrace each other.

"You're here," she says. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a turtle.

May 29, 2020 19:08

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Jubilee Forbess
01:12 Jun 13, 2020

Best one of our of the three I read; still have some feedback though so let me know if you’re up for it! 🌸


Jubilee Forbess
15:45 Jun 13, 2020

1.) this reminds me of Chaos Walking! 2.) Your dialogue is great 3.) editing is loose, tighten it up 4.) add commas! 5.) start new paragraph 6.) last line was good! 7.) keep writing!


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Batool Hussain
12:01 Jun 13, 2020

Brilliant!! Truly amazing Caleb. Would you please check my stories out? Thanks.


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V.S. Nilanee
08:06 Jun 11, 2020

Oh, my! This transports me to a different world!! It's beautiful, your words weave through the feelings of the characters. One sentence alone in the beginning is enough to give the background....it's such a great story!


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Tvisha Yerra
02:18 Jun 11, 2020

I don't know what else to say other than :)


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17:35 Jun 06, 2020

The last sentence got me. I feel it signifies that the character is now truly alive.


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19:42 May 30, 2020

This story is so good!!!!! It is absolutely perfect for the prompt and it caught my attention quickly! I can't wait to read more of your stories! Keep writing and stay safe!


This was my favorite one to write and I'm glad I took the time to write it.


20:07 Jun 01, 2020

Me too!! :)


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Aisoo Kim
07:56 Dec 06, 2020

Hello. I hope you have a good day ahead of you. I am actually a student from Malaysia and is currently in my last semester in college. I have to create a website for my individual project and I've decided to create a website for young writers to write to their heart content. If you would like to check out my website, here's the link. https://dayangnurulaisyah.wixsite.com/el-dorado Would you be interested in helping me out with the project by sending me your stories through email or participating in the festive writing/ monthly writing ...


https://calebweigt.wixsite.com/mystories There is the link! Feel free to copy and paste stories Aisoo! If you are going to, please paste the link to my site in there as well.


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Aisoo Kim
15:42 Dec 05, 2020

Hello. I hope you have a good day ahead of you. I am actually a student and is currently in my last semester in college. I have to create a website for my individual project and I've decided to create a website for young writers to write to their heart content. If you would like to check out my website, here's the link. https://dayangnurulaisyah.wixsite.com/el-dorado Would you be interested in helping me out with the project by sending me your stories through email or participating in the festive writing/ monthly writing fest? I would...


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