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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jul, 2022
Submitted to Contest #231
"Dave!" Dave heard his rather chunky wife, Janice, on his phone, just as his day of being a geek solution expert was heading to knock off time. "Yes dear?" he asked quite meekly, "What is wrong?" Dave and Janice had been married so long now, they never wasted small talk on niceties. Like, "How are you? How is your day going?" No, straight to the nitty gritty here. Janice did not take any prisoners. "Flossy and Bossy have broken the toilet seat. You'll have to mend it, or get a new one. This is urgent, they're on their rags again." "Right, I'...
Submitted to Contest #230
His wife stopped loving him one day. Vance tried to understand. At first he thought it was a stage Linda was going through. She had colored her hair, trimmed her figure, and started making fitness coaching sessions on Youtube. Overnight, Linda became an 'influencer' for mature women. Vance was left wondering why. Linda told him she no longer loved him, and he took a hike from the family home. No, his wife no longer loved him unconditionally. Where had his teenage bride disappeared, now he was bulging and grey? He blamed it on his truck drivi...
Submitted to Contest #229
Not all the witches live in Salem. There at the supermarket stood Adriana, checkout chick. It was mid-winter, raining, sleeting, bitter wind blowing, as the sliding glass door opened right on time. Quivering in the draft swirling yesterday's rubbish flotsam over the darkening car park, Adriana sold her first packet of cigarettes and morning newspaper for the day. Her eager clients waited for their fix. They swiped their debit cards, or some cash, then turned to their cars, coughing at their first gasper, reading the football latest gossip ...
Submitted to Contest #228
Let me tell you a story, a chapter in the life of Tiny Town. The citizens who lived there had a super hero.His name was Vince the Invincible. He was an intelligent guy, caring and cheerful. Vince loved telling comical, funny jokes. He was friendly, smiling and a happy go lucky kind of guy. Vince looked heroic. He was immense, three meters tall. He had strong biceps, his body was toned with magnificent muscles. Vince had golden blond, wavy hair, and his tanned skin showed his perfect complexion. His best feature was his dazzling smile, lighti...
Submitted to Contest #227
It was pouring rain again on a sodden afternoon in Winterville. The winter term was winding down in primary school. In Zaine's fuggy, stuffy classroom, his witchy teacher was worse than ever. Miss Meanie was being so grumpy, while she was tidying up and clearing the games cupboard. Miss Meanie had chosen Zaine to take the old, tatty games to the rejection bin at the front of the school. Grumbling, Zaine selected his two lifelong best friends to escort him, Neehan and Beau. "We are only your rubbish bin men!" Zaine cheekily told his teacher....
Submitted to Contest #226
"Men need their own tribe." Eve read this profound statement. Yes, she pondered, agreeing. Football, BBQ's, beers, bourbons, misogyny, all affecting their ageing issues. Eve realized that she had always got the blame for male inadequacies. It was sort of Christian, biblical in a way. It went with her name. These days, she harbored a secret yen for sexy Giovanni. Mysteriously, he had turned back some years ago, and turned up in her suburb. It has at that stage taken him twenty-five years, but one day, there he was. All that time ago in the la...
Submitted to Contest #225
It was late one Saturday afternoon, after the exams. The four future conquistadors were having a kickback time. Beers were flowing, all they could afford. The pizza delivery was timely, soon the 'boys' were enjoying a televised race meeting, where they were all sticking to the rails. They were all on a tight student budget. So, Tomasio, Brent, Oscar and Marty were placing imaginary bets. It was all contributing to their lifestyle, imagining how much they won on each race. It made sense to them, okay? As yet, love's young fling had not won t...
Submitted to Contest #224
It was before dawn, as normal. "Foggy morning again," Sister Heloise nodded at Sister Cecily. Autumn had crept in to Old Blithering, , Back of Beyond. Now the days were starting foggy, the sunshine would emerge, the nights were drawing in. Curtains were closed early, lamps were turned on, the convent sisters had their usual debate about when to turn on the heater. Russet leaves were piling up across the front lawn, weeds were flourishing. "A gardener's tasks are never done." Sister Heloise commented. "Sunny days are good for gardening. It i...
Submitted to Contest #223
"Oh, no!" Unfortunately for student M, he was growing up too fast. It was a fateful morning in time, some when. Mock exams, he was totally unprepared. He had not really been listening to his noble teachers, whatever they said. This morning, it was English, his worst. All he was really dreaming of was full on Nike casual wear, and expensive joggers, plus a brand new Adidas sports bag. That was if he ever escaped from school long enough to play his favorite sport again. Times were tough for seventeen year old lads. Not quite men, all he and hi...
Submitted to Contest #222
Their school day was over. Jennifer Louise still lived somewhere far south of Witchelina, a place she might visit whenever, maybe. She and Darya went home to Jennifer Louise's old timber homestead, where the Blessing family lived. It had been a horrible day for all the Year Seven girls. Two boys, Kieran and Brad, had kiss shamed all the girls, and made a phone map of them. The teachers were cross, and had set up a friendship evening to build bridges. Some of Jennifer Louise's girls in her year had been very upset. Most of them had laughed....
Submitted to Contest #221
"You can do magic," Cheerful Charlie from the church practically moaned in orgasmic delight. Why was this? He had been summoned by Chatty Cathy to be her assistant, and try her latest concoction. These two were no Spring chickens. Absolutely not. Nothing to get too serious about these days. Longstanding pals, they sat in the back pew on Sunday, devoutly saying their prayers. They were doing a great job for their community all those years. A few Sundays prior, their religious leader had been preaching to the converted and the choir. The messa...
Submitted to Contest #220
"Are you hungry?" Ruth heard. She muttered a response, inaudibly. Mysteriously, she had gone to sleep last night in her own bed in her own humble pad. Crying herself to sleep, she had been broken-hearted. Ruth had phoned her big sister, the well-respected senior witching in her family. Ruth had told big sissie her tale of woe. The debonair Old Wizard Blizzard had dumped her, ghosted her, and traded her in for firm young flesh. Humiliating. In the dark reaches of last night, her older sister, Prunella Positive Prue, had mumbled her own sweari...
Submitted to Contest #219
Yes, it was Spring time in the mountain forests. Old Noah was still rocking around, one of the identities and well-respected characters. He lived in the back woods of the rustic small village of Good Blubbering. Old Noah and his family had built their own enclave, way off in the hills. It was all very secluded. To get around, Old Noah had two big motor cycles, always there for his mid-life critical moments. He was now the President of Good Blubbering's garden society. He and his wives convened weekly meetings, to share their propagation stor...
Submitted to Contest #218
It should have been raining. But there was no comforting sound of pitter patter steady on the roof of the convent. All was silent, except for the television. Winter time was setting in for the nuns in the retired teachers' convent, somewhere there in the hick town of Old Blithering. Luckily, the night was clear, very frosty. All the nuns were in their usual armchairs, viewing their weekly favorite television show. Only the national broadcaster made it on the airwaves at the Back of Beyond. After these devoted clergy had gazed at the mind n...
Submitted to Contest #217
Sleepyside at summer again. Sister Heloise, the young one, had escorted the much older nuns to their summer retreat. They were on vacation, to relax on a sunny shore, rest, replenish, paddle in a sparkling bay. Their summer abode was the usual very old-fashioned timber dwelling, by now familiar. Sleepyside was a slow old place, only one store, with a petrol pump at the front. People went to Sleepyside, off the beaten track, to replenish their wellbeing on a sedate type of holiday. Sleepyside was not yet trendy, a place where time passed, th...
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