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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2019
Submitted to Contest #63
Hurry up! It was Saturday morning and the chickens were arising, Feathers ruffled and beaks slapped with bright- Croissant, NO, Crescent, NO Cerulean? Certainly not, Oh! the word is- CRIMSON red lipstick Because these chickens were ready And they were ready to party. They had been planning this trip since the beginning of time, whether that meant they were first chickens or first eggs, mind you, and the day was finally, brilliantly and beautifully here. What good was sitting a...
(Author's Note: This is a collaborative project I did with Orenda! If you haven't read her stories you should. It was a blast and I hope you all enjoy. Orenda, we should do this again sometime soon!) The school halls were chock full of kids back from summer vacation. Five, though, were missing from the celebration. They were sitting in the football field, spreading whipped cheese on the ground and waiting for the crows to arrive. It was a tradition they had, every first school day they would charge their phones, bring snacks and blank...
“Vassi.” They were sitting on the roof of Muz’s car. Gervassi was almost asleep, his eyelids kept falling and his head kept dropping, knocking against Afra’s shoulder. She would have let him sleep, she didn’t mind knowing he was comfortable enough to just be while she was around. She liked being able to sit with him and not think of anything, but she had been thinking about something, and one of the other best things about Gervassi is that he would listen. Undeniably. “Vassi.” She poked him in the side. “Hey.” He sat up and yawned,...
Submitted to Contest #60
Kit and kaboodle Pop goes the poodleRound and round the booboo bush And never let it drop. I wish I was up I wish I was down I wish we could go round and roundSpinning like the colorful wheelThat never ever stops. Do you have an issueWhat is the deal If I have an orange Than I’d need to peelUnless I just bit The whole thing throughCause that seems like something I would do. She never meant to go to the carnival that night. She would have never left her room, never flicked off Netflix and...
The color of the universe and the walls of my house match almost perfectly. I don’t know how to feel about this. Should it make me feel more secure because in some meta way I am out in the universe even when I am at home alone, safe on my couch while I sip from oversized coffee mugs, watching the clouds roll by like massive white poodles out my window? Or should I be concerned that the universe is so dreadfully blah, instead of some raging orange or deep thoughts purple? I don’t know, but I think about it a lot anyway. I think about it as I ...
I look to my left, I look to my right. I sit down on the ground.There is dark, there is night.There are ashes all around.I look to the sunBut it is deadI look to the moon But she holds her headHeavy with words no one wants to say. The world ended this morning In ways you cannot fathom There is no where to go No hope in this chasmAnd yet a rose blooms.A rose of hope A flower of loveA shining beacon A simple white doveAnd I dive. Death smells like breakfast When you have no guts I dive tow...
Submitted to Contest #59
I pin lyrics up on my walls, even though I’ve never heard the music to go along with the words. Prisma says music used to be everywhere you turned and even when you were sitting completely still, the songs would still manage to find you. She says there were machines, all kinds of machines, that you could listen to whatever song you liked. There were these collections- she calls them playlists and her eyes get misty when she tells me about how Gray made over seventeen of them for her, one for each year they knew each other- that were all your...
Hugh Jackman plays as lots of things A sad singing Frenchman A master of circus rings A steadfast cowboy A Wolverine But the thing most do not know Is that he was carried away with the flow The flush of a toilet took him away As a rat, he learned To see a new way. His name was Roddy And he was well off To the slobby intruder Sid He said, “Goodbye! Mazel tov!” But Sid would not leave He liked the rich house He was a stubborn guy An unwanted louse. Roddy had an idea To get that dude away But it came back to bite h...
"Werewolves."She glared out the window, eyes on the moving van ahead of her."Vampires."Her friend was eating French fries from a KFC bucket, dark blue Converse resting up on the dashboard. They were playing the game where they guessed who the newcomers were."Cannibals." She laughed and smacked her friend in the shoulder. They knew better than to play the game. If the Mayor heard them, he would surely be upset. "Definitely not. That would be a stretch, even for us." She plucked a French fry from her friend's bucket and popped it in her mouth....
Submitted to Contest #58
"You shouldn't wear that." A cold hand lays on your shoulder and you blink at yourself in the mirror, not at the person behind you. "It doesn't fit like you want it to." You think you look great, but you begin to take it off, knowing it's not worth another fight. The discarded clothing item joins the growing pile in the corner. You have labeled it Exhibit C, Pile Of Things I Cannot Wear. It sits beside Exhibit B, Things People Don't Want to Hear, and Exhibit A, Dreams Of Mine No One Believed In. You sigh and sink back in to your armchair, th...
Muz found herself wondering if she really was that funny, or if Triscin was just so joy depraved that he found solace in her lame sense of humor. She sat across from him at the hospital cafeteria table and continued to crack jokes at him, marveling at how much prettier this boy looked when he wasn’t sobbing. “What sits at the bottom of the sea and twitches?” She asked him. He blinked, something he tended to do a lot, and the effect was that a light breeze flew past Muz because his eyelashes were so dang long. She’d never seen a...
“Hey, how are you?” Triscin shook his head at himself in the hallway mirror and started again. “Are you feeling okay, considering the whole, um, no.” He stopped again, this time covering his face with his hands and sighing. Then he said to his reflection, “Eleanor, hi, how bad is your pain on a scale from one to ten?” It wasn’t as though he had so much experience with girlfriends in the hospital. He actually had no experience with girlfriends in the hospital which was why now, just a few hours after Eleanor had smashed his car into a tree, h...
Submitted to Contest #57
Local High Schooler Saves Ballet From Acid Rain By: Fidelia C. Marrbhles Our small town was hit by a storm like no other when the green, acidic rainclouds formed overhead last Saturday. The scientists had been warning us for years, but did we listen? Oh no, that isn’t the way we do things here! We rebel at the sight of any inconvenience and loathe all specks of minor change in stubborn habits! So of course we didn’t listen. We kept right along our merry way and guess what? Maybe the town’s hall is destroyed because we didn’t want to use r...
Gervassi’s head filled with static as the doctor was speaking. Five minutes earlier, he had sat down in the waiting room of the Trauma Center and hoped for the best, not daring to look at anyone else. He was too afraid their gaze would betray all the things he didn’t want to believe. The accident had been terrible, he knew that much, but what was worse was the feeling that he had caused it. After all, he was the one who told Eleanor to leave. He should have known better than to let her go alone, especially when she was in such a bad state. A...
Submitted to Contest #56
"I just don't see why you had to bring her." Eleanor and Gervassi stood on the porch together, standing several feet apart and whispering. It was some of the most aggressive whispering anyone ever heard, and yet that was just the dynamic the two seemed to have. Gervassi wished that Afra hadn't gone inside, but he knew too that this was a battle he had to fight alone. His ex girlfriend, and maybe now ex friend in general, glared at him from across the porch. "She's wasn't part of our group growing up. She doesn't belong with us." "I don't kno...
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