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BlogUnderstanding Publishing

Posted on Dec 19, 2019

Copy editing services... from actual copy editors!

Tired of other copy editing services robotically pairing you up with a random, featureless editor? Experience something different with Reedsy, which gives you free access to the thorough profiles of 500+ copy editors — and the power to pick your own professional.

Meet Reedsy’s publishing professionals and gain access to world-class copy editing services

If you’ve got the manuscript, we’ve got the copy editors who can turn it into a bestseller. Reedsy is home to hundreds of the best copy editors in the business, and you can see all of their credentials before choosing the one who’s the perfect fit for your book. Our rigorous vetting process accepts only the top 3% of talent in the industry, so the quality of our copy editors is unmatched. Whatever your budget is, you’ll be getting the most bang for your buck.

Work on your book with a professional copy editor.

The best copy editors are right here on Reedsy. Meet them today!

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But first…what does it mean to get a copy edit?

Once you’re satisfied with the big-picture structure and content of your book, it’s time to turn to the copy edit. Copy editing is the next stage in the editing process where a professional editor “fine-tunes” the text of your book to perfection. This means that a copy edit will address all of the things that might have previously escaped your notice, including grammar mistakes, typos, unnecessary repetition, and punctuation slip-ups. A copy edit will also catch any inconsistencies in your story — from erratic tonal shifts to conflicting descriptions of a character.

A copy edit is critical if your goal is to take your manuscript to the next level and publish a polished, enjoyable book. Before you commit to a collaboration for a copy edit, make sure that this is the type of editing that your book needs. To understand the difference between a developmental edit, a copy edit, and a proofread, we recommend reading this guide on the types of editing common in the publishing industry.

What’s the average going rate for copy editing services?

The average going rate for copy editing services on Reedsy is about $1,020, or about $5 per page. However, this can vary wildly, depending on the manuscript, genre, and copy editor! Use the calculator below to get a more personalized estimate of your potential copy editing costs. P.S. It’s completely free to reach out to a copy editor on Reedsy and ask for their quote.

Pricing calculator

Calculate the average cost of editing services for your genre.

Editorial Assessment

Developmental Editing

Copy Editing


Please note: these numbers are simply averages and do not include picture books, whose word counts differs massively from those of other genres.

Why can you trust the copy editors on Reedsy?

While other copy editing services match you up with a faceless editor, Reedsy offers increased power over your decisions, a transparent and personalized experience, and certified quality. Every editor on our marketplace has a thorough profile that describes their background and past projects. We take the caliber of our freelancers very seriously, and you’ll find that many of our publishing professionals have previously worked on bestselling books for top publishers — including the Big 5.

Starting a collaboration is even simpler. At any time, you can select up to five copy editors with whom you’d want to collaborate. One or more of your chosen editors will reply with a quote tailored for your book if they also wish to work with you. The collaboration will begin once you establish terms and a timeline, and our service team is available around the clock to assist you every step of the way.

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