When the Stars Align

Submitted into Contest #245 in response to: Write a story in which a character navigates using the stars.... view prompt


Romance Happy

Apr 1, 2024 - Apr 7, 2024 - Spring is in full bloom, but you might feel like you’re in the deep freeze when Mercury goes into retrograde in your expansion zone on Monday. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have time to reexamine your beliefs and morals, and this could lead to some eye-opening discoveries, for better or worse. However, love can be a daring adventure when Venus enters Aries and your expansion zone on Thursday. Your passion knows no bounds, Leo, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. You might find someone who understands you and your passion. End the week on a romantic note when Venus sextiles Pluto in Aquarius on Saturday. Spring fling season is in full swing, making this a great day for love affairs, date nights, and doing things you enjoy. Doing things with your partner can double your enjoyment, so have fun! (Horoscopes.com)

Iris’s Mondays have always started the same. As a freelance copywriter who works from home, she makes her own schedule, rolling out of bed around nine. She’ll throw on sweatpants and a T-shirt, put her hair in a ponytail, grab some coffee, and sit down with her laptop to read her weekly horoscope. She read her horoscope twice, committing it to memory. A huge believer in astrology, she navigates her life according to the stars. It looked like she might need a little time to herself to begin the week but come Thursday, she will need to put herself out there to find romance. This prospect excited Iris. Coming off six months of being single after a year-long commitment, she was ready to try again.

She opened her email and found that she had one job for a nutritional supplement. She opened it and read over some of the details. Pulling up Word, she began brainstorming ideas. She thought she had a couple good ones when her cat, Moses, jumped in the middle of her keyboard – lkbkjvkhcvhjgcx. Putting the cat on the floor with an aggravated sigh, she tapped the undo arrow and got up to feed the cat. At that point, she had lost motivation. She felt like showering and watching The Price is Right before lunch.

Iris turned on the shower, neglecting to use any cold water. The hot water turned her skin red and her bathroom into a sauna, but she felt the stiffness in every inch of her body subside and her blood flow more freely, the essence of fresh botanicals from her body wash rejuvenating her spirit. She toweled off and got dressed, making her feel like a new woman. After her game show, she had lunch and worked until dinner. She made beef stir-fry and ate it while watching Wheel of Fortune. She streamed a movie before heading to bed where she played with her social media accounts until her eyes got heavy.

Tuesday was practically a repeat of Monday, but there was no work in her inbox for Wednesday, giving her the idea to make it a self-reflection day. Instead of a shower she decided on a bath, candlelit with bubbles and a little smooth jazz to relax the mind. She stayed in there until the bubbles disappeared and the water grew cold. Getting dressed, she drove over to the Botanical Garden, someplace she hadn’t been in a while, and went for a walk. The vivid colors and delicate scents gave her pleasant thoughts as she strolled the pathways. Inside the massive main greenhouse, it was like a jungle paradise while outside bulb gardens bloomed brightly where she took time to admire her namesake. From there, she stopped by her parent's house for a surprise visit. It had been a while since she had been over there to see them. She was caught up on all the family gossip and they reminisced of her younger days. They had dinner and Iris returned home.

Iris got home and broke out her laptop where she reflected on her reflections. Talking to her parents reminded her that she always wanted to write a novel. She was going to make time for that from now on. She really enjoyed the outdoor portion of her walk. She has been spending too much time indoors and wants to get outside more. She knows she is not overweight by any means, but she’s not as tone as she would like to be. She’s thinking about getting out of bed earlier and jogging in the mornings, killing two birds with one stone. And although she doesn’t need a man, she does want someone to share life’s experiences with. She would love to travel but doesn’t want to travel alone. She would like to be a mother. She’s only twenty-seven and has time, but it rests at the back of her mind. She switches her computer for her cell phone and begins her bedtime routine.

Thursday. Iris was excited. Love was a possibility. She had a job in her inbox working as part of a campaign for a new Mountain Dew flavor. She showered and dressed quickly, fed the cat, and grabbed her laptop. Her plan was to head down to Mother’s Cupboard for coffee and muffins. Iris hoped being in public would draw her a suitor. She bought herself a large caramel latte and a chocolate chip muffin, taking a table by the window. It wasn’t long before she caught someone’s attention.

“Iris? Iris Brinker?”

“Yes,” she replies looking up at a tall, broadly built, handsome man that she doesn’t recognize.

“It’s me, Matt Thompson, from Hillsdale High.”

“Oh my god, Matty! Wow, have you filled out. How long has it been?”

“Since high school graduation. I went on to state. Now I’m working as an electrical engineer. What have you been up to?”

“Please, take a seat. I’m a freelance copywriter. I’m working on an ad campaign for Mountain Dew now.”

“No kidding. I always knew you’d do something with writing. English was a breeze for you. Do you remember all those fantastical stories you used to write?”

With a laugh, Iris says, “Yeah, I still have those. I’m thinking about starting a novel next week.”

“That’s exciting. I have no doubt it will be great.”

“So how is life personally? Do have a wife and kids?”

“No, I never married. Never found the right one. You?”

“Never found the right one.”

“I really hate to cut this short, but I need to get to the office. Do you want to exchange numbers?”

“I would love that, Matt. Here, let me see your phone. Call me anytime,” Iris says as she enters her number.

Matt backs out with the same love-struck smile he used to give her in high school. He was sweet, but short and gangly with big feet. She liked him but wouldn’t have dated him. She didn’t date anyone. She didn’t catch the dating bug until she was in her twenties. In high school, she just liked having friends. But now Matt looks to be six-two and weighing about a buck ninety of solid muscle with very masculine features. A late bloomer. Iris was pleased with the chance meeting and hopeful.

Iris enters her apartment and her cell rings. It’s Matt. He wasn’t wasting any time.


“Hey, Iris, It’s Matt. I know we just talked, but I’d really like to do some more catching up. What would you say to dinner tomorrow night at Maria’s, my treat.”

“I would say I would love to. What time?”

“Does seven work for you?”

“Seven works fine. I’ll see you then.”

They hung up and Iris couldn’t help but feel excited. She grabbed Moses and spun him around as she squealed like a teenage girl, the cat glaring at her as if she must die.

Friday evening came and Iris met Matt at Maria’s, as nice a place as you can eat without needing a reservation days in advance. He was an absolute gentleman, pulling out her chair and always topping off her wine without needing to be asked. They laughed over the days together in high school, and they laughed over their failed relationships, having a good time over good food. After splitting a desert, Iris decided to listen to her horoscope and put her principles aside. She invited Matt back to her place. There they opened a bottle of wine and sat on her bed. They talked about their goals and dreams, finding out they have a lot in common. They talked politics and religion, sharing their own opinions, ideals, and theories, finding even more in common. Iris was going on about her opinions concerning abortion when she heard a small, gentle snore. She looked over her shoulder to find Matt asleep. Checking her phone, it was after four in the morning. She grabbed a blanket and curled up beside him where they slept together until after noon.

When Iris woke, Matt was looking at her adoringly, watching her sleep. “How do you feel about spending the day together,” he asked, brushing the hair from her face.

Reflecting back on her horoscope, Iris answers, “I think that would great.”

He took her to a bistro that he regulars for lunch. Then it was off to Six Flags. As teenagers, their group of friends spent their summer days there, riding every ride at least twice. Having just opened and the day being nice, the place was crowded, so they settled for getting in as many rides as they could at least once. Unlike their teen years, they had money, so they could afford drinks and those huge turkey legs the vendors sell. They played games. Both of them won prizes, each giving them to the other. They got stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel while they loaded more passengers. Iris was admiring the view while Matt was admiring her. When she turned to face him, he took her face in his hand, and he kissed her. She took his hand and smiled. The smile would not leave her face for the rest of the day. Her heart was radiating joy when he dropped her off at home. They kissed several times. She didn’t want to let him go.

Her horoscope said nothing about Sunday, but she woke up feeling more alive than she had ever felt. Matt called late that morning and they talked for a couple hours. He said he had a lot to do around the house before heading back to work on Monday. As Iris was getting ready for bed, her cell rang. It was Matt again. They talked until she fell asleep. 

April 07, 2024 11:12

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Michelle Oliver
13:02 Apr 09, 2024

I’ve always wondered if there was anyone in the world for whom the horoscopes are true, now I know, haha. Cute take on the prompt.


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Hannah Lynn
01:43 Apr 09, 2024

Fun story! Great take on the prompt!


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Mary Bendickson
17:51 Apr 08, 2024

Sounds to good to be true. Wish them well!😄


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Darvico Ulmeli
06:43 Apr 08, 2024

Lovely story. I was cheering for them. Enjoyed.


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Trudy Jas
17:12 Apr 07, 2024

:-) Free-lance copywriting must pay very well, if she can make a living doing one and half hours work per week. Where do I sign up? Wonderful narrative of an airhead. LOL


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Alexis Araneta
15:56 Apr 07, 2024

As usual, splendid flow and great imagery. Lovely job.


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