
Once there was a family of four. A couple having 2 children, a boy and a girl. The boy was of age 3 and the girl was of 7. The man of the house(Joseph) was a Business tycoon and his wife(Serina) was a Household lady. It was a happiest family ever. Joseph loves his wife and children alot. He was struggling too much for them to give a better lifestyle. He used to visit different countries in the world. He was a famous business man in his hometown even in many other countries like: Spain, Iran, USA, KSA, China, Bermingum, Germany. He visited there in terms of his business tours leaves all his family in the hometown. Whenever he used to go abroad, he always mentioned her wife holding both of her hands: "If you ever want or need something, I'm just a call away."

Once, he was in Denmark for his official tour. His little son was playing in a street with some of his friends. Suddenly, he got a road accident and was fainted. He was hit by the car. Her mother rushed towards him, she just saw him and his forehead which was full of bleeding.

She took him to a nearby hospital. The doctors saw him and took him to the I.C.U. Serina was walking outside the doors of I.C.U curiously having no idea that what's gonna happen to his child now. She was praying too for her child's life to GOD.

After sometime, the doctor came outside from the I.C.U. He told Serina that your child have lost alot of blood. It is not good for him. We don't have too much time. You have to arrange his blood sample which is O-Negative on urgent basis. In such cases, the patients are not supposed to survive due to wastage of blood. And he is a small child now. He is leading his childhood age. Move around, call someone or visit other foundations for the same blood sample. But make sure you have to arrange it in just 2 hours.

Serina was soo shocked that what just doctor said??? "We don't have too much time".

She was soo confused. She just got remember that her husband Joseph have O-Negative blood. It will match by him. My son will be alright soon.

She called Joseph. She called alot. But as he was busy in a meeting with the board of directors, he couldn't receive the calls. Serina was also texting him, but he was not responding. She got worried and visit the Blood Donation Foundations nearby. She could not found the same sample of blood as it was so rare. She again made him a call but he was still not responding. Serina sat there in front of her child seeing him dying and was repeatedly saying "O my baby, i could not do anything for you, please forgive your Mom."

She was weeping badly.

Almost after four to five hours, when Joseph got free from the meeting, he checked his phone. And got amazed seeing soo many calls and texts. He called back Serina but her cell phone was switched off. He Booked his ticket to his hometown and came back. When he entered his home no one was there. He shouted Serina Serina.

Suddenly, his next door neighbor step forward in his house. And told him that your son had a severe accident. Serina took him to the hospital. Joseph asked him: "Am i too much late?". The neighbor replied it's been 8 to 9 hours almost . And told him about the hospital. Joseph went there. He asked a receptionist about the emergency case headed by girl named "Serina".

The receptionist told him to go upstairs.

When he reached there he saw a young beautiful woman of blonde haircut, was sitting near a bed. Having her dead child in her arms.He came forward to watch out. It was Serina sitting with her baby girl.

He saw her and the tears in her eyes.

Joseph asked her: "Serina! What just happened?"

She was not responding as she was not in her senses completely. He came closer to her, sat there, holding her hand: "What happened Serina!!! Talk to me please"

Serina looked at him so eagerly. And said: "I have lost my child. We have lost our child.... Just because of your absence. I was calling you. I was texting you. I was looking for a blood sample. But no one helped me. Even you didn't. What were you saying before leaving: " I'm just a call away ".....Right??? So where were you now??Joseph! He was in a situation of life and death. He was in too much pain. Your blood was required for him. But you were not there for him, for us. For you all that matters is Money, your business, business tours...along with your success. Does humanity exists or not???

It was not the loss of your damn business.

It was about my child. Our child. It was about his life. Our chram. But it's you who have ended everything. Your negligence ended up with our son. There's nothing in my hands now. All that you want is to become a "Well known business man". So congratulations Mr. Joseph, now you are."

She said and stepped away from Joseph. He was looking at his son with tears in his eyes and said: " I'm sorry honey."

And shouted: " Serina...Dear please stop."

Serina turned around and said: " We have lost our child. Ashamed of you Joseph." and went away.

It means, sometimes we all have our own reasons to deny. But still there's need to be a true one. Running after the money or world's jewels may catch from you.... your all relations.

So, we should prefer our families, friends and relatives on first priority as compare to other activities.

Because sometimes life don't even give a second chance to make it correct and then better. And then all what we got is only the "Regression".

January 29, 2021 21:32

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Bharoon Mirza
07:24 Jan 30, 2021

Wonderful story Amazing


Sarosh Anjum
08:47 Jan 30, 2021

Thanks Bhai 😊


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Rizwan Niaz
00:19 Jan 30, 2021

Nice one Sarosh. Worth reading 👍


Sarosh Anjum
08:48 Jan 30, 2021

Thanks Mamo jan❤️


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Amna Sanoor
21:47 Jan 29, 2021

Well done sarosh...amazing 👏


Sarosh Anjum
21:52 Jan 29, 2021

Thanks Amna☺️


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Na Mughal
13:50 Jan 30, 2021

Wonderfull story ... Interesting .... ❤👌🏻


Sarosh Anjum
13:57 Jan 30, 2021

Thanks Nayab❤️


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Mahrukh Shakir
13:43 Jan 30, 2021

I read It ----- Very interesting Story .. And your thought also.... Words Collection and story both WonderFul💞


Sarosh Anjum
13:58 Jan 30, 2021

Wow Mahrukh..... Thank you soo much💕💕


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12:38 Jan 30, 2021

Your article is very good. You conveyed a good message through your artilce. Stsy blessed


Sarosh Anjum
13:58 Jan 30, 2021

Thanks Bhai ❤️


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