Fiction Romance

 I hadn’t really been back to my hometown since I had left for college almost ten years ago. My parents had moved not long after I left so I had no real reason to come back. I didn’t really want to be here now, but I had made promises that I needed to keep. I was in town for my ten year class reunion. That wasn’t entirely true. I was here to see my friends, especially Jeff.

Jeff had been my best friend in high school, and we had almost dated. We decided that since we were going to colleges that were so far from each other that we would remain friends, but if we were both still single after at our ten year reunion we would give it a try. So I had taken a month off of work to come out for the reunion to see what might happen.

The Main Street Bar was pretty much the only bar in town to go to. They had a stage for live bands on the weekends, and karaoke on Thursday nights, which is why I was here tonight. Jenny and Megan were in choir in school and still loved to sing and suggested drinks and karaoke. Jeff and I were both in band, but both of had decent enough voices so we had all agreed.

I was the first to arrive, I usually was, so I grabbed us a table where we could see the stage but we far enough away to be able to talk comfortably. I had ordered a drink and was looking at the menu trying to decide on what to order, I had heard their food was really good, when someone sat down next to me.

“Hi, I’m Greg. Can I buy you a drink?”

Greg Franks, all-star athlete and first class asshole of the class of 2010, was sitting next to me offering to buy me a drink. He still looked about the same. Around 6’ tall fit body like he still worked out. Blonde hair just long enough to run your fingers through, Blue eyes the color of a clear blur sky, and full soft looking lips that I fantasized about kissing so many times in high school. Okay, so maybe I had once had a bit of crush on him, every girl in school did, but that was a long time ago.

“I already have a drink, thanks.”

“Well, can I join you for a drink?”

“No, I’m meeting some friends.”

“At least tell me your name.”

He didn’t even recognize me. We went to school together since kindergarten and he didn’t remember me. I know I had changed since High school, but I didn’t think it was that much. I no longer had braces, I had gotten them off senior year. I was only about 5’4” and still a little overweight, Most of that was in my breasts, I had lost about 30 pounds though. I was still what most people might call curvy, but I was very comfortable with my body. I still had long straight brown hair, and dark brown eyes, that many had told me were my best feature. I guess I just really was invisible to him in school.

“I don’t think so. You need to go my friends are here.”

Megan and Jenny had just arrived. I waved them over and they came right away. I stood to give them hugs.

“Megan! Jenny! I’m so Happy to see you! It’s been so long.” I practically squealed.

“You look amazing Vivian” Megan said.

“It’s true what they say about pregnant women, you are positively glowing.” I remarked to Megan, who was five months pregnant. “Jenny you haven’t changed at all.”

“Wait a minute, Vivian?” Greg said looking between the three of us. “Vivian Morgan? Wow! You really changed. Maybe we can catch up while you’re in town? I’m guessing you are here for the reunion this weekend.”

“I don’t think so.” I responded hoping he would get the not so subtle hint and go away.

Two hands covered my eyes and a familiar voice whispered “Guess who?”

“Jeff!” I turned and threw my arms around my best friend.

Jeff had barely changed at all. He was still cute in that geeky way that I had always liked. Black rimmed glasses that framed his bright green eyes. His curly red hair that seem liked he never combed it, but it was just the way it always looked.

“I can’t believe we are all back together again.” I said happily.

“Let’s all sit down and order some food. I’m starving.” Megan said. “Since I can’t drink I can be the DD to if I need to be.”

We sat at our table and grabbed our menus. Then I noticed Greg was sitting at the table with us. I was trying to figure out what he was still doing here. Hadn’t I already gotten rid of him?

“What are you doing?” I asked looking right at Greg.

“I’m going to order some food. They have amazing burgers here.” he replied.

“That’s great, but why are you at our table?”

“We all went to school together. I’m just trying to catch up with some old class mates. What’s wrong with that?”

“It’s okay Viv let him stay.” Megan said. “We’re going to be seeing a lot of old classmates this week. We may as well get used to it.”

“Fine,” I replied, clearly irritated.

We all studied our menus and when the server came back ordered our food. I ordered another drink and a double shot of Fireball. I was going to need it if was going to have to deal with Greg all night.

“So,” Greg started, “I know that Megan is a legal assistant and married with child number two on the way. Jeff is a chef at some fancy restaurant and still single. What about you Jenny? What have you been up to?”

“I’m an accountant at a firm in Indianapolis.” Jenny replied. “I’m not married, but I’ve been with me partner Laura for five years. She will be here for the reunion, but couldn’t get off from the hospital for more than the weekend. What about you Greg? What are you doing these days?”

“Well, I’m recently divorced, and in between jobs, after I caught my wife cheating with my boss. I decided it would be a good idea to seek employment elsewhere. I currently have a couple of offers that look good. Especially the one on the other side of the country.”

“Wait didn’t you marry Lisa Davies?” Megan asked.

“Yes I did.”

“And didn’t you work at the High school?”

“Yes I did.”

“And wasn't your boss Stan Marsh?

“Yes he was.”

We all inhaled sharply. Lisa Davies was the head cheerleader and Greg’s high school sweetheart. Stan March was Greg’s best friend since grade school. That had to hurt. I almost felt pity, for him especially knowing they were both probably going to be at the reunion together.

The server came back with our drinks. I downed my shot and ordered another. Guess I was going to be taking Megan up on that DD offer after all.

“Enough about me.” Greg said. “What have you been doing Vivian?”

“I am the music director at a private school on the west coast,” I replied. “I also teach private lessons to any of the students who want or need the extra instruction.”

“That sounds great. I know you always had a great love for music.”

I didn’t realize Greg knew anything about me, let alone my love of music.

“It’s not my dream job, but it is very rewarding to be able to pass on my love of music to others.”

“What is your dream job?” Greg asked.

“I always wanted to play in an orchestra, but the competition is really tough, and I’m just not quite good enough. Instead I decided to try to help others achieve their dreams or just indulge in their passion. Plus I still get to play.”

“I find it hard to believe that you weren’t good enough. I remember hearing you play, you were fantastic. Probably the best person in our band.”

“Thanks,” I replied, confused. “I didn't know you had ever heard me play.”

Our server brought our food then and we were mostly silent as we began to eat. The food really was excellent. After we were finished Jeff asked to speak with me privately.

“So Viv,” he started. “I know we were supposed to try this whole dating thing while you were here, but I met someone recently. I wasn’t sure where it was going so I didn’t bring it up before. But, I really like her and we are getting pretty serious. I hope you aren’t too upset with me and we can still be friends.”

“Of course we will still be friends. I won’t lie and say I’m not upset, but I understand. Sometimes you just meet that one and you know it’s right. I’m really happy for you.”

“I’m so glad you understand.” He said giving me a hug before we returned to our table.

I guess I could use the extra time off to go visit with my parents after the reunion. Or just go back home and get a head start on lessons for next year. I would figure it out. For now more drinks and it was time for karaoke to start. I went up and signed up to sing some karaoke.

Everyone, including Greg signed up to sing. I didn’t know that he sang. He was really surprising me tonight. We all ordered another round of drinks including some shots and sat back down to await our turns at karaoke.

“You really don’t remember do you?” Greg asked me.

“Remember What?”

“My sister Kelly was in band with you. She was 2 years behind you and you used to help her out by working with her after school. You even did a duet with her at solo and ensemble your senior year. You guys we fantastic. I went to all of her concerts and competitions that I could go to.”

“Oh my gosh, I completely forgot that Kelly was your sister. I never realized that you were at our concerts and competitions.”

“Yeah. Our mom was a single mom and worked a lot and couldn’t always make it, so I tried to make sure Kelly had some there to support her when I could.”

The karaoke host called Greg up to sing. As he got up and sang ‘You Give Love A Bad Name’ by Bon Jovi I was surprised at how good he really was. I realized how little I knew about Greg Franks.

I was up after Greg. I sang ‘Ex’s and Oh’s’ by Elle King. Next up was Megan. She decided to sing ‘Faithfully’ by Journey.

“Dance with me?” Greg asked.

“I don’t know.” I replied.

“Come on, it’s just a dance. I love this song.”

“Alright I guess.”

“You know, I always thought you were kinda cute. You had the prettiest eyes, and your smile was breathtaking, especially after your braces came off senior year.” Greg said as we started to dance.

“Ah, so that’s why you and your friends used to pick on me and call me names all the time. Kinda like when you used to pull my pigtails in kindergarten.”

“I never picked on you or called you names, I just never stopped my friends from doing. I’m sorry that I didn’t. I was just a stupid kid. Can you forgive me for being an idiot?”

“I suppose so. Thinking back I guess I don’t really remember you doing any of the things the others did. I just thought I was kinda invisible to you.”

“You weren’t invisible to me, especially after you started working to help my sister in band. I was a little intimidated by you though.”

You were intimidated by me?”

“Yeah. You were smart, talented, funny and we already established that I thought you were cute. Plus you really didn’t seem to like me very much, although looking back I can see why.”

The song was over and we went back to our seats. Jeff was the next one up. He was singing some country song that I didn’t know because I didn’t really listen to country music.

“Be my date to the reunion?” Greg asked uncertainly. “Unless you already have a date that is.”

“No. I mean yes I will be your date. No I don’t have a date. I was supposed to go with Jeff, but he started dating someone new recently. Actually I took a whole month off of my private lessons to come and spend time with him to see if we could rekindle our almost romance from high school.”

“His loss then. I’m really glad I ran into you tonight and that I don’t know how to take no for an answer.”

“You know what? Me too. I was thinking of ending my vacation early, but maybe I will stick around for a while.”

December 18, 2020 17:00

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