Crime Drama

Neila’s POV

“Yes, I did it,” I answered Amelia, she’s my friend. The only person I would consider a friend. We’re not as close as other friends but she’s the only person I’m closest to, except for my boyfriend, Noah but everyone knows that that won’t go anywhere.

She messaged me ten minutes ago to meet up in the park. I didn’t know why she wanted to at first but I understood when she asked me the question, did you do it?

“What? Why? How? When?” She asked. I can see in her eyes that she’s freaking out. Why is she freaking out so much? It’s not like I did something bad that she knows of.

“You’re being too inquisitive,” I answered. I don’t like it when she talks too much; it makes me frustrated and some other bad feeling.

“This isn’t a joke; don’t joke around like that,” she stated. She gets bossy too sometimes and I hate people who push me around.

“I don’t understand you. Why would you call me here in the middle of the night just to ask that to me and say that I’m joking?” I don’t understand people. They make so many mistakes and do things that I don’t understand, that’s why I don’t understand them.

“I don’t understand you too. Why do you think that this is a joke? You could get in trouble for this, you know that right?” She asked. How can she not understand me? I’m being very clear here; I have the best enunciation in our school.

“I never stated nor indicated that this is a joke, you’re the one who said that.” If we had a sonographer, I’d win this argument so hard.

“Your actions show that you’re not taking this seriously.” I’m standing straight in the bottom of the slide while she’s sitting on top of it as if she really wants to slide down and play.

“My actions are completely appropriate. I’m the only person who’s being appropriate in a non-appropriate place like this.” We’re on a playground, we’re talking about a private matter and she chose a playground for us to talk in.

“Can you just answer my questions?” She asked, being impatient. I get annoyed when people gets impatient in front of me, I’m impatient too but am I showing it?

“Which one?” I wouldn’t be able to answer her properly with all the questions she asked.

“All of them.” She’s being sassy; I hate it when people get audacious around me. I’m always appropriate, saying adequate stuff and standing or sitting straight.

“You asked what at first right? Well, I said that I did it.” I have an immaculate memory; I just don’t show it sometimes to get an advantage.

“Why did you do it? You broke his heart Neila,” she stated. Why would she care if I broke his heart? He cheated on me, he broke me first.

“How can you know that I broke his heart? Were you there when I did it?” I asked and I saw her purse her lips. It’s her tell, I always observe people and I know everyone’s tell, it’s very evident actually.

Amelia purses her lips when she’s lying, Noah looks down when he’s lying to avoid eye contact. “I-I just know,” she said, stuttering. Another tell.

“To answer your question, I did it because I want to.” I do everything that I want, I’m not scared of consequences, I know how to get out of them.

“He’s out there somewhere, hurt. Do you not feel bad for him?” I don’t feel bad for anyone for they deserve everything that they get, especially him.

“To answer your question, no. Next question is how, I just did it. Do you not think of me as the kind of person who can do that?” Does she look down on me?

“Yes Neila, I don’t think you’re the kind of person who can do that. You’re fragile and weak; you can never do that to Noah who’s strong and muscular.” She’s wrong; I can do anything I want

“Next question, when. I think its last week; it’s actually funny how no one has found him yet.” I laugh every time I remember that no one has found him yet. Every day I see police cars patrolling everywhere and they haven’t found him yet.

“Did you do something to him?” She asked and slid down the slide. Why would she ask that again?

“I already answered you, yes.” He cheated on me so I killed him, what’s so hard to understand.

“That’s not what I was talking about. I was asking if you already broke up with him.”

“I guess we have a bit of a misunderstanding.”

“Neila, Where is he?”

“Which part?” It’s actually hard to bury a whole body without being noticed so I figured, why not cut him up into pieces then bury him. It’s a good thing I decided to chop him up before killing him; his screams were like music to my ears.

“Because his heart is in you,” I added. I cooked his heart and gave it to Amelia afterward.

Amelia quickly went on all fours, vomiting. “You can’t do anything, you already ate him.”

“How can you do this to him?” How can I not?

“You should thank me for not doing that to you.” His dead body was enough for me but it would take more than that for her to make me satisfied.

“What are you talking about?” She asked as she looked up to me, her eyes were filled with terror.

“Don’t play dumb, just confess to your sins and maybe I’ll forgive you,” I said as I moved down to her level. I know that she’s who Noah’s cheating with. He confessed to it before I took his heart out although I knew it before that, I can tell by how she looks at him and how they act in front of each other.

“I won’t confess to anything.”

“You know that the punishment is bigger if you don’t confess right?” I asked. She’s already caught; why not confess to it already?

Amelia suddenly stood up and bumped my head to the bar on the slide. I looked up to her and smiled as I wiped the blood from my forehead, “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

She was about to run away when police cars surrounded us.


“Can you tell us what happened?” An officer asked. They brought us both to the police station to take our statements.

You know what would make me satisfied? If I saw her in jail for killing Noah. Everyone that wrongs me gets punished, the last person that did that died, her name, Neila.

“She messaged me earlier to meet up with her in the park and we talked for a little while. Then she suddenly confessed about killing Noah and said that I would be next.”

November 19, 2020 09:05

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