Happy Romance Fiction

Finally! I got to invite my entire cooking class to my place. It is the end of the semester of our culinary program. I would like to be a chef of a prestigious restaurant in the future. We just completed our final exams. I did great! I decided to host a cookie exchange evening at my place to celebrate the end of the term. Moreover, I know, I will ace this last exam. Maybe with the best grade. I just completed my first year of four.

I never was the math or science type of guy. I was not into literature or languages. I was not into sports. I was not into business, finances or economics. However, I found my niche in the kitchen. You can say that I am creative and artistic. That I belong to the world of art. The culinary art.

It all started as kid when I was watching The Food Network with my mom. If there was one channel we would agree upon, it was this one. My mom is a great cook. She can cook all kinds of meals, desserts and appetizers.

My mom is a single mom. My dad left us when I was five. It was extremely difficult for my mom and myself. I remember, I was about to start kindergarten and my dad just vanished. My mom became my mom and my dad. For me, she is my world. I think my dad had an affair and ran away with another woman. My mom would not tell me the full story. That is fine with me. I accept it. Because…in the end, she is here with me, since the day I was born, and she has been supporting me financially and emotionally. 

After high school I decided to take a year off. No college, no school, no work. But…I did help my mom in the house with the cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, errands, groceries, drive her to work, pick up her up from work and most importantly, help with breakfast and supper. In fact, not help, I would cook those meals myself. Lunch was not a big deal because my mom would not come home during the lunch hour. She would eat at work. I would still manage to get her a healthy sandwich so she can take at work. My mom used to prepare my lunch for school as a kid. Now it is my turn. A good sandwich usually but I would make it elaborate. Spice it up, season it, add special ingredients, sauces, etc. My mom would be my critic. It was important that I prepare healthy meals for my mom. For desserts…I would spoil her.

After a full year off from the end of my high school, I decided to join the culinary school. For me, that was my calling. It was not too far from my home, in Buffalo, New York. I did not want to leave my mom on her own, and I did not have the luxury to move out and pay a rent, and pay for my culinary program. I will be busy with my cooking school and I will need to find a job on the weekend. This program is quite expensive. A good $20,000 and four years of my life. I better be ready, prepared and I must go for it. My mom will help me a little bit, but I don’t want to put that pressure on her financially. We make a good team. We will help out each other.

Since day one of my culinary school, I felt this huge crush on this fellow student. She is also a first-year student and we have all the same classes. Her name? Jessica Myers. I remember she came in late in her first class ever, and she was on crutches. I took pity on her and at same time, I felt she stole my heart. It was a theory class. Chef Jackson advised Jessica go to sit to the desk beside me.

‘’Jessica, welcome to your first day and to this school. We forgive you today even though you are late. You are on crutches after all. You can take the seat beside Mr. Ryan Axel.’’

The teacher, or chef, I would say, knew our names because we had a name tag posted on our desk. I felt like I was back preschool.  As Jessica, came by my desk, she noticed that I noticed her. I looked straight in her eyes for only a second, with a smile, and she smiled back at me. Was that a good sign? I think so…

I had all my classes with her, same schedule, and same teachers. I was studying to become a chef and on the other hand I am thinking that I have met the woman of my life. Going to school was fun on a daily basis. In the culinary field, team work and communication are very important. Jessica and I, we worked on all the projects together, when the teacher allowed to work in team of two or more. Her skills never disappointed me.

My mom knew that I had feeling for Jessica. After the semester ended, first year completed, and I knew I had passed with great grades, my mom suggested me that maybe I should invite my classmates, including Jessica, of course, to a cookie exchange evening, and at the same time get to know her more on a personal level. So far, it was only cooking related and I was too shy to ask her out or ask her personal questions, beside about culinary topics.

I had asked all the students from my class to bring their own cookie creation. We can have like a potluck. I was so shy to ask Jessica out, that I needed this plan to get closer to her. My mom had suggested me this plan. I love when a plan comes together!

Finally, the day arrived. Almost, 6 PM. They will be getting here soon. As my classmates begin to arrive, I was excited but nervous at the same time. With this ploy, I was wondering with Jessica would think that it was a way to get to know her. I invited everyone. I guess she will not be suspicious.

Jessica arrived last, around 7 PM. My mom opened the door to her. As she entered the house, to me, it was like an angel entering heaven. She was wearing this long red dress, red shoes and this red lipstick. A perfect combination.

We started sharing our cookies. We all had potential to be pastry chefs, I think. As the evening was moving forward, I finally got chance to taste at the cookies of Jessica. 

‘’Jessica, love your cookies. Secret family recipe or you came up with it?’’

‘’I tried something new on my own. I was not sure how my chocolate mint cookies would come out.’’

‘’You did a great job. I give you a perfect score.’’

‘’Ah…. thanks! You are too kind. Now, my turn to judge you,’’ as she looks me with a smile.

After her first bite into my chocolate chip cookie, she closed her eye. As if she was having an orgasm. My mom did enjoy what I baked today but she is y mom. To have someone else to judge my work was a good change. Jessica was looking in my eyes while chewing meticulously, with a smile. My blood was rushing through my face and I think she saw it. 

‘’Ryan…oh boy, I love it!’’

‘’Ah thanks! But you are sure? Maybe I missed out something? Too sweet, too soft, too crunchy?’’

‘’Nah! I will give you ten out of ten,’’ as she looks at me with a mischievous smile. 

The evening went along. I had time to talk to all the attendees and get to know them a little better. The most important to my eyes was Jessica. She was the VIP guest that needed to be here tonight for this night to be successful.

As people started leaving, I paid close attention on the departure of Jessica. I walked her to her car. Open then door for her. Before she drove away, she kissed my left cheek, then smiled at me. I was in heaven…

I returned home. Closed the door. My mom was cleaning up. As I grabbed the cookie box of Jessica’s, I see a note in there.

Ryan…finally! I thought you were never going to ask me out. I think you were cunning to invite everyone tonight including myself. Was this a ‘’hidden’’ date? You did spend most of the evening with me and I enjoyed it a lot. It was nice seeing you in a setting other than in school. Thanks for the cookies, and I hope you will finish all of my cookies. Not all tonight. Hahaha! Hope we can meet outside of classes. Go out for a walk, coffee, tea or dinner. By the way, you look cute when you blush. Talk to you soon.

Oh wow! I feel good. I feel confident. I feel like I can now be a better artist in the kitchen. Next time I see Jessica, I will ask her out. I say to myself, Ryan, be a man! 

December 11, 2020 16:49

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