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Fantasy Fiction Friendship

           Woodland world

Woodland world was a developed world. It goes many thing with Woodland people, creatures, king and queen. For they are highly developed and uses developed technology for future.

               So there was a tiger teleported from Woodland to another world that was real world Saris.

                           In the Saris world it lives many human with less power. Only one thing is needed in Saris world to live which was love? So to does the love it lives many fairies in Saris world.

                                                         Thus tiger appears before an old man whose name was Fantom? As Fantom was only a person who was the writer and writes own story?

                                       Although the tiger was the creature of Woodland but came before Fantom of Saris world for taking a stick of fairy. And it was s fact that Fantom has an old magical book of fairies. From whose magical enchanting the fairy will come to him. And by whose stick power of stardust. It can be possible to defeat the other power.

                                                         So tiger talks to Fantom that hello Fantom, I have a work for you. The Fantom amazed and answered how you can speak? The tiger told that he is not the creature of Saris world. But he is from other world ie; Woodland. So I came before you to take the help which is a fairy stick? And from whose power we can conquer the dragon of our world which is Woodland?

                               Then Fantom told ok, what is your story of Woodland? Tiger told that apart from your world Saris there is another world Woodland. And I am the owner of army of that Woodland world. And I appear before you to communicate with us.

                                   After the communication I will have a fairy stick power whose power can defeat the evil dragon of our world and also defeat the dragon prince of Woodland world. Also we will free our king and queen.

                                                   So please give me your old magical book of fairy which is kept in your old library? The Fantom worried a little and told to tiger that please tell me the story of Woodland world creature then he will call the fairy of Saris world by the help of magical enchanting of magical book of fairies.

            Thus the story begin:-


          The dragon box cube

All main creature of Woodland world collected at a place. The animals were collected at a place for a critical problem. As the power of dragon box cube was found. The time has come to decide the right owner of dragon box cube. The dragon box cube was a box which will open at a fixed time and automatic five dragon will appear. Whose power will release the five dragon prince. And five dragon prince will rule the Woodland. As the dragon cube box was kept by the Sudan squirrel and Sanku giraffe from an ancient period.

        There was no postman in the Woodland world. Each creature has to work to carry the object. So it was the duty of Enject owl to carry the dragon cube box from one place to Alisha guitar girl whose power before the king Deck and queen Bobby can help them to rule in future world of Woodland. As Alisha guitar girl was the main protector of Woodland world. So Enject owl wearing a day glass and a music head phone in his neck carrying a bag of cube box was ready to reach at Alisha guitar girl.

                                                          So Enject owl was flying and at the base of land , there were five thieves who were doing the thievery at a bank of Woodland world. And they opened the fire of gun shot and the target of bullet reaches to the carrying bag of cube box which dropped from the sky to earth in a thieves vehicle. As the thievery had been done.

               Enject owl does not listen the fire gun shot sound. As he was listing the music full loud. And came at the Alisha guitar girl.


        One dragon out of five dragon

An Enject owl was not knowing that the cube box of dragon was dropped somewhere in the path. So Enject owl reaches at the Alisha guitar girl. So Alisha guitar girl was playing a guitar of her size and wearing a black hat with red coat. And to fight from enemy she needs some more power. As it was mention that the cube box of dragon will open Infront of whom? Who will be owner?And the dragon with dragon prince will be slave? From whose Infront it is possible?

              Thus Enject owl came at the window of Alisha guitar girl. And when he began to drop the cube box of dragon then he finds nothing in his neck. So Enject owl became surprised and looked towards own self. But then also he did not find the cube box of dragon. So he became upset.

                                  Alisha guitar girl when saw that the dragon cube box was not present. She became angry. So she took a game card from the purse. And dialed a digital number. The number blinks at the end was 45789 and it connects to the network game card of Sudan squirrel and Sanku giraffe. Both appear at the face of the card.

                                                   Alisha guitar girl told to Sudan squirrel and Sanku giraffe that did you sent the cube box of dragon? The Sudan squirrel and Sanku giraffe told, yes, he had sent the cube box of dragon. But Alisha guitar girl told that she did not get the cube box of dragon. Where is cube box of dragon? We don't know?

                               Then Sudan squirrel Sanku giraffe told very bad to Enject owl. Then Enject owl told that he was listing the music loud. So it dropped somewhere in path I don't know.

There were five thieves who had done the thievery and reached at his base. And opened all the bag of money. Then out of five thieves the one Thief found a shining cube box of dragon.

                                                The name of the five thieves were Tooker key, Simpher key, Doubter key, Goneme key and Simple key.

                        Including all the thieves the Simple key was smart Thief. So Simple key Thief took the shining dragon cube box and began to rotate it. Then watching him the Tooker key began to insist the Simple key that he wants the shining cube box. So a quarrel arises between them. And it dropped the cube box of dragon. And it broken. So smoke from the cube box of dragon began to rise and it appears one dragon.

And all four dragon became slave and does not come out forever inside the cube box of dragon. Which was broken by the two thieves? And all four dragon will never be freed again.


       The rule of dragon at Woodland

One dragon out of five dragon came out and told to the thieves that who had opened my cube box of dragon? I am slave before him. And my master prince will also a slave before him. Then Simple key told that he took the cube box of dragon. So dragon when saw the cube box broken he told humbug to thieves! That why you had broken the cube box? As my four friends will not appear now.


              Rule at Woodland

Then one dragon told to Simple key my master , I can do anything for you. Only you have to reach at the dragon prince to collect total power of us. Who is prisoner of the king Deck? So thieves began to plan to reach at prison of dragon prince.

                  And they secretly releases the dragon prince of Woodland who was in Deck king's prison. So all the thieves became powerful and attacks on the future palace of Woodland.

                                                 And now king Deck and queen Bobby is in prison of Woodland. And then it ends the story of Woodland.

                       Although the tiger an army of Woodland king Deck teleported in another world to save his kingdom from thieves. And he must reaches at the Saris world to take the help of fairy stick and then tiger told to Fantom that please search the history book of fairy magic from your old library. Then only you can call the fairy and she can help us by giving her stick power.

                                                 Then Fantom searched the history of fairy magical book and invoked the fairy.

                                           And it came the fairy and she gave him a stick power. And then tiger and Fantom communicated with Woodland world and defeated the dragon and thieves again.

March 22, 2021 18:49

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1 comment

19:00 May 30, 2021

Apart from a few grammatical errors, the story is solid! It reads like a folk tale. Nice job! Maybe fix up the spacing. Maybe did you press tab multiple times? Rando Writing Prompt: Write a story based on your own town, city or neighborhood.


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