Romance Drama Friendship

Early in the morning, there is an interview in wall mart company as secretary to CEO, Manager and chief secretary of the company Than 11 people are selected for these positions. In that, there are 2 boys remaining are girls . They are between 20-25years of age, all are youngsters Their names are Mayank Agarwal, Mike christ, Yumiko Dubler, Brynn cave, Eva rise, Grace nimmy, Ember Arnold Harini reddy,lahari, Alia zain ,Krithika all are from different parts of the world and different culture . They planned for a party after interview selections but girls told know all convinced they told they will think and let them know. The CEO of the company was a youngster that these people don't know. The people everyone one arrived except three people in that they are Mayank Aggarwal and Harini and lahari these two are best friends followed by Mayank Mayank had a crush on lahari, but lahari had treated him as a friend so he had expressed his feelings to her. The CEO of the company has arrived in the pub he is a stunning daring dashing Youngman once the girls see him they cannot turn their eyes on him. But suddenly lahari in white beautiful kurta and swinging hair she entered beautiful face everyone one is not able to turn eyes from her even the CEO also. All are asking her to dance trying to flirt with her but she is refusing everyone. Then the CEO approached hai, I am mithin aggarwal can u dance with me . She said yes to him all are gossiping that he is lucky to have her as a patner. Even though she rejected a friend also that is Mayank. They are enjoying on one side Someone spiked her drink he came to know now both are drunk he took her to his cabinet house in a 5-star hotel. They had started kissing and 15mins of liplock they had broken and took deep breathe what they are doing also don't know out of control . After romance, she stopped both went to sleep next to each other. They had shared their secrets completely she felt that he was his own after mayank. Early morning she woke up and was searching she found him beside she felt shy and guilty and kissed him on the forehead, and started waking him up but he pulled back and started deeply kissing her. She told him to wake up and left from there she got freshened up and asked him what is your profession meanwhile he gave an answer phone rand without listening she left from that place. Reached office in time and 5mins early. She hadn't had breakfast rats are running but all are waiting for the CEO will select the secretary to monitor the work, he will monitor 11 people then he will finalize the position in work . Suddenly the 16th-floor elevator opened whom she had seen in the pub is the same person she was thinking he is coming to meet her she is signaling that person to go but he is walking to them and all employees are wishing him, then she realized whom she had slept is CEO of the company she thought she will be fired. But he had chosen four people Harini Mayank Hrithik Alia. Other people will be given some project they had to finish and submit individually in pairs and in groups. Suddenly Harini came out from the cabin calling that boss wants to meet the remaining 7 people. All went inside Lahari's heart is beating heavily, she had introduced nervously he is seeing into her eyes while intro. He said everyone can leave except Lahari remaining people left except the previous manager that lady had a crush on him. Few mins later he asked her to go out she got angry she left the cabin. He came near and cupping her face said how was last night. suddenly she started asking what happened last night he had given cunning smile and nothing happened . She was a bit nervous. He is stepping in front she is going back and touched the wall no space to go .he will whisper I am not a devil, you had to move on with me,u will be my life partner she will be stunned for a moment. From Lahari native one allowance had come that is this person only but she doesn't know him she had not seen, he thought that she had seen his photo so she had come to his company for an interview. He supposed to ask someone will knock on the door that is none other than the previous secretary she was spying on them. She will leave from there with a smile on her face. she completes her work in time and submits . Her work is selected by the other company member, they will give the approval to start, there is a company party all are invited their will pre-event work presentation and signature are arranged this previous secretary played a cheap trick she will delete from the desktop. Lahari luckily she had stored in the drive and chip she starts presenting but his eyes meet her during the time of the presentation. They are behaving that they don't know each other. The relationship between them is boss and employee. Next week her engagement was fixed she hadn't seen yet that person suddenly her phone rings, that call is from whom she is going to get married.She got a sudden shock because she had already fallen for CEO and how come she can say no to him he was a very loyal person. She says that she was in love with the person in our company .He asks who is that person she says it is none of your business.He asks can we meet tomorrow so that we can tell our parents she says ok. when she turns back she saw the CEO behind her holding her waist she is trying to free her from him after some time he will leave her.Now the house owner's sister is coming back he wants to vacate the house in 3 days .The previous secretary says that her friend wants a roommate you can share here is the address.She will go but she finds a whore house one person behind says I want her .she says the thing one person he says this is not the place she had cheated you. her phone rings by mistake it was on and everything will be carefully listened to by the CEO.That person wants her at any cost she started running and runs into the arms of the CEO and he fights with them he throws some money and says she is my wife they all leave from there without asking one word.He offers her to stay with me I had informed my family they agreed .She had no other option she says yes she had shifted.He asks you require any help in packing .She teases him staying CEO is offering for help shall I trust just pinch me real r dream he kissed her forehead. Both unpack the things that are luxurious suite 8bhk with sophisticated and equipped house how can I repay u for this.No need to repay.if you say,I will get angry. You can cook for me.Next morning at the office,This incident in the office gives a big storm all are angry on the previous secretary. she tried to cover but not able to.Days passed on internship and the training period finished.He had selected everyone in a different position he had chosen her as a chief secretary of him Mayank as a secretary .

One fine morning Mayank came to CEO's house to take signs he got shocked seeing Lahari there. She explained the complete story he was angry with that secretary but he regrets that he didn't help her.Mithin is out of his room both hug like they know each other Time for breakfast, Mayank says Bhai -bro sign is required so I came moom told to take .she was in shock because she doesn't know they are both brothers and same family she knew the complete family of Mayank she knew one elder brother is their she didn't even imagine that he was CEO. She was in shock. He and she will have romantic moments but Mayank felt distressed. In front of everyone, they don't know each other. Mayank had jealousy in their relationship. He is eager to know but there is no point. Suddenly the CEO announces there is an anniversary party of the company and informs them he is going to sign a big deal and he is going to pick whom he is going to marry . Then suddenly the phone rings and tells me that the same day is your engagement from parents. Days pass one fine day that is a day of their engagement both aren't aware that Mayank is happy that his brother had changed because of Lahari. Mayank proposes Harini she accepts , Lahari is happy for both deal is signed engagement are in the same place all families are gathered . Suddenly the CEO appeared on the Dias and he will be speaking how he had met her everything suddenly her parents appear along with Harini and Mayank parents. Mayank mother on the dias as mithin mother and points at me as their daughter in law little bit confused and in the shock phase. She points at lahari as the wife of Mithin, Harini as the wife of her second son Mayank.The engagement followed by a marriage ceremony happened to leave for a honeymoon in chaper both couples still she was shocked. Holding his hand what is this what had happened between us u know everything but behaved you don't know anything tell me the truth why u behaved as an unknown person to me. When you entered the office, I had seen u but I didn't do your interview, I want to know so. I kept quiet and wants to enjoy the moments with you. They had reached destination both couples reached hotels got freshened their one romantic moments takes place and went for sightseeing once they returned to the hotel by night everything was ready. The day came . All room is decorated with flowers that smell is nauseating she informs him I want to take bath she leaves to the washroom she closes the door in hurry she doesn't close completely he enters and holds her she feels shy no need to be shy now you are my legally wedded wife I had right to see u.she smiles and pushes him out. After some time he enters again both finished bathing they came out she had worn a saree. Mayank and Harini are in the same situation . Then both the couples intimate.

They are back in office no one knows that she is the wife of the CEO and she is the wife's secretary .all try to flirt with these two ladies .After marriage, they behave they don't know each other during lunchtime in the name of work they will meet and had lunch.These two ladies make coffee for those two without anyone knowing. One day speaking with colleagues makes them angry and they came out and tell that they are their wives. They will have kids and live happily.

whenever they are together and some romantic moments this song will be playing plays you are for me we are for you we both are mates for each other. God had made our relationship you are so beautiful all will fall for your beauty but I had fallen for your inner beauty. I love your wind blooms in spring, not in summer .You are my everything don't leave me don't cheat me. Be loyal to us we are loyal to you.we love you till the end............

June 26, 2021 19:31

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