"A Paranormal Beginning"

Written in response to: Write a story that includes someone saying, “I feel alive.”... view prompt


Fantasy Romance Teens & Young Adult

“Go inside love,” I said, soothingly to Jacob as he retreated inside. ”Alright, I know the drill…” Jacob said, I heard the disappointment in his voice…I wish it was different, honestly, why was I gifted and not him? The tradition in my family was that one of the offspring would get beast traits. Each time the lovely blossoms fell, we were to take on a new form until they were no longer in bloom. Meaning my family is cursed right? Not exactly, you see, my family comes from a REALLY long line of werewolves. And lucky for me I am an only child “Thanks Mom…” I said in a murmured whisper to myself.

The first petal hit the ground, and suddenly I felt adrenaline as it circulated through my body, as Red Bull would. The adrenaline pumped through my arms and legs as the adrenaline got higher and higher, and I burst into a run. The smell of blossoms left such a magnificent aroma, slowly filling my lungs, and smothering me with its sweet scent. Then I felt it…the rush of the hunt as my eyes become agitated, my bones felt as if they were becoming bigger...stronger...and tougher than they were before. The sun had almost finished setting as I stared into the last of its colors, its beautifully lined golden sky darkened by each second as it disappeared slowly beneath the tree lines in the distance. The night was ready to dominate again as my body felt the rush, I felt lively, ready to run, it was such an overwhelming feeling each time these blossoms fell again.

Soon night arrived as I stalked the grounds of a nearby meadow. The moon’s light shined through the trees as the sky mixed fifty shades of gray. The skies aligned with stars and glimpses of the moon as it shined through the shady clouds that covered it. Tonight the forest reeked of cedar wood and creek water as I got anxious. The smell of blossoms haunted me my entire childhood and hunts me now as I stalk the forest floors. Feeling each of my ruffled brown paws against the ground, it was warm, soft, dirt for each step I took. And of course, I avoided the twigs not alerting any nearby creatures. "go back to your cave werewolf!” a distant voice spoke, low and spiteful, like a vicious threat from a cop who made it a quest to arrest you.

And obviously not able to speak, I turn around and growl east, where the voice came from. A man suddenly arose from the hidden bushes in the distance, giving a smug expression. “Yep you heard me, move on” His voice was no longer spiteful, it was more of a deep, sexy tone. His bright, white hair highlighted the rest of his face, it was rugged like my deep-colored autumn fur. His body was a pale white, with an athletic build like an athlete that ran track for a while. His shoulders were big, and the veins showed as his lit-up face gave a soured look. ”move wolf!".

There he goes again…that aggressive tone that annoyed me instead of scaring me...I sat there, making my butt very comfortable as I arched to sit and wrap my tail around my body, waiting patiently for him to accept this is my territory too. It had been nearly an hour now and he just kept attempting to scare me (which did not work). Another ten minutes, and I heard a heavy sigh come from the side me, he was propped up against a big oak tree as the night shaded him. His voice sounded disappointed after he realized I wouldn't move if he tried to force me to. “Look, please move on, my boss will kill me if you don't…”.That couldn't have been easy for him to admit, but I decided not to fight with him anymore. And With a slow, heavy sigh, I stood up and walked my way past his side as, as he smiled faintly. "Thank you, ill return the favor someday, whether it's a century or ten days from now". When he said that, his voice, wasn't hard, or spiteful, instead it was low, and sexy again.

And when I turned my head around to keep an eye on him as I left, I saw his eyes…they were a scarlet red. Just that moment blossoms blew passed me in a spiral, a beautiful spiral as it circled my body. The rage in my body multiplied times ten, building up constantly as I broke into a run. I then silently thought about his eyes…they were beautiful, a dark crimson color as they glowed under the night sky, they framed his face perfectly, showing he was beautiful…but dangerous.

The next morning I woke up to nothing but the gentle sound of Jacob's voice and his even more delicate touch on my body.

His lips left traces on mine, his lips were soft and kissable, tasting like cinnamon. His hair always smelled like spearmint toothpaste as I put my face near it. The sun felt so warm on my bare back as it shined through the windows. Jacob runs his hand through my hair, lifting the strands as I run my hand over his chest, he then whispered pretty words into my ear as I savored his every touch, smelling him with every breath, and tasting him with each kiss. I felt alive, It's hard to believe we have been together a little over four years now, and he loves me just as modestly as the very first day I met him. He then caresses' my cheek as he pierces my blue eyes with those unbelievably fall brown eyes he had.

"did you hunt well love?” He said in a whisper, his voice tickled my ear as he breathed into it. His breath was warm, comforting me as I thought about last night. Then I realized last night I forgot to mention the Hot vampire boy I encountered. What was I supposed to say? “Hey honey, I found a hot guy in the woods”.Hell nah, you see I would like to keep a great relationship strong, not linger around the corner to make out with another deliciously yummy guy besides my current man. Once I finished rambling to myself, I peeked outside the window on the side of our room as Jacob turned out to go back to sleep. I froze when I saw his face…he was standing right beside the blossom tree outside, watching me with a huge, smug grin.

Almost creepy... he retreated to the back of the tree just as Jacob turned back around, putting his arm over me. This could end very bad…why do I feel like my heart sinks when he gets close to me? I don't have feelings for a vampire...do I?

1st-"A paranormal beginning"

2nd-"Hell breaks loose"

3rd-"A Stolen Heart"

March 31, 2023 12:55

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Tulipa Palomita
19:38 Oct 30, 2023

Oh, um trama de triângulo amoroso, como gosto disso kkkkkk fico me perguntando com quem nosso querido principal vai ficar no final do enredo, com seu amado namorado ou o vampiro bonito? Sua escrita, como sempre, bem detalhada e muito boa :3 mal espero para ler os outros capítulos!!! Um beijo, Alliii ❤️


11:37 Oct 31, 2023

Thank you tuliiiiii :) I really appreciate it! I will keep you updated when i can! I have just been really busy last few weeks...


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20:28 Apr 07, 2023

thank you lol,i just write down,i should go more in depth,explaining more of the narrators POV,and lay off on staring into eyes,i'm sorry! ill come up with something ^^,thank you deeply,your feedback definitely helps.


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Michał Przywara
20:48 Apr 03, 2023

First off, welcome to Reedsy! And thanks for posting a story. It can be nerve wracking :) Sounds like a story where there's trouble brewing in paradise. The protagonist is unexpectedly torn between two attractions. It makes me wonder if things are actually going well with Jacob (although it looks like he's also called Alan in the beginning? Or is that another character?) The idea of a third person in a romance is a good foundation for a conflict, and it sounds like this story is just beginning. That said, I do believe it can use some w...


12:32 Apr 04, 2023

Thank you, I really appreciate the honest feedback, you have no idea how grateful i am that you commented your thoughts, my grammar is not the best, and I thought I fixed the "Alan" typo lol, you gave me some useful insight too, thank you soo much! I'm trying to improve on grammar, I'm still really young and trying to find out, just what I may be capable of. Would you like to see another passage carrying on this story? once I get this passage polished and fixed of course.


Michał Przywara
22:06 Apr 05, 2023

I'm glad you found the feedback useful :) "and trying to find out, just what I may be capable of" - I think you'll find a lot of people here in the same boat. Lots of practice is key - that's what helped me. But it's also got to be fun :) I see you've already posted the next part. I'll check it out.


18:51 Apr 09, 2023

i dont think you understand just how much you have helped me,your feedback is honest,professional,and the way you word the words at the end of your first message really stuck with me "Well, the why is simple: it's because if we don't do it, we are making it harder for readers to enjoy our work, and in this day and age, most readers will skip something if it makes them work and go read something else." You talked about my foundation,and how the world within this small passage came together as you read on,and you told me to go through,to "po...


Michał Przywara
20:47 Apr 10, 2023

You're welcome :) Writing's hard, but we can all help each other out. Where I first learned that lesson, and many other useful lessons, was in "Stein on Writing", by Sol Stein. Might be worth checking out one day.


11:25 Apr 13, 2023

Yeah,definitely,ill check into it.


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