The Mighty Orion Project

Submitted into Contest #41 in response to: Write about an animal who causes a huge problem.... view prompt



I remember when he was born, a hairy, squirmy chimpanzee infant weighing in at about two pounds whose mother instinctively put him to her chest to chest to suckle.  Orion came into the world at zero three hundred hours on the dot in the Bolton Animal Research Facility in late November. Little did we know then that this tiny infant chimp would be at the center of one of most infamous searches in history.  Watching him with his mother in one of our research cages, no one would have guessed that two years later his name would be known throughout the world.  I witnessed it all and if you give me a chance, I will tell The Might Orion's story.  Is that thing on? Whatever you do, don't turn that recorder off…

My name is Kurt Coliziki, born and raised in the Ukraine near Kiev where previous experiments were performed on human subjects before Ukraine broke away from the United Soviet Socialist Republic in 1990.  My father worked there during those times and he told me some of the horror stories that took place there as they searched for better methods for interrogation.  Dr. Bruno Coliziski, my father, was known as an expert in torture for the Russian authorities, but when our country broke away from the Soviet Bloc, he was immediate arrested for his collaboration and research for the KGB. 

When he managed to hang himself in his prison cell, I was in college as a research biologist specializing in primates research.  Before my graduation with my doctorate, Bolton Animal Research contacted me.  Backed by an American investor who could not conduct his research under current American restrictions, Mr. Hollen Wagner Bolton brought his search for a genetically altered creature to this remote location in the Ukraine, converting the facility from one devoted to human suffering to that of genetic research.  Mr. Bolton had a reputation for being thorough, but his results were often scrutinized as being faulty due to his lack of test samples and data.  In his haste to produce honey bees that would yield twice the product of the species available naturally, he mistakenly released his prototype, a deadly version similar to the Killer Bees from Africa due to the bee's remarkable size.  As it often is, Nature takes exception to us tinkering with some of her darker secrets and this bee exhibited quite a strong instinct to mate.  So strong an instinct, in less than a year, colonies of these bees began to show up in hives threatening the survival of the regular bees.  In a secret operation, Mr. Bolton had all bees, mutations and otherwise exterminated before these mutated bees could migrate to other parts of the world and run the regular bees to extinction. I cannot tell you how many clean up operations I participated until all of the mutated bees were exterminated.  Farm fields were covered with the remains of bees that appeared so thick the farmers thought it was snow in July.  Mr. Bolton used his grant money to keep the press out of the area.  My lips are sealed on whether these operations were completely successful, because it is next to impossible to kill off an entire population as I'm sure you are well aware.

But let me get back to this chimpanzee named Orion.  Since the chimpanzee seems to be our closest evolutionary relative with over 98 percent of our genetic makeup.   

“What would it take to create a human in a chimpanzee body?” Mr. Bolton once wondered aloud during a meeting to plan for the research we were about to undertake.

“Why would someone want to do such a thing?” One of the researchers answered though uninvited. 

“We have gorillas who can use sign language to communicate.  We have extraordinary research that proves chimps may be a lot smarter than we think.” Mr. Bolton explained and without another word, pressed a button on his console and the screen filled with images of laboratories where researchers in white lab coats were working with chimpanzees. “In some research being done in New Zealand, we are advancing our knowledge on genetic engineering known as eugenics.  So far we have not successfully created a chimpanzee capable of speaking or abstract reasoning which is the limits of our humanness not shared by another species. There is evidence that some higher orders of mammals do communicate for reasons of survival, but none use language to transfer thoughts or ideas that we have found yet.”  He paused to let the rest of us absorb what he was saying, “That will change. Or I should say ``is changing.” 

He pressed another button and a picture of a chimpanzee appeared looking very typical with nothing to distinguish it from his peers, but then Mr.  Bolton spoke again, “Say hello to Michelangelo, a renaissance chimpanzee genetically engineer in a laboratory somewhere close to here where restrictions on research based on moral considerations are discounted in the name of discovery.  Michelangelo is a prototype, but unlike my bee disaster of a few years ago, he lives in controlled conditions on the grounds of the research facility.”  

Once again he paused for dramatic effect, “Yesterday Michelangelo uttered an actual sentence to his caretaker suggesting that he preferred the oatmeal over the dry cereal.  Suggesting preference is in the realm of abstract thinking and having memory of preferences.” 

There was a smattering of applause that like the rain grew louder as the volume increased in the realization of what he had said. 

That was a year ago and the Chimpanzee known as Michelangelo passed away a few days ago from heart failure at age three which is not a very full life in a chimpanzee’s lifespan.  The file labeled “Michelangelo” circulated through our facility and I noted some of the controlling factors, but the DNA was altered in Michelangelo proving he was now over 99 percent human in terms of his genetic make up.  When Orion was born, the DNA exceeded that of Michelangelo’s and one would have to wonder; how close can another species come to the human genome before that creature was considered human? 

“Mr. Coliziki.” Boris Uminoff called me into his office one day.  Boris is in charge of the project known as “The Mighty Orion” in which we are recording data on our specimen.  

“Yes Mr. Uminoff.” I walked into his spacious office.

“You have been assigned to be Orion’s researcher.  Here is a file.  Inside you will see the progression this project is going to follow with the eventual target of having Orion use oral language to communicate his thoughts and feelings.”  

I took the file and looked at Boris, “How much should Orion be able to speak in order to meet the project goals?”

“As far as you can.” He shrugged. 

On our first morning, I engaged in Orion with some toys hoping he would begin to verbalize the differences between the objects he was given. Spending five solid hours with this very playful chimpanzee, I became discouraged and decided to take a break.  At first Orion resisted going back into his room, but with some gentle persuasion, Orion went into the room.  His room was wired, picking up any and all sounds that would be made in the confined area.  

As I sat there skimming the findings from the Michelangelo project, I heard whispering or what I thought sounded like a whisper.  I put down my ham sandwich and listened.

“This place sucks.” The words whispered, but distinctly uttered.

“I want to get out of this place.” 

Looking through the glass into Orion’s room, I saw his lips move and the words, “Come on, Kurt.  Leave the door unlocked.  No one will have to know.” 

“You talked!” I stood up with my eyes opened wide,

“Why are you so surprised?  This is the point of all of this, isn’t it?  To get the monkey to talk.  Success.  I am speaking.” He articulated.

“You are.” 

“You humans are certainly an egotistical bunch.  Just because you can speak, you think yourselves superior to us chimps.” He shook his head, “Even with your ability to speak, you do not demonstrate the superior intelligence you think you have.” 

I felt sort of insulted by his caustic remarks, but I was still in shock that he was speaking in the first place.

"This is Amazing." I was in shock.

"Amazing? Which part, Kurt?  That I can talk or I can articulate?" His demeanor sagged a bit, "Just like a human to underestimate the ability of dumb animals. Ever been to a zoo where kids line up and point at us, laughing.  I get so riled, I just want to fling my feces at them.  Of course I've only seen videos, but then when I see you like this, I get riled all over again.  Kurt, you are a very intelligent man at the top of your field, but when you see me actually speaking, you go ape-shit, excuse the pun, but it was intended."  

He talked about sports and politics for over four hours.  When Mr. Bolton came in the next day, I could not wait to tell him what Orion had done, but when I did he did not seem so surprised. 

"What did you expect? His genetic makeup suggests that his potential is like that of a human. Did he talk about philosophy or metaphysics? No, politics and sports just like those drunken cretins at the neighborhood bars and pubs." Mr. Bolton sounded disappointed, adding, "The whole objective of this project is to prove that the ability to speak is not what separates us from the beasts, rather it is our ability to understand morality, the distinction between right and wrong that make us superior to the rest of the creatures."

When he finished he was panting, his sermon complete and that's when I noticed the red pen light was on meaning the microphone was on.  He wasn't talking to me, not really, he was preaching to Orion and when I glanced at the chimpanzee, he appeared to be deep in thought, reflectively internalizing what Mr. Bolton had said.

During the weeks that followed before his dramatic escape, Orion continued to demonstrate his cognitive development willingly to show us that he was our equal, not just a laboratory specimen. But at some point, I felt he was beginning to feel that we planned to do what we had done to the rats.  We had given them cancer to see how we could intervene and stop the spread of cancer to which we euthanized them when the cancer became terminal and we went zero for sixteen in our trials.  To me it seemed we had a lot to learn.  It also seemed strange that we were tinkering with the building blocks of life without gaining an understanding of one of the leading killers of humans.  We had the whole thing in reverse and Orion was putting it all together. 

"How can I put my faith in what you are doing to me when you don't understand the basics of cancer." Orion had refused to eat which brought me into his area and once inside, he wanted to air his concerns, "I know they're going to put a needle in my arm and I will slowly succumb to some hideous disease."

"No Orion, they have invested too much in you to do that." I assured him.

"I don't believe you, Kurt." His eyes probed me closely. I found It futile to mislead him, because he would deduce the falsehood based on my reflexive physiological responses. There was a lot at stake for him.

One night I was documenting some things we had gone over when I noticed a file stuck unobtrusively in records.  Opening the file, I was shocked to find the label "Termination of Project: Mighty Orion." Reading it over, was appalled that Orion would be euthanized like the rats were because the grant money was being terminated. Reading the subtitle on the file, I clicked on it to find those donating money for the grant had moral reservations about eugenic research or "playing God" as stated in one of the justifications to terminate funding for the grant. I'm sure Orion studying my expression through the glass confirmed all his worst fears at that instant.  Our eyes met and I knew that he knew.  Later I went into his room, his mood was sullen and melancholy as he sat in the opposite corner trying not to seem as though he was looking at me.

"It's true then." He said in a very flat monotone.

"I don't know what you mean." I turned my head so he could not study my eyes. 

"Kurt, do you think I'm stupid?" He asked with anger leaking into his voice.

"Of course not." I shot back.

"The plan is to get rid of me, just like all the other monsters and freaks you have created in this place of horrors without a single thought of regret or remorse on our behalf." His fingers grabbed me by my face and for a moment, I thought he meant to harm me, but it was just a gesture to make sure he held my rapt attention, "I was stupid to believe you or anyone in this place."

"Orion, it's not like that." I shook my head, but he did not release my face.

"You are lying to me!" I did not feel the blow that removed me from the conscious world.  With the keys still in my hand, Orion took them and opened the door's vapor lock and like a moving shadow, eluded the detection of his escape from the grounds.  As the facility was in an isolated corner of the country, Orion had no problem remaining out of sight as he escaped,  

"Kurt, how could you let this happen?" Mr. Bolton asked as I tried to clear my head still aching from the blow from Orion.  Wearing his dark sunglasses, I was unable to see Mr. Bolton's eyes which I found even more unsettling. "I have alerted the local authorities warning them this is no ordinary chimpanzee."  

Chimpanzees had the capacity and propensity for violence just like humans and since I believed that Orion was more human than chimp, with great trepidation I joined a team to search for the escaped specimen and it didn’t take long, because Orion had taken over a satellite broadcasting station.  As I was preparing to leave the compound, the monitors flickered and Orion’s face appeared.  Everyone froze. Then over the loudspeakers we all heard:

Good evening, my name is Orion and I am a test chimpanzee at Bolton Animal Research where I have been genetically altered so that I can communicate with you.  But the plans are bleak as they plan to terminate my project and me with.  (Images of Orion in his room that appears to be more of a prison cell).  It is here I spend my days working with researchers so they can make notes and record data.  I am appealing to you to urge Bolton to cease and desist their experiments on helpless animals like me. (picture got blurry and then to static),

“Kurt, where are you going?” One of the floor supervisors yelled as I exited the building and got in my car.  Within minutes I found the station where Orion had gone to make his world wide broadcast as I was to learn after the fact.  It wasn’t hard to find as there were all sorts of uniformed men stopping anyone who had come up on the parameter of the station.

“Comrade?  Where are you going?” One of the men asked me when I rolled down my window.

“I am Dr. Coliziki.” I showed him my ID.

“Ah he mentioned you.” The broad face guard smiled.

“What did he say?” I asked as I swallowed hard. 

“So long.” The guard shrugged.  “I cannot let you in.  The building that was here is no longer.  I have reports of radiation all through here and while probably not too bad, it is not wise taking unnecessary risks.”

In horror I realized that they had sent in jet fighters armed with nuclear missiles which meant it did not matter if they were able to zero in on the target.  I sighed watching the smoke rise over the trees knowing I would never see Orion again.  In a few months work crews will come here and cordon off the area just like they did in Chernobyl back in 1986.  I am certain that Orion knew they would not let him walk out of that communication station and to be sure they used nuclear missiles that nearly vaporized the building where he was broadcasting his message to the world.   But he did get his message out, he did get it out. 

Later, in the newspapers was the story of Mighty Orion and some of the things they had discovered in the investigation.  By the end of the month I was out of a job and by the end of the year Bolton Animal Research Center would be nothing more than an empty lot.  Sitting in my favorite bistro by myself, I left to wonder, things that keep me up all night.  As they are going to dedicate a statue to Orion in Kiev, I remember looking into his eyes just before he escaped and I could see his soul or something that resembled what was once considered the domain of homosapiens alone.  Strange, I am a man of science who only trusts what can be proven, but lately working on a road work crew, with lots of time to think, I begin to see beyond what my limited senses can experience.  Late at night, in my one room apartment, I can hear his voice calling to me, telling me there are certain doors that should never be opened, doors that should remain closed. 

May 09, 2020 19:03

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Sadia Faisal
16:57 May 22, 2020

great story, please follow me and like my story if you like it


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Tvisha Yerra
04:05 May 11, 2020

I am... intrigued by this. It's one of those stories that would make me go, "Darn, I wish I thought of that!" I would love a bit more descriptive words, but you really do have an amazing concept! If you ever decide to add on to this, and maybe even publish it, I would love to read it, and I'm sure my friends will too! Hope to hear more from you!


01:15 May 23, 2020

I submit weekly to Reedsy. Thank you for your kind words.


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