Fiction Inspirational Speculative

  Where to begin my story? It seems like that everything crumbled within a month. I lost my job. I lost my wife. I lost my house. I lost my friend.

  I met my wife when I was twenty years old when I was in my first year in engineering. My God. I still remember when she entered the class. She was on crutches with her school back on her back, and holding a binder in her hands. It was love at first sight for me. Not for her though. I had to courtship her for maybe weeks, months…but then we became soulmates.

  My wife, Sonia, came up to me today, just out of the blue, told me that it was over. She mentioned that the problem was not me, it was her. That famous line ‘’it’s not you, it’s me!’’. When I tried to make her talk, to give me more details, she would not divulge more explanations. Briefly, she just told me that she met this guy from her work place and that they are in love. Ten years of marriage, no kids though, but were preparing that phase of our lives, and she tells me she loves someone else. She did not provide me with any details on what I did not do or what I did do…

  A week later, my boss comes up to me, and announces me that the company is resizing. One third of the staff was to be let go and I was part of that group of employees that will be laid off. I had been working for the same company since my graduation. It was heart tearing feeling. I had tears in my eyes and I did my best to hide them till I was out in the parking lot beside my car. I was standing with my personal belongings in a box. Looking one more time to the prestigious building where I worked and managed many projects. I made some great friends here. All this gone in a flash…

  Talking about great friends, one of them, from my job, became one of my best buddies. When you have the same passion, working for the same company, towards same career goals, it forges a tight bond. My friend Cedrick was a civil engineer. We worked on lot of assignments together. After my wife, he was the one I would confine the most. After we both lost our jobs, Cedrick had been chatting on a dating site with this woman from Panama for a year. He told me that this was a sign. He went to visit her for a month, six months ago. He told me he was in love and he was into her. This was a perfect time to go visit her. He mentioned that doing a minor in Spanish when he was in University did not go to waste. He has a job interview at an engineering firm the day after he lands in Panama. If all goes well, he intends to extend his stay. That woman she met, she is beautiful and she seems a person with a good heart. I am happy for him but I lost Sonia and now Cedrick.

  The house that Sonia and I bought some years back, is now on sale. I did not want to sale the house, but she wants her share of the house by selling it. She wants nothing to do with me. I understand that we are in the process of divorcing and she wants to settle everything and start her new life with her new beau. I am still trying to grasp what did I do wrong to deserve this.

  I am guessing that within a few days or weeks, the house sale will be finalized. I will get half of the money from it. That half, might not be enough to buy myself a new house. The housing market is soaring and our salaries are not increasing at the same rate. I do have some savings but most of them are locked in in my pension funds. And, currently, I am with no work…

  Almost a month later, since Sonia told me she was leaving me, and I am jobless, friendless, with no woman in my life, and feel powerless with less financial stability. As I am doing some cleaning in the house, I stumble on a binder regarding a class I took as an elective in finance. Well, it was more about a class about cryptocurrency. I learned a lot from professor Dick Van James. I would call him Dr. James. This guy was the person that was able to Micky Mouse it so I can understand the world of the cryptocurrency. I got a fever about Bitcoin but did not invest that much as the price of one Bitcoin was close to $62,000. During this one class, Dr. James told us to come to class with our personal laptops so we can setup an account on a reliable and safe exchange. Moreover, suggested to order a physical wallet. He showed us on how to invest in Bitcoin. How deposit from your bank account to the exchange, on how to withdraw when ready to cash out, on how to send the funds to our wallets so that we don’t trust all the time the exchange’s website security, and on how to send back from our wallets to the exchange.

  This class, changed my life in a good way because I remember the professor saying that you can either do day trading which requires lot of time, patience and knowledge of the crypto markets, or let it go, and come back check your total assets accumulated over time. There were a few low-cost cryptos out there. One of them was called SafeMoon.

  SafeMoon came out if I remember correctly in March 2021. I bought some of it. The price of one SafeMoon coin was back then $0.000001279. This was purchased in mid-April 2021. I withdrew the money then from the exchange and kept it on my external physical wallet.

  Now, the million-dollar question is, how much is it worth? Today, in 2031, I see that Bitcoin is at a million bucks. My God! How come I did no check this before. I think I had bought maybe 0.02 of a Bitcoin back then. That is still a good 20k! Not bad. Safemoon, I invested back in 2021. Let me Google that now. Is this possible? The coin is at $1.00 and I bought for 10 million coins! Hallelujah!!! My God! There is a God!

  I am keeping my mouth shut. Let me wait for the divorce to be finalized. I bought this crypto even before I met Sonia. And she is the one leaving me today. If she comes after me, I will be ready with a ferocious financial lawyer.

  The month started like I was in hell, and it ended me being on the moon. A safe moon…

April 16, 2021 04:01

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Kemani Grey
20:34 Apr 17, 2021

Keep up the good work though


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Kemani Grey
20:34 Apr 17, 2021

Love this. Although I noticed some errors. Try using Pro Writing Aid or Grammarly to help with editing.


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