
“Im Exhausted.” exclaimed Curtis gasping for air. 

“Where were u, and why what happened?” Sam, Curtis’ mentor, asked concerned. “I was doing our daily check on the asteroids by planet 1, 2, and 3. All of the sudden something startled me, a flash so bright flickered from a satellite that I've never seen before. It blocked my vision and I ran into the damn thing. Then I had to chug here only going 100 mph.” Curtis’ shaky voice explained his concern for the situation. “You sound you have had quite a day. Lets get some sleep.” Sam lays down on his cot and eats his late snack of moonrock fruit. Curtis lays on the other side of the room in his cot and thought intensely about what had just happened to him, he felt a chill down his spine because of the feeling he had about that one flash, he could have just exposed an entire species unknown to humans. “Sam.” Curtis whispered, “yes curtis.” “I don't have a good feeling about this flash, what if it was a photo taken like what happened to Syrus a couple months ago and we haven't seen him since.”  Sam didn't respond for a few long, quiet moments. “Uh, we don't have to worry about that, get some sleep.”

The next morning Curtis woke up with a jolt and then followed by a loud bang. The entire cave was filled with fog which restricted curtis’ vision. He couldn't even see the door a couple feet away from where he was lying. “Sam, Sam! What's going on?” Curtis’ voice cracked due to fear. No response. “Sam!  Respond to me.” there was no sign of him. Curtis stood up and followed the wall to lead him to the outside. Once he reaches the door, he looks through their handmade peephole to then see an enormous version of a spaceship. Curtis has never seen anything like this before, this was bigger than a 2 seater spaceship which was the only machinery he was aware of. This must be over 100 times the size. Before Curtis could understand what was happening the ship takes off, the only answer curtis got was the writing on the side of the ship, “A51 #15” Curtis immediately put the puzzle together. A51 meaning Area 51, which proved curtis’ inference that this alien hunting group of humans are out to get our species. Curtis assumed that the number is the number of ships that Earth owns. Curtis sits down on Sams bed, he didn't want to come to the conclusion of what his biggest fear was losing his family, and living alone. Curtis feels so vulnerable, guilty, numb, and confused all at one time. Overwhelmed, Curtis stands up and walks outside. He was very cautious, only walking in the shadows. But, still no sign of Sam. He came to the conclusion that there was no luck in searching, and with their spaceship broken he was stranded. 

A couple of months have passed, Sam is still missing but Curtis has forgiven himself or this awful thing for the most part. With Sam raising him and teaching him everything he knew makes it a lot harder for Curtis to accept what happened. But it is out of his control. Not being able to have the power and knowledge makes it very difficult to keep trying over and over again to find Sam. This small mistake caused Curtis’ entire life to turn upside down, He still hasn't returned to the first planets in the solar system because of a constant fear of these people he doesn't know anything about. Unanswered questions are the worst when trying to get closure over something that big. But maybe these unanswered questions are meant to stay hidden behind closed doors for the safety of Curtis and his alien species.

December 16, 2019 02:29

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