
Thunder hits yet again. The sound loudly bumps on the hard black walls next to me and into my ears.

Shiver goes down my spine. It's cold. Really cold.

I look over my shoulder into the darkness. My heart is pounding in my chest as I look into the black abyss. Waiting... For what?

My cold breath leaves my mouth. Why am I here? How am I here?

I look forward. Walls next to me, but a giant window in front of me. It's showing it to me. The wind, the storm, the blizzard. It's happening right in front of me, playing, twirling as if it's mocking me for being here. His big, grey arms go trough the sky so easily, not caring that it is destroying EVERYTHING in its path.

Except for me.

Why me?

Another thunder hits, louder than before.

My heart jumps as I look back at the darkness, waiting for it to grab me.

I need to get out of here. NOW!

Trough the big window – that's not a good idea. I have to find another way to the door. Even if it means trough the darkness that holds something.

I hold my breath as I walk trough it. Thunder is echoing on the walls, telling me that it is close but not close enough. I can still get out in time, if I find my way out.

I take a sharp turn.

Surprisingly, without hitting a wall. That was... Smooth.

The darkness thins out. I let loose my cold breath and continue down the hall.

I can feel it. The door.

It's close. REALLY close.

It's calling me.

Another thunder hits. The sound hits my ears. I jump in fear.

My hearts starts pounding. Calm down, I tell myself. Just calm down.

The sound disappears. Slowly. Trough the walls as they wait for another to scare me.

I take a deep breath, listening to the silence. Almost silence.

Another sound echoes trough the black walls hitting me in the face and going into my ears. A child's cry. Shiver goes down my spine faster than the thunder itself. What is a baby doing here?

I start to sprint towards it, even though I'm scared of it. More scared than the blizzard. More scared than the thunder. More scared than the darkness.

But... It's just a baby.

I look down on it. The baby is crying, loudly, hardly. The blanket is over it's toes, toys are scattered all around the place as only one light hits its face showing big tears that form a little puddle.

I sigh as I look at the baby. It's all alone, lost, missing. Yet, the only thing that it cares about is the thunder that it's scared from. I look around into the darkness, wanting for the protective or crying mother to come out thanking me for finding her baby. But, no one comes. I'm all alone with this baby and it looks like it's gonna have to come with me.


I take the baby in my hands. It's really light, probably a few mouth old baby. The baby stops crying as soon as it touches my clothes. It probably thinks that its mom took it and now it is waiting for a kiss or the sound of her raspy crying voice saying that she lovers her son or daughter. But, none on that happens. I just pick it up to make it stop crying. Babies were never my thing, not even when I became an aunt. They all hate me – even this one, it's just not showing that.

And I hate them.

The baby looks at me with its big blue eyes. It smiles. Creepily. Widely. I smile back, barely.

The baby's eyes widen. The glow a bright color. There something strange about it.

A spark caught my eyes. A pink one.

I put my finger on it. It's heavy, yet made out of paper. Pink paper with a black marker that says one word; Amber.

Such a simple name, yet so familiar. Why? I don't even have a niece nor anyone whose name is Amber, yet i feel like I know that name, that person.

I look back at the baby. She's staring at me, without blinking. Her tears disappeared just like her fear. Thunder hits yet again lighting up the girls face but now she doesn't even feel scared. She doesn't feel anything other than curiosity for me.

My heart starts pounding, hitting my chest as I keep looking at the baby, someone's baby named Amber. Every time my brain says that name, my heart skips a beat as if it knows that name, but the my brain doesn't. It can't remember. I can't remember.

But the baby knows me. I can feel it. Right in her eyes as she eerily starts smiling at me.

I loose a breath. The cold hits her but she doesn't mind it. She doesn't mind the big loud sounds nor the coldness surrounded by darkness. She cares about me.

"MY BABY!" a screechy voice comes from the darkness.

I jumps and look back at it. Someone IS here!

"WHERE IS MY BABY!?!" the voice get higher making my body freeze in fear.

I can hear my heart in my ears.

My legs turn me around and start running. Somewhere.

"MY BABY!" the voice says it again.

My arms press the baby closer to my – not knowing why, but knowing that they shouldn't.

I take a sharp turn, into a bigger abyss. I get lost in the darkness that starts catching me everywhere. And the only little bit of light that I can see are Amber's eyes. Her big blue open eyes.

Her smile is even bigger, wider, creepier. "MY LITTLE BABY!!!" the voice get louder, as if it's next to my ear.

I stop. I look at Amber.

I don't linger – i drop the baby.

Amber disappears into the abyss like a toy made of smoke and coldness.

I start running again. More and more into the darkness, trough the walls that I can't even see anymore, away from the thunder that i can't hear anymore. I lose myself, but I still know that I need to get out of here – and fast.

They are going to catch me and I can' let them do that. NEVER!

My breath gets deeper, my legs faster. My arms are trying to touch something in front of me – a door, an escape, a room where I can cry and hide from the world.

I try to touch something – but it touches me instead. I fall to the ground so fast, not even knowing how did I hit a wall.

Trying to get up, I fall again. And again, and again.

Tears start to fall down my face. They are gonna catch me!

"MY BABY!" the voice is back – and it's right in front of me.

I look up. And look into a pair of eyes weeping blood.

They are holding something. Something that is also weeping blood – a knife.

"WHERE IS MY BABY!?!" the eyes withdraw the knife in front of me.

She throws it toward me.

I scream. And shout.

And fall onto the hard wooden floor. Crying, shaking, saying only one thing that I can right known;

"I shouldn't have killed that baby."

July 28, 2020 20:27

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