Crime Mystery Thriller

On the slight upper part of wall,beautifully sprayed green wall paintings were found while lower to it, pool of blood.Blood patches were splashed all over lower wall as if they were carefully made like those paintings forming small red pools over green background.Two dead bodies were lying with completely unrecognisable state.Once a small sweet family of four was completely shattered as two of them elders were lying in floor while two of young ones weeping in vain.After a moment detective asked 12 years old daughter if she could explain the details.She remained numbed for a while and told him that it was all normal yesterday evening but today when she and her brother woke up they found their parents lying motionless.Then they called neighbours.5 years old son was weeping so badly.Those little child were in uncontrollable pain.Bodies were taken for autopsy.Their head was crushed with something blunt like hammer.All in all they were brutally murdered by some heartless who can't be called human as human word will lose it's value if he was one.Now was the time for investigation.As there were only two living members from that house and no sign of other people entering the house first suspects were son and daughter.One cannot imagine 5 years old and 12 killing their own parents in such condition.They were taken to observe their actions as they can have psychological problems.Detective was middle aged man who had been working since 2 years in that city and he had been working in many places before.He seemed to be alone without any family and home.As children were under observation,girl was completely normal but small boy seems quite different.He used to smash small insects near him.On asking his sister about his childhood she told abruptly it was quite normal small children to behave that way.But it didn't seem normal.He was quite obsessed about killing creatures.One day that boy was playing in the yard of caring centre where he was found smashing a little chick with his palm.Slowly and steadily he had killed almost 5 chicks that day.Noone noticed him doing but his sister did.Days went on but there was no any sign of solution.Then one day detective visited those children.Though it seemed impossible to suspect those children as murderers but in some corner of heart detective thought as there were no other signs and symptoms of people broking in house and killing,still he thought children could be one of them.Then he slowly started psychologically counselling each of them in separate rooms.Son was small so he could not ask much questions. But he counsel daughter in caring and soothing manner .After long discussion she opened up with him and told each and everything about her brother.She said he was diagnosed with conduct disorder.Once when he was 3 years they discovered him holding a lighter flames in their family kitten's leg and burned it.This incident remained quiet unnoticed as they thought he was just a experimental kid.But after few months,he completely slaughtered a tiny head of kitten while playing in the yard.This incident was completely unexpected and thrilled.Then parents being completely shocked thought he could have some disorder which could destroy his life later so he was immediately taken to psychiatric ward by their parents and found later on he was the reason for brutally murdering the each new pets they brought at their house.He was given some medication and left.It was the incident before two years of this tragic one.After interrogation the detective placed those evidences in court though it was hard to believe but without proper evidence he compelled judge to believe their underaged son was the murderer.This case shocked each and everyone of that city.No further assumptions were made cause this contact disorder was known to be change into impulsive disorder afterwards and many of them had heard about those kind of kids existed from the incidents in their other cities. Due to his age,he wasn't given any legal action but was sent to psychiatric hospital for medication. This case ended here as a little one was made guilty.Truth remained undiscovered as it was absolutely clear that small one wasn't capable to kill his own parents.The hidden truth was that same those incidents about 15 were continually happening in 2 years interval in each city of that state.Each victim's house were chosen selectively after long observation and their child's condition.Those cases were solved in the same manner making their child guilty.And other common thing in each horrible incident was-the detective!!As a little boy he was born in happy family.Father was a businessman and mother was a housewife.Father used to return home after several weeks.It was rumoured he was in affair with his employee.Slowly his mother became mentally ill thinking her husband will leave her forever.She couldn't pour her anger to husband so she started beating her own little 4 years old son to calm her mind.She developed impulsive disorder and used to beat her son to death.Her son learned this behaviour and soon he was also diagnosed with contact disorder as since his early childhood he had learned to beat others to death.After 15 years,when he turned 19,he killed his mother and fled to next country.There he studied and became a successful detective.He didn't have sense of regret about killing his mother but he somehow hated other children with same disorder as his.He thought those children could grow up and become more superior than him in terms of killing.He wanted to make those child guilty in young age so that only he can rule and fulfill his satisfaction alone and never ever be caught as he was most reliable detective in other many cases.He carefully studied each and every houses of city he transferred.Once he found one he broke into house banged their heads with hammer like 50 times and leave the house removing all evidences of one entering house.He wanted to be unbeatable by anyone and he wanted to be satisfied thinking he is the one to rule this world as he could kill anyone at instant without anyone doubting him or without being caught.His was able to hide his dark secret within these 30 years and more to come.He is in his own world of his own kind of happiness and pleasure.He is fond of himself and guilty ones are always those innocent kids who were depressed by their own ways.He is wild,happy and free.

December 16, 2020 02:37

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