The Favorite of White Lily
‘A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms,’ said the
Buddhist nun, Zen Shin.
Without flowers, the world would be the duller place ever, the plants would only found green not colorful, and cherish. They are very important for the human and animal race. It’s an extremely wonderful part of Mother Nature and we can find it everywhere. They are feed by insects, birds, animals, and concerning for both humans and animals, they are natural medicines. If humans have a soul and so for nature, the soul is flowers.
Flowers have a long–term positive and vibrating effect on our moods. People who have seen depression and when suddenly after receiving a flower like a rose, they found a higher sense of enjoyment and satisfaction. It activates our senses and brings a smile to our faces. The impact of flowers is immediate and we are happy instantly.
The very same influences of flowers happen to be on a beautiful lady, especially White Lilies.
When Khushi was born, her parents were extremely happy as it was their very first baby. They welcome their little princess at grand. The house was fully decorated with colorful fresh flowers. It was mid–spring those days. The beauty of those white lilies mesmerizes all the guests and the perfume was intoxicating.
Khushi’s mother was a florist and her father was an herbal doctor. He uses flowers and plants to produce medicines and cure his patients rapidly. Khushi was considering herself blessed to be borne by her parents; she always said it and it's 10 years till now. Her parents had started involving her in flower planting, watering and feel the pleasure to stay among them.
Since her birth, on every occasion, flowers had been like her soul. On her birthdays, her mother made fresh flowers crown for her and decorate the entire hall with it. Khushi’s favorite was White Lily. Fortunately, she a spring baby, and this flower was in abundance. In her room, she always had them fresh.
On her wake up in the morning, her eyes open seeing them, and her eyes get closed at night again admiring them. Khushi had two girlfriends who always bring those flowers to school. One of her Romanian friends called her “Florina” since she was always fresh looking like those flowers. Memories of School till College, they had made a lot which will be remarkable.
Khushi selected a life partner. His name was luckily after a flower, Kunal. It means “Lotus”.
They had a good combination of thoughts and actions. Kunal was always happy in Khushi’s company. Khushi means happiness, which’s reflected in her and her personality. Kunal proposed to her with a bouquet of White Lilies and the life journey was about to start together.
The lovely couple’s wedding was grand. It was made in her mother’s hand-build 1 Arpent flower garden. The bride and groom's altar were decorated with White Lilies which were the center of attraction. The garden basins were filled with lotus. It was a colorful wedding. The 5000 guests blessed them by sprinkling flower petals. Khushi walked on a carpet filled with petals from the altar to the wedding palanquin, which was again decorated with flowers.
The new wedded couple’s life started as they planned. Khushi was both an herbal doctor and a florist. She managed her time for both perfectly. She was trained like this by her mother who was her soul guider. Her immense mental support boosts her energy for achieving her goal of making more gardens. Soft-hearted similar to a flower, Khushi was curing the ill with her best medicines.
The curer blessed her and appreciates her intense hard work, patience with her patients. Her private Clinic was named “Florina Herbal” and her garden “Happy Florina” respectively. Kunal was her husband cum assistant in medicines producing as he had always supported her for getting best results at last. Khushi’s two girlfriends were ever glad to meet her on Sunday at her handmade garden and to give her a hand as volunteers. Eventually after a long week, on Sunday evening, they would meet up for a dinner in their house yard which was a garden itself.
After 2 years of wedding life, Khushi gave birth to a baby girl. She named her “Ayana”. She was a beautiful flower who blossom her and Kunal’s life. Her dream to make her daughter follow her mother’s path was decided. She wanted to spread the smell of flowers and the positive vibration on her upcoming days. Ayana was going to be a future doctor and florist as well.
As days flew by, Khushi was a busy lady. Occupying the garden, the herbal Clinic, and Ayana, she loved this type of life. She actually loves this routine which was making her strong and experienced each day. She was as grateful and lucky as her days were amazing.
Ayana was 18 years. Since she became conscious, Khushi was her soul guider. On the celebration of Ayana’s 18th birthday which was extremely grand, Khushi gifted her 2 Arpent of land, 300 flower species seed, gardening materials, and lots of blessings. Ayana was already on the way to become an herbal doctor. She felt so blessed to receive this memorable gift from her mother. In this modern life, where teenagers get a house or a luxury car as a gift, she was gifted working tools. She decided to continue with the same garden and Clinic name respectively.
Flowers were abundant in those 2 Arpent land. Ayana’s hard work bore great fruits. She was the number one Florist and an ingenious herbal doctor, in the city. The demand was huge and regular. Khushi, on watching her progress, felt as blessed as her dream is true now. Now Khushi was 60 years. She was counting her last days. Ayana was crying but Khushi told her the same words which her mother told her once, when she was on the way to heaven, to encourage her conscious mind.
“I am not dying by the soul; I’ll take new birth. A beautiful soul (a seed) will again be soaking (in a womb), after nine months, a tiny cute plant (a baby) will take birth and a journey from growing to become a flower, at last.”
Khushi’s graveyard was adorned with her favorite White Lily. Ayana, she was handed a huge responsibility and she knew she will able to make it all happen the way her mother would expect eventually.
The End.
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