How 'bout a bite?

Submitted into Contest #287 in response to: Set your story in a café, garden, or restaurant.... view prompt

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Fiction Horror Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

It was a bright and sunny day in Copenhagen, Soren was enjoying the sunset and finishing his Danish coffee. Being a symbol of class he found drunks to be uncivilized, but those who do not drink to be living a lackluster lifestyle. His life has always been about balance, and enjoying a cocktail without stumbling about was an example of such. He made a point of removing his wallet and paying in cash, fully aware of the eyes upon him. Not just the eyes of the patrons nor wait staff, but those of the eager predator across the street as well. Sorensen made it a point to walk directly toward the confident young man and briskly step into the alleyway.  

Jens couldn't believe his luck, the pampered rich boy was walking right to him! He would make quick work of lifting the fool's wallet way. No way! Was the idiot really stepping into the alley, at this time of evening? That was rather decider, this arrogant snob was all but asking to be relieved of his cash! Maybe a nice watch would be in his future as well Jens hoped. He touched his Hanta knife, unwrapping the sheath, ready for a quick draw after...just a few....more....steps....

Soren's superb hearing placed the soon-to-be unfortunate pursuer exactly seventeen steps behind him so Soren slowed his pace closing the gap to twelve. Soren fought the urge to turn and slowed down his pace a half step again. It would soon be time...

Jens didn't want to give himself away and follow to close, give the dolt some breathing room. "Enjoy breathing while you can you son of a bitch" Jens thought to himself. He slowly pulled the knife out, the flat edge against his palm, blade out ready to use...

"That's it you fucking punk, a little more and I'll be right where you want me" thought Soren. He couldn't help himself, luring the prey was always exciting even after all this time.

Jens' target stopped walking and started looking around as if lost. A tourist after all; well, vacation is over asshole! The man turned and Jens was on him blade to his throat. 

The Hunta was held in a reverse grip right under the neck as soon as Soren turned around. Good boy! He simply couldn't wait anymore...

Along with hearing, Soren had a strong sense of smell and knew where to stop and act like a lost tourist. The aggressive would be mugger fell right into his trap. 

Speaking Dutch, Jens ordered Soren to turn over his wallet. Soren pretended not to understand and acted like he was startled and about to cry. Seeing real panic in so many eyes made it easy to fain his own. Jens was poor in German but knew how to demand money, the knife was also a universal translator to make his demands known. The imbecile must have been shock, he spoke in English saying he didn't understand what was being asked. Not being a fan of English either, Jens ordered "money now!" And pressed the sharpened Hanta edge against his ice cold neck. Jens knew this one would be no trouble, guy was about to piss himself he was so sc...

What the fuck?! The man found some balls after all and lunged away from his knife! This was gonna be a fun night after all! 

Soren moved quickly darting diagonally away from while he got his own weapon ready...

Jens wasted no time in closing the gap and stabbed outward, barely missing his target. Soren turned his body, hearing Jen's movement before it was made. His hands now ready to end this, but not right away, oh no, that wouldn't do at all. 

What the Hell, this guy wearing fake nails or something? Jens wondered and slashed but missed again. He faked right, Soren went left, and Jens followed sinking the blade half way into Soren's chest. 

"Ughhh!" Soren heard the noise plenty of times and imitated it perfectly. He covered the wound and looked into the grinning face of his assailant with a stunned exasperation, and let out the faint cry of "Why?" that so many of his own victims had. There were many...and soon to be one more. The drool of anticipation spilling out of his mouth where his fangs hungrily awaited...

Jens sunk the Hanta to the hilt and gave a fierce twist as he withdrew. Instinctively wiping the blade off on his victim. It must have been too dark to see the blood flow out of him as there wasn't any. No matter, the wallet was right there for the picking. Jens took it and ran. 

"Where you off to Kanker?" Jens stopped dead in his tracks. A fucking witness! There was no one around, he was sure of it! 

"I said where are you going you fucking degenerate!" The insult came in Dutch, German, English, and several other languages Jens didn't know. It wasn't just the yelling, it was coming from EVERYWHERE! Jens sprinted down the alley and ran into an immovable object. Fear as he had never known overcame him then. The stabbed him has glaring down upon him with his impossibly long fingers. 

Jens waited for the useless sack of human garbage to make a run for it before standing without a sound. He waited a few seconds before taunting the would be murderer. He was instantly at his back, his left side, his right side, moving faster than Jens could track with his mere human eyesight. Soren jumped up above Jens and stood on an overhang as he watched him fumble around. Soren could not wait anymore and dropped on the unsuspecting Jens knocking him to the ground. Soren hoisted him up without effort, it was Jens who pissed (and worse) himself at that moment. Soren's hands were like steel on Jens shoulders. He showed his meal the tools he would soon be devoured by, and slid an elongated finger easily over Jens neck precisely where the vocal cords are severing them. He placed an immensely strong palm of his left hand on the wound pressing against the wound. The right hand clenched Jens' open jaw and crushed his mandible as if it was a pop can. The left hand was removed as Soren drank greedily. The blood tasted of cheap heroin and gonorrhea, but the toxins were filtered quickly allowing pure blood to be absorbed. 

It is a long life when you were born in 1698 in The Union of Denmark Norway. The race of vampires he was now apart of where a community of few. Birth rates are low among his kind, so much can go wrong when development happens rapidly. Instead of nine months, it is a matter of weeks. Young ones are a rarity so loss is expected. Contrary to popular opinion, vampires must be born. A mere bite to a surviving human only leads to death, not the undead. Also, sunlight is not a killer just a nuisance so we avoid it when and where we can. The wooden stake in the heart followed by decapitation, well I'm afraid to say that part of folklore was accurate. I must make clear we are not bloodthirsty creatures who mindlessly kill, we developed culture and appreciate the finer things in life we have grown accustomed too. Just because we hunt and kill you for food does not mean we are evil. We crave and we take. We have no use for hierarchy or power, we all want our own to succeed. We have a singular need to be filled and we have so many of you to help. 

Soren, like all vampires, have a specific anatomy to aid in their need to feed. Nutritional content is stored in the veins, and keeps them who they are, like a battery storing energy. Soren has a functioning heart, liver, and brain along with a reproductive organ. No need for lungs, he never took a breath a day in his long life. No need for kidneys, toxins are excreted almost immediately after consumption. They are naturally filtered and moved to his penis and disposed of completely. No need for a stomach or intestines; his crackless ass is smooth and flat. Vampires have an extended lower back if you will, no need are an anus when you never developed a rectum. Skeletal structure is identical to humans, only there has never been a vampire with a broken bone. His muscular structure is similar in appearance only, but the muscle density is unmatched among any living organism. Like all vampires Soren will never get sick, cannot drown, and due to his body temperature being absent of heat, cannot be burned. He has the ability to run up Mount Everest without getting tired, and walking the bottom the Mariana Trench without being crushed. His liver stores the fluids that were drained out of Jens and separates the blood from everything else. The blood is redistributed throughout the body, while the liver moves the rest of the fluids and toxins to the penis, where Soren excretes the toxins sucked out of Jens and distributes the waste back onto the skin wrapped shell of his leftovers. He picks up the flesh sack and levitates out of sight. The organs Jens once had become dried and brittle like his bones. Soren crumples Jens like yesterday's news reducing him to ash to be carried away with the wind.  

A meal like this will last for three to four days before more of the blood becomes unpure and needs to be replaced. Hence why we encourage you all to procreate, and are fortunate you are able to do so with ease. So that is who we are and what we are about. You have met Soren, the rest of his family wants to meat you. So what do we do you for hundreds of years you may ask? We enjoy life to the fullest, we travel anywhere and everywhere. We observe your developments and take those we consider to be desirable. We watch, we wait, we prey, we thrive. The public is our restaurant, you are all on the menu, please join us for a BITE! 

January 28, 2025 02:52

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