Creative Nonfiction Fiction Holiday

“Did you hear about the new bakery in town Aunt Cheryl?” Cheryl was busy decorating for her one year anniversary for her own bakery she had been thinking about opening since she was ten. 

“I can’t hear you Champ, hold on.

“What about a bakery?” Cheryl smoothed out her personalized apron her sister  Becky had made for her for Christmas last year to show her support. Cheryl remembers it like it was yesterday. 

“Seester, i have the best present for you.” 

“It’s not Christmas yet Becky.” She knew her sister could never wait until the actual day to pass out her presents so Cheryl grabbed it from her hands and ran over the same furniture her and her sister ran over when they were little in their parent’s living room. After Cheryl’s dad passed away two years ago, she took it off her Mother’s hands when she moved into a smaller home. 

  Becky was laughing and trying to grab it back. 

She loved the detail her loving sister put into all her homemade presents. Rubbing her hand over the embroidered lettering of the very name of her bakery that her and Becky decided together, Bake with Love

“Aunt Cheryl.” 

Ruffling his locks that were just like his Mother’s were when she was younger, “I’m right here, Champ, what’s up?”

“There is a new bakery going in down the street.” Do you want me to go investigate? 

Setting both hands on his shoulders, she planted a kiss right on his cheek.

“You are about the best detective I have ever known.”

“You always say that Aunt Cheryl,” as he scrubbed his cheek. 

“Ok, if it makes you feel better, then please go forth my friend.” Cheryl saluted him.

“I can’t wait to report back.” See you in a little bit! 

“Thanks Cheryl, your Christmas cakes are the best.” 

“Merry Christmas Al.” “Tell the fam hello.” 

“You can tell them yourself tomorrow.” 

“Is that when Linda gets the results?” 

Al ran his hand through his hair and over his face. “Yes.” 

“Well, tell Linda I have a Christmas cake with her name on it.”

Al opening up the door “We sure appreciate you Cheryl.” 

 “Sorry Mr. Conway, I’m on a mission.” I have to report back to my Aunt Cheryl about some official business.

Both Cheryl and Al both laughing and admiring Champ for his urgency “I’m sure I’ll see both of you soon.”

“Well, my goodness Champ, you must have some important news to tell me.” Folding her arms and tapping her foot Ok, spill it or I’ll withhold my famous chocolate shake for another day. 

“Aww, ya can’t do that Aunt Cheryl” giggling. Ok, here are the goods on the new bakery. A guy by the name Chad owns it. Adjusting his hat, clears his throat. “Do you know what this means.?” 

“Hold on.” Adjusting her ponytail and pushing fallen strands of hair away from her face “Ok Mr. Detective, what does that mean?” They always teased each other. Since her sister passed last year, Cheryl has taken Champ under her wing and into her home. Her sister's death has been very hard on her, and she certainly can see the toll it has taken on Champ. Between running the bakery without her sister and becoming a surrogate mother for all intents and purposes, she would never change a thing. Champ has helped her as much as she hoped she has helped him. 

“This means that we have to run him out of town.” 

“Are you sure about that Champ?” Maybe we should just wait and see if she is a good person with good intentions first. 

“Who said it was a she?” 

“Anyway, you have to see what he has in his store.” “He has these fancy cakes and cookies.

“Champ, we shouldn’t be worried about that right now.” “We have cakes and cookies to bake ourselves.” 

“I’m just looking out for you.” He shrugged. They both look at each other and busted out laughing. 

“Do you think I can make some of those special cookies you taught me how to make?”

“Duh.” Did you think I was letting you off the hook or something? First things first though. Close your eyes. 

Champ squeezing his eyes as tight as he could “That means you have a present for me.”

Laid over his hands was an apron just like hers, with his name embroidered on it. 

“This is the best present I ever got.” Thank you Aunt Cheryl. I get to be just like you.

“Champ, come sit by me. Pulling up a stool at the counter, Champ was hugging his new present. 

“This apron isn’t really from me.” 

Scratching his head “What do you mean.?”

Placing a hand on the side of his face “Champ, this is from your Mother.”

Looking down, he began to cry. Cheryl threw her arms around him and pulled him close. “My dear Champ, your mama loved you so much.” She was planning on making you partner one day. 

Wiping his face with the back of his hand “i miss her so much.”

“Yeah, me too Champ.” But, you know what? The best thing we can do while we miss her?

Sniffling “Taking care of the bakery?”

“Well, of course.” squeezing his chin with her hands. We must have fun while we do it though.” gently smacking him on the knee. Now get up and let’s see how that apron looks on you. Taking the apron from the grips of his hands “May I?”

Champ bent his forward a little so his aunt could put the apron over his head. 

Stepping back and putting his fists on his waist like a super hero. “How does it Aunt Cheryl?”

Looking puzzled and looking around and behind her nephew “Where did you put Champ?” He was right here a second ago. 

Both laughing, the bell to the bakery rang as someone walked in. 

“Stand up straight champ, we have company whispering”

Champ standing up straight and turning around to greet whoever just walked in. “Welcome to the Bakery, where you can get the world’s famous Christmas cake.” Wait a minute, I know you. You are the one that opened up the new bakery.

Looking guilty and playful at the same time “Guilty as charged.” The stranger reached out to Champ to shake his hand and then leaned forward to shake Cheryl’s.

With all the good Minnisota charm, she smiled and shook his hand “Welcome to our town..”


The bell to the entrance chimed again with Mrs. Shannon, the town gossip. Cheryl would never tell her to her face that she had way too much time on her hands to be running into the bakery every day to tell her the newest tidbit. 

Taking her gloves off and paying little attention to anything else. “I’m rather busy today mind you and have only a moment so let's get right down to business.” 

“I wouldn’t like you to be blindsided, so I knew you would like to know as soon as possible.” Cupping them in front of her mouth to tell a well guarded secret. There is a new baker in town. Nervously waving her hands in front of her “We must do something about this.” There isn’t enough room for a second bakery in this small town, we must drive them out of town. 

Before Cheryl could say anything else, Chad stepped back and reached for the door knob. “It was nice meeting you, Cheryl” “I have to get back to The bakery as he cupped his hands and mimicked Mrs. Shannon. Winking at Mrs. Shannon, good day.

Mrs. Shannon looking a bit embarrassed , laid a hand on her chest “How could you let me go on like that...let me go on like that?” 

Turning and walking toward the counter and pulling out one of her signature Christmas cookies,” Here Mrs. Shannon, hope you enjoy it.”

Cheryl pulled her apron off over her head and laid it over one of the two hooks her and her sister were to hang each of their aprons at the end of the day. “Champ, come on, it’s been a long and busy day and we've got to bring over some baked goods to the Pre-Christmas party” No answer. She looked puzzled then realized she had sent him to deliver two Christmas cakes and two dozen chocolate chip cookies to the Town Square Pre-Christmas gathering. It wasn’t unusual for Cheryl to bring baked goods to the Town Square at least once a week. Yellow Marigold was a very hospitable  small town in which they celebrated just about everything. They celebrated Mr. Shelton after he got home from having hand surgery, Bobby Weldy when he hit his first home run, and Ms. Pearl Weathers when she had her first grandchild. Yellow Marigold was a wonderful place where celebrating was about an everyday occurrence. Cheryl enjoyed being a part of every single celebration. Taking out her pony-tail and letting her hair fall over her shoulders, she quickly ran her hand through her naturally curly shoulder length hair.  

Walking up to the sheriff’s office with two more batches of cookies, there were all the familiar townspeople laughing and talking amongst themselves. 

“Aunt Cheryl” Champ quickly skips toward her. “Goodness, Champ. Where did all these people come from?” she gazed over the room and there he was, the new baker owner in town. She had to admit, his ruffled dark hair looked kind of cute. Blushing to herself and dismissing the thought of even thinking such things. 

“The whole town is here.” Straightening out the apron his Aunt gave him, this is the way we do things 

here. “

If you decide not to  bake anymore, could you please become a Hollywood actor?” They both giggled.

Hearing a voice behind her, she turned around and just before she bumped into him, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the cookies and cake before they went flying across the room. 

“Oh goodness.” Thank you very much, I think. 

 “It’s all ok, I saved our baked goods.” Just wanted to say hi again, sticking his hands in his pockets and rocking on his feet.

Cheryl hesitating, not sure why suddenly it felt like she had butterflies living in her stomach, “Umm, will you excuse me please.” She had to get away before she made a fool of herself. Her mind drifted off to the last relationship she had five years ago. She was going to marry Mark. They had a date set, flowers ordered, photographer ready, and she got the call. He had been crossing the street and a car hit him. He was in ICU for two days but his injuries were too severe. Her sister helped her cancel everything. Her sister took care of everything, always. When their Dad died, her sister took care of all the arrangements for their mother. She couldn’t do anything without her sister. 

“Is there anything I can do to take your mind off whatever it is that’s on your mind? 

Cheryl cleared her throat, “You sure rock back and forth on your feet a lot.”

Cheryl, that was just stupid to say. Please be quiet. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude. Their eyes met, and just for a second, and Cheryl’s heart began to beat faster. She leaned on the table. CRASH.

Cheryl opened her eyes and inches from her face were the warmest eyes looking down at her. 

“What happened?” Cheryl touching the back of her head. “Ouch.”

“You hit your head on the end of the table.” But, only after you slipped on the punch that was spilled from you leaning on the table, Chad said with the sweetest smile. 

Letting out a giggle, “That sounds like quite the entertainment.” 

“Where is Champ?” “Did he see me fall?” Cheryl looked around frantically.

“Champ happened to be  across the street picking up something for the mayor. 

“Good.” “Could you help me up please?”

Champ was found and someone found ice for Cheryl’s head. 

“You sure you’re ok Aunt Cheryl?”

“You go ahead and go with Mrs. Wilson, Champ.” “Go have fun with your friends and when I get done here, I will come by and get you, ok?” 

Before Champ walked away, he threw his arms around his Aunt. “I love you Aunt Cheryl.” She couldn’t say a word with a lump in her throat that burned. She just held him tight and kissed the side of his head.

“I will see you in just a little bit, now go.” 

She held her hand to her heart, “You have a great Nephew, Cheryl.” Chad brought his hand to the side of her face, ..”and a lot of holiday punch in your hair.” They both started laughing. “Champ came over this morning and with a broom in his hand.” “He said he just wanted me to feel welcome in Yellow Marigold.” 

“I’m  not sure if this is a good time to tell you this, but the Mayor said he expects us to put together a prize winning baked goods display next week for the real Christmas party.” Are you up for it or would you rather just knock over tables full of punch and cookies.” 

“Oh, you’re on buddy, it’s on.” She grabbed the towel he had thrown over his shoulder and playfully smacked him with it.

Cheryl could hardly believe the day has arrived and all of the townspeople would be gathered around for the biggest event of the year. Well, of course, if you ask Mrs. Wilson, with a straight face, she would tell you that at every event was as special as the other ones. Herself, Chad and with a lot of help from Champ, all three were able to fill four long tables with pies, cakes, pastries of all kinds. 

“Aunt Cheryl!” Looking like he could hardly contain his feelings, he was jumping up and down.

“I’m sorry, I promised Mrs. Wilson I would stop by and put her tree topper on and help her feed her cats.

“No, its none of that,” with a dismissive wave. Didn’t we have fun this week, making all the baked goods with Chad?

Smiling warmly, “We had a lot of fun.” Hopefully, we will have more fun memories in the future.” Cheryl suddenly wondered why she just said that outloud. 

“That’s what I’m thinking.” Champ tapped the counter with a short rhythm.

“I’m thinking we need to do more things with Chad...we need to join forces.”

Tickling his side, “Let’s get through today and see how it goes first.”

“Deal,” as they shook hands.

The Christmas party in the town square was everything it was expected to be; festive with food, fun and baked goods. Chad and Cheryl told Champ to go and enjoy himself and they would guard the baked goods. 

“By chance, did Champ mention anything to you about us three spending more time together?” Chad smirked.

Biting into a chocolate chip mint cupcake, “Wait.” What?” “He told you that?” They both smiled and Chad took the cupcake from her hand and laid it on the table. 

“Cheryl.” “This past week has been one of the best weeks I’ve had in years.” “I didn’t realize just how much I was missing until I spent time with you and Champ.” Taking her hand and placing it over his heart, “Cheryl, I would love to spend more time with you and Champ, us three.”

Cheryl’s stomach was full of beautiful butterflies as she looked into his beautiful brown eyes. “I think I would like that too.”

Champ walks up with a big grin, “I bet you two didn’t know you were standing under a mistletoe, did ya?” He pointed over their heads.

Chad and Cheryl both shrugged with a smirk and Chad kissed Cheryl.

Chad put his hand on Chap’s shoulder, “I think you should be the first to know that your Aunt Cheryl and I have decided we would like all of us to spend more time together.” 

Champ threw his arms around Chad and cried with joy. “I’m gonna have a family again, a whole family.” 

Chad hugged Champ back and looked at Cheryl, “I don’t know about you two, but since I love you both, we may not need two bakeries anymore.”

Six months have passed and there is a brand new Bakery in town, C’s Bakery House. 

You know how much I love you and your Aunt, right Champ?”

Champ smiled proudly.

“I was wondering if it would be ok to marry your Aunt Cheryl?”

Champ smiled really big, “Took you long enough.” 

Cheryl walked in from the back, “What are you two talking about up here?” 

Both Chad and Champ looked at each other and nodded.

Champ gets down on one knee and pulls a small silver box from his pocket.

Cheryl’s jaw dropped open “Cheryl, I love you and Champ with all of my heart.” “With Champ’s blessing, will you marry me.?”

Cheryl was smiling so big, her face hurt. She looked at Champ “What do you think?” “Should I say yes?”

In unison, Chad and Champ said “YES.”

December 12, 2020 04:07

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