Once Upon A Love Story!!

Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: Write a story that begins and ends with someone looking up at the stars.... view prompt



He looked up at the stars.

They were twinkling like diamonds,all bright and beautiful.

Zubin thought of the beautiful day he had met her a year ago.

It was his cousin Shirley’s birthday, she was Shirley’s class fellow.

She was bright and beautiful, almost like a star the first time he saw her.

Zubin wasn’t hoping to meet such a gorgeous girl at the party.

In fact he wasn’t planning to go to the party itself at the first place.

However, as luck would have it, he not only went to the party but also met the love of his life , or so he thought.

They were formally introduced by Shirley and got talking.

She spoke gently, always had a smile on her lips , her eyes sparkled every time she giggled, so much in contrast to the serious personality that Zubin possessed.He was so distracted by her that his mind could barely register what she was talking.

He met her again a month later.

This time, it was very casual. It was at the supermarket.It was a happy coincidence that she turned up at the same time at the same place as him.After the usual grocery shopping, and chatting for a few minutes, she turned to leave. Zubin quickly called out to her.She turned around.Hesitantly, he asked for and got her number.Nothing else was said, both left.

He called her a couple of days later.

He asked her out.She agreed.

It was a windy day, the sun was shining bright and everyone around looked and seemed cheerful.The venue was a small cosy cafe nestled in a quiet corner in the neighborhood where Zubin stayed.She arrived looking gorgeous as ever.They started chatting.

Surprisingly, there was an ease while talking to her.

He was surprised to know that she stayed very close to his place.

She had recently moved in with her family into the neighborhood, was happy to know that Zubin stayed close by.They had a great time discussing food, hobbies, likes & dislikes, family and lot of other things. Zubin was surprised to know that he could share so much with her and that too on the first date itself.There was truly some deep connection happening,it felt magical.

She had finished her masters in clinical psychology and was on her way to assisting a very renowned clinical psychologist at the city hospital. Zubin on the other hand, was working as a stock broker since the last two years, having completed his degree in finance.

It had been three months since they started dating.The three months had passed by blissfully, Zubin was very sure he had found his soulmate.They would go on treks, long walks and discuss about what the future had in store for them, a future where they would be together.

Zubin had decided that she was the one for him , it was time to make things official.Since both of them were traditional, they did believe in the institution of marriage and also that one could actually spend his or her entire life with a single person.

He was waiting for the perfect occasion to pop the question and it arrived.As they say, if you wish for something with all your heart, it will come true for sure.

She invited him to her house the following week as it was her parents’ twenty fifth wedding anniversary. He had found the perfect opportunity.But it had to be a surprise for her.He couldn’t afford to do anything that would spoil the fun, had to be very careful.

It was time to tell the parents although his mother did have a clue about her, still had to have a formal discussion about his choice of a life partner.He did understand that parents would be happy if they feel involved in their kids’ life decisions.This was a first for Zubin and he hoped his parents would react positively.They were really happy for him once he told them, they were excited about the prospect of their son getting married.However, there was a glitch.They wanted to meet her and her family.

Zubin had no clue whether her parents knew although she had mentioned that her parents were like her friends and always supported her.She valued their opinion a lot, it was implied that they had to like him as well.

Zubin thought of a plan.He called her and asked if she needed any help with the party arrangements.She suggested that he come home after office ,as there were some things that had to be taken care of .It was all falling into place.This was all predestined, he thought. Zubin reached her home, he was nervous as he was going to meet her parents for the first time.

Her parents were there, she introduced him, they were warm and welcoming.While she was away in the kitchen, her parents told Zubin that they knew about him and her and were happy for them.

She announced that the dinner was ready, she would just and pick up ice cream from the shop around the corner.She knew how much Zubin loved desserts. Zubin offered to get it but she was insistent that she go as he was her guest.He insisted.She persisted.Finally, Zubin relented.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. It was the neighborhood guy asking us to call the cops, there had been an accident, it was a case of rash driving.She had died on the spot. Zubin wished it was not true.She was alive until a few minutes ago.He had planned a surprise proposal for her two days later.He wasn't even able to say good bye to her.What an irony!!

It was not of her death that Zubin thought about tonight, it was about the beautiful girl who walked into his heart one fine day and enriched his life in so many ways possible.He knew that he had lost, although he had gained as well.The love that he experienced will always be with him.No one can snatch that away from him.He still could not stop himself from thinking how different things would have been had she been alive.

He looked up at the stars.

They were twinkling like diamonds,all bright and beautiful.

However, his heart was as dark as the night, pitch dark!!

May 01, 2020 17:00

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