Romance Drama

“You are cancelling plans for a trip to Mexico?” Marissa asked, disbelief creeping into her tone.

“Yes.” Rerie nonchalantly stared into her friend’s eyes, who also had booked herself a plane to Mexico with her.

“Are you sure you wanna miss this over delayed trip?” Melissa pulled her hair band off her hair, letting them free before laying beside Rerie, on her bed.


“For an annual holiday festival? WHY?” 

“Yes, and because I love Grans. We need to grab onto anything that will help us do better financially.”

“And does Nina know about your crush on Kennett?” 

“Yes--no! She doesn’t need to! It’s just gonna be a few days of baking together, nothing much!” Rerie felt like pulling her golden hair out of embarrassment--or better yet, Marissa’s red ones. 

Marissa threw her head back and laughed. She hadn’t failed to notice Rerie’s warm, bloody cheeks. “Right, that’s why you’re blushing!” She choked out a ‘pfft’ sound, only to be followed by a punch on her forearm by the victim.

* * *

Rerie’s nostrils flared as she looked at her watch. With her chin held high, she stomped on the grassy land of her lawn, rechecking her watch.

20 minutes late.

Of course that jerk of a Kennett was taking his time, intentionally leaving her to wait. Of course he knew that she needed him. Of course he was trying to agitate her by being unpunctual.

Frick manners

With her lips twisted in scowl, Rerie stormed down the street and into Kennett’s bakery. There stood the aforementioned jerk, standing on his jean-cladded knees, slowly talking to a young boy in quite...dirty and torn up clothes.

However, her anger went up a notch when her body responded on seeing Kennett. Her felt lips too dry for her liking, and extra moisture gathered inside her mouth. Looking down at the carpeted floor, she slowly licked her lips, inhaled deeply and then looked down at Kennett with her wild eyes. 

Kennett finally noticed Rerie standing at the entrance, staring at him with narrowed eyes. His eyes went wide for a moment, before he checked his wrist watch and mumbled something incoherent. 

Still fuming, she walked up to him in a few long strides. “Finally checked the time, didn’t we?”

Kennett steadily stood up, his eyes slowly moving up and down her figure. Meeting her eye again, he smiled, softly. Rerie, however, scowled, only for Kennett’s eyes to go as wide as golf balls.

“I apologise--” 

“Shut up! Don’t apologise if you don’t mean it. First, you have the audacity to waste my time and keep me waiting. Second, you didn’t even bother to drop a text. Well, you could have told me that you’re too stuck up to come and talk to me.” Rerie hissed. Kennett only stared at her with his signature wide eyes, dilated jade pupils and parted lips.

“I was just feeding--” he was yet again interrupted by a strong tug on his long coat. Looking down, Rerie noticed a feeble girl twisting her head up to look at Kennett who stood a good three-four feet higher than her. 

“Will you pack a few more pies for us?” she asked, meekly, pointing at another tiny boy who eagerly chewed on a strawberry pie. 

Kennett gave the little girl a wide smile before nodding. The girl quickly clung to his leg and hugged him, pulling a giggle out of him. Rerie stared at them, her scowl slowly fell and a small smile graced her lips. However, a shameful feeling of guilt constricted her chest.

After the girl returned to her table, Kennett again faced Rerie. “Like I was saying, I was feeding some hungry kids. I am really apologetic for keep--”

Rerie just shook her head, looking down at her shoes before looking him in the eye. “I understand. It’s...it’s fine, I just get angry when someone doesn’t appear on time…”

Kennett nodded his head and smiled to make her feel better. 

“We can talk about the contest now,” he said, asking her to follow him. 

                                                   * * *

“Bring me the flour please,” Kennett requested, wiping his forehead with his shirt’s sleeve. 

“Should I bring the chocolate chips as well?” Rerie opened a wood compartment of the kitchen, searching for the flour. 

“Yep,” he replied, mixing a sweet puree. Rerie moved bags of other ingredients here and there, struggling to fish the required material.

“Your kitchen is heck messy,” she spoke up, pulling out the packs of flour and chocolate chips with a huff.

Kennett grunted. “I am not exactly a clean freak. But I apologise for not being one.” Rerie narrowed her eyes on his back, but he didn’t seem to care much.

“Right! You should be sorry for being a pest and making things messy!” 

Kennett froze before turning around to face her. He tilted his face a fraction and raised a brow at her. “Only because you couldn’t easily find some ingredients in my kitchen, does not mean that I mess things up.” 

Rerie crossed her arms over her chest and inched away from him slightly. Lips pursed tightly, she argued back. “I don’t jump to conclusions from one incident or even two. You have ruined enough things in my life to make me say that.”

He licked his lips before biting them. “We haven’t even talked properly for once and here you draw out conclusions about me.”

Rerie’s expression further hardened. “I know enough about you and all those things only make you a jerk.” 

His sour expression slowly turned into that of amusement and his lips turned up in a cheeky smile. “That’s a rival talking. If it’s the Rerie I have seen all these years, who doesn’t like wasting a minute of her life, you wouldn’t be standing here arguing with me while we lose time which could be used to work on making cookies.” 

Rerie’s jaw went slack, being out of words wasn’t like her but here she was, staring at her long time crush who knew something so significant about her. She never really noticed that she indeed was a workaholic, who rarely wasted time at fruitless pleasures. 

Kennett snickered when her cheeks started heating up. She merely huffed and looked away, embarrassed. 

‘Did he notice her as well? Noticed that she liked staring at his face secretly?’

After a minute, he extended his hand towards her, while she stared at it in bewilderment. 

"Can you trust me for just three days? Can we at least try to get along? Can you please get over the things of the past? Rivalry wasn't started by us, but we can definitely finish it," he said, slowly, staring down at her with soft eyes. 

"I-I...yes...yes, we can try." She smiled slightly. 

"Let's get on it then and this time, I'm telling you where everything is placed." They both laughed at his comment. 

* * *

"Oh my god, this is amazing!" Kennett moaned and licked his lips, unintentionally catching Rerie's attention. She stared at them for a moment before looking away with a blush. 

'No dirty thoughts. Not at all. Nope.'

"How do you bake so well? I heard you are usually occupied with your job," Kennett asked, peeking at the dough over Rerie's shoulder, being knit by her. 

"Ah, yes, work has me busy almost the whole week, but well, the bakery is like my baby and I usually take night shifts." 

Kennett's eyebrows lowered into a frown. "You mean, you work instead of resting?" 

Rerie smiled. "Bakery needs me. I will probably go mad if I don't bake." 

"But it might affect your health…" 

A reply sat at Rerie's tongue instantly, however, she cried out before she could voice it out. "Heck, knives never work in sync with me…" 

Kennett quickly rushed to her side and pulled her along towards the sink to wash the blood off. A few minutes later, they sat at the couch outside the kitchen, when Rerie's finger had been treated properly. 

"You overexert yourself," he said, running a hand over his face. "Since we talked yesterday, have you even breathed properly?"

Rerie pulled her face away from him, ignoring the storm of feelings that rose inside her being so close to him. Not like she wanted to be so close to him, obviously. Not like she was crushing on him for nearly 5 years now, even after knowing the fact that he owned a bakery that used to be her rival. 

"I have work to do, Kennett, I can't waste time on resting,”

Kennett stoop up, looking down at her with a smile. He practically hopped around the couch, until he stood behind my seat. 

"Can I give you a massage?” he asked, giving her a toothy smile. 

Rerie awkwardly shifted where she sat on the couch. He was being kind but she was jittery. They weren’t the best of friends, and working for three days together for the win wasn’t going to be easy. She could try to get along with him, couldn’t she? Perhaps some baby steps could help?

She slowly leaned back on the couch and nodded. She heard a sound that almost sounded like a thud but she couldn’t be sure?

He possibly couldn’t be jumping at the opportunity to massage her, was he? 

Rerie laughed at the thought and her stomach fluttered when he did, too, despite not knowing what she had thought. 

Kenett’s hands finally landed on her shoulders moving in a semi-circular pattern. She let out a deep breath at the comforting motion of his hands and her eyes rolled up. Unintentionally, tears welled up in her eyes and a low moan escaped her lips. She felt so light after a long while.

The tears, however, bewildered her. She didn’t have an inkling as to what they were for. Maybe because she had forgotten what it felt like to be cared for, what it felt like to be tension-free. 

The hands that helped her travel heaven, suddenly seized moving while her eyes flew open. Jade eyes stared back at her.

“Why are you crying?”

Rerie’s lips parted but nothing came out.

“Am I making you uncomfortable?” he tried, but sighed, involuntarily when she shook her head. “Reminiscing some memory?”

She blinked her eyes, rapidly, squishing her eyebrows together. “I am just...just overwhelmed.” Pulling his hands back on her shoulders, she encouraged him to continue. 

“I should get something for giving you such an amazing massage,” Kenett spoke up, grinning. Rerie grunted, blushing slightly when his fingers grazed her neck every once in a while and the hair on it stood up.

“I am willing to pay you to give me a massage daily,” she mumbled while he chuckled. 

“Kennett, don’t you hate me?”

He laughed again, steadily moving his fingers along her shoulders. His hearty laugh had no edge to it, no mocking tinge, but a genuine laugh. 

“No. No, I don’t hate you, Rerie. I never felt any bitter feelings towards you. If anything, I respect you, you’ve built your bakery from almost ashes. I like seeing you work so diligently.” 

“Ashes--” she stopped immediately when two of his fingers smacked her neck.

“Whatever happened among our families and bakery should’ve been pushed into the shadows long ago...but, if it couldn’t be previously, I have every intention to make us better now. Who do you think sent Grans to you?” 

Rerie’s hand flew to her chest, her eyes flew open and she gaped at an amused Kennett. “You witch!” 

“I had to bribe her with a few pastries though.” He laughed while a huge grin grew on her face. 

Was she trusting this strange and fascinating man?

Yes. Yes, slowly but surely. 

* * *

“Oi, save some for him!” Rerie watched Kennett laugh with the orphan kids while they tickled him and snatched the pies away from. 

Leaning against the wall, Rerie noticed things she hadn’t particularly before. Kennett had beautiful brown, wavy hair. His lips were a spectacular cupid’s bow and his toothy smile was worth clicking a picture of to display in a museum. 

Perhaps his kindness and innocence made him more adorable. Or maybe the way he smiled at those kids made him so special. Rerie, it seemed, wasn’t the only who was fascinated with him. Various couples, girls and people stared at him with a grin. 

“Oh, Rerie!” he greeted, standing up from a table filled with kids and walking up to her.

“You weren’t there at the camp or the fair, figured you’d be here,” she said, stealing a glance at the kids behind before smiling at him. 

“Oh, I am sorry, I just had to feed them-” Rerie touched his hand, only for him to shut up and look at her hand, blushing lightly. 

“I understand and appreciate it. It’s fine,” she assured.

“We should continue working from where we left yesterday,” his voice sounded tremulous. 

Rerie followed his gaze before her own landed on her hand, touching his. Jerking it away, she cleared her throat and turned around towards the exit with her burning cheeks.

Of course she had to touch him. 

* * *

“Cookies, num-num,” Kennett sang, preparing the batter for another round of cookies.

“Right, num-num.” Rerie rolled her eyes. “How old are you again?”

“Old enough to be an eligible bachelor for you,” he said, wiggling his brows while handing her a bowl of water. Rerie purposely spilled some water on him as he yelped.

“Ha, you wish. I don’t marry oldies.”

“I am just twenty-seven…?” 

“Old. I am 365 days younger than you. Shame, isn’t it?” 

He guffawed. “Indeed. That is why you shouldn’t let the 365 days of age difference affect you and accept me as your sugar beau.” 

She grunted in reply and continued working, hoping that the beautiful jerk hadn’t noticed her flaming cheeks, for she could ignore the fluttering in her stomach for now. 

* * * 

KENETT!” Rerie yelled, wildly stomping her feet on the floor, racing around in search of him.

“What happened, dear?” a servant of Kennett’s cafe asked. 

Rerie’s hand flew on forehead, while she gritted her teeth. “He is hiding from me, despite being aware of the fact that we have to put all the cookies on sale today.” 

The lady looked at her with wide eyes before pointing towards the stairs. “The cabin on the right when you climb till the last stair.” Rerie nodded at her.

At the top step of the stairs, she found a small cabin door on the right. Softly, she twisted the door knob and pushed. The door creaked and Kennett’s figure appeared, lying on the bed. Although his position was comfortable, his muscles looked tense.

“Kennett?” Rerie asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Her stoic expression, however, softened when she took in his dishevelled state. His hair was mussed up, his clothes were all crunckly and his jade eyes had exhaust.

She awkwardly shifted on her feet before sitting on the bed beside him. Without looking her in the eye, he pulled his legs up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them.

“What happened, Ken?” He instantly looked at her when she called him out by his pet name. 

“I...I am sorry, but-but maybe we should not participate in ‘Baking Love’,” he mumbled, extracting a low groan from her. 


“Chana-she...she came up to me in the morning and she tried to-to kiss me-”


He ignored her question and continued, “I pushed her away but she started crying and mumbling about how her family was going to die...and she-she asked me to not participate in the festival so she can collect some money to save her father and Grandmother.” Rerie lost the ability to keep a straight face at one point. She started laughing, pinching the cheeks of a bemused Kennett.

“Her mother is dead, her deranged father ran away when she was a child and her grandma is quite fine. She is participating in this contest,” Rerie pointed out, snickering when realization crossed Kenett. 

Her hand crept towards his and squeezed. “She is anticipating our win because you are delicious-” she stopped mid-sentence, fumbling for the next couple of words. “you bake delicious cookies-” She halted midway when he started chuckling.

In an attempt to hide her flaming cheeks, she made a run for it but before she could even get up, Kennett pulled her back. Pulling her chin up to look at him, he ran her thumb over her red, burning cheeks. His jade eyes smoldered with a new intensity. 

As unlike poles of a magnet, they moved closer, Kennett’s hand found a sensitive spot on her hips, while her hands pressed against his hard chest. He pressed against a point on her hip and she trembled in his arms. 

Their lips inched closer, before they touched and moulded together. Their lips moved together in sync, initially slow, before she bit his lower lip and the kiss turned wild and fast. For Rerie, it was like a fantasy come true. All these years, she crushed on this amazing and ridiculously kind guy, and here she was, almost on his lap, smooching him. 

Their lips parted for a breath. With heavy and erratic breaths, he muttered, in a deep, throaty voice, “You are much more delicious.”

* * *

One year after the annual holiday festival, Kennett and Rerie were wed. Admittedly, there were problems among their families but none stopped them from falling for each-other. Well, they didn’t win “Baking Love”, they did, however, bake romance. 

December 12, 2020 04:41

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