Lizzie's Date

Submitted into Contest #27 in response to: Write a short story that ends with a twist.... view prompt



Lizzie was sitting at her dining room table with her family, playing a game, eating a sweet salad. It was her birthday. (Or so she thought) She was playing a game with her family, yes, but it wasn’t her real family. She was adopted. Her father left as soon as he found out Lizzie’s mother was pregnant with Lizzie, and then once Lizzie was born, Her mother left her in front of her best friends house. She never found out who her mother was, but she did know one thing. When she was left on the front step, her mother left a note. It said:

Dearest Lizzie,

I love you so much. You need to know that. I am leaving you here in hopes that someone better than me will find you, and let you have a better life then you could ever have with me. I want to help you find me when you are all grown up, and successful. I will give you three hints, that only you will understand, in case this note lands in the wrong hands.

  1. You were born on a full moon.
  2. My first name is Eliza.
  3. My career has something to do with cars.

Momma loves you so much, Lizzie


Lizzie has read this letter so many times, and with every time, she wanted to know who her mother was even more. She decided to go up into the attic and look around for any clue as to who her mother was. Because her adopted family was friends with her mother, Lizzie thought that they must have some pictures, notes, belongings, anything. 

As Lizzie was walking up the stairs, she heard footsteps in the attic. Lizzie stood still. She listened through the door, and waited until she heard the creak of a window opening, and someone walking down the fire escape. She peeked through the keyhole, and didn’t see anyone, so she walked in. She looked around, and saw that the attic was trashed. Everything was tossed around, and it looked like someone was looking for something. Then, she noticed it. There was an orange envelope that looked to be full. Lizzie went over to it, picked it up, and opened it. Lizzie gasped, and fell to the ground. Inside was a picture of her biological mother, Eliza, and a letter. It was in her handwriting, too.

Hello Lizzie, 

I think the time is right for you to find me. Here is my information, let’s get together sometime. I am in a better place now, and I think I’m ready.

My phone number ~ 750-562-6348

Email -

Please contact me!

I miss you so much


The picture had Lizzie’s mom, and a man. Lizzie didn’t know who the man was, but she wanted to find out. She thought to herself, and wondered who the person was in her attic, and then she realized it. It was her mom! Eliza must’ve went in to put the letter in her attic then leave. Lizzie decided to make her first attempt at finding her mother.

It had been two days since Lizzie found the envelope. Lizzie made the choice  to call her mom. The phone rung.

“Hello?” Eliza said.

“H-hi.” Lizzie said

“Is this-”

“It’s me, mom.” Lizzie said.

“Lizzie?” She said. “I’ve missed you so much. I should’ve never left you.”

“It’s okay, I just wanted to call you and tell you that I’m okay.” Lizzie said. “I also wanted to ask you if you can meet me for lunch tomorrow.” She let out a breath of air.

“Could we meet today instead?” Eliza said. “I really want to see you.”

“Yes, of course!” said Lizzie. “How’s Ritzy’s at noon?”

“Promise I’ll be there. See you soon.”



“It’s good to hear your voice. I’ve missed you.”

Lizzie pulled on her socks and shoes frantically, eager to meet her mom. She just couldn’t believe it. She gets to meet her!

“Bye mom, I am going out with friends, I’ll be back later” Lizzie said.

“See you later, sweetie!” Her mom said. “Be back before dark!”

Lizzie left, adn pulled into Ritzy’s parking lot. The clock read 11:56. 

“Perfect timing!” she thought.

Excited, she ran inside, and got a table. Lizzie ordered a diet Pepsi with no ice, and sat down. She waited, and looked at the menu, and a waitress came by. 

She said “Are you ready to order?”

“Not yet.” Lizzie said.

Lizzie checked her phone. The time read 12:00. 

Five minutes had passed.The time was 12:05.



Lizzie started drawing on her napkin.


She started to assume that Eliza wouldn’t come.


Just as Lizzie was about to leave, the door opened, and in came Eliza. She was running, well aware of the fact that she was late. She scanned the room, she felt like she was on fire! Her heart was racing, and she couldn’t find Lizzie. Eliza didn’t know what Lizzie looked like now, but Lizzie knew what Eliza looked like. Annoyed, Lizzie stood up and waved Eliza over. Eliza ran over as fast as she could.

“I’m so sorry! I had a thing at work,-” Eliza said

“What thing?” asked Lizzie

“Well, I work for an auto company, and yesterday we just introduced a new car, and everybody in town wants one. All of the companies phones were going off! ” Exclaimed Eliza.

“What’s your position?”

“Oh! I am the manager for the store.”

“What car was it?” asked Lizzie.

“The new Honda Civic.” said Eliza.

“Mom?” asked Lizzie.

“Yes?” Said Eliza.

“Why are you lying to me?” asked Lizzie

“What do you mean? I’m not lying!” said Eliza

“The Honda Civic came out a week ago, and my parents bought it for me because I graduated highschool. It didn’t come out yesterday.” Lizzie said. “Do you even work at an auto company?”

Eliza sighed. “No. I don’t. I’m sorry. I just wanted you to believe in me, and believe that I'm a better person.”

“Where do you work then?” asked a disappointed Lizzie.

“I don’t have a job.”

“Oh my god,” said Lizzie. “I was so excited to see you.” she said. “I shouldn’t have been.” 

“No, please” Eliza said.

“No. I just want to know three things.”


“Why now? Why not before now?”

“Huh?” said Eliza.

“Why did you contact me now?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just missed you.” Eliza said.

Lizzie sighed. “That’s it? Nothing else?” She thought. “My second question is who is the man in this picture?” She showed the picture from the envelope to Eliza.

“I see you got my envelope.” Eliza said.

“That was you? You broke into my house?’

Ashamed, Eliza said “Yeah.”

“Whatever.” Lizzie sighed. “Who is this man?”

“That is my husband.”

“My father?” Lizzie asked.

“No.” Eliza said.

“What happened to him?” Lizzie asked.

“He left when you were born.”

“Oh.” Lizzie said. “Okay. That’s all I needed. You are obviously not ready to be a mother yet, so I’m done. I am going to move on with my life, and leave you behind. I have a better family who will care for me more than you ever will.” she said. “Goodbye, Eliza.”

Lizzie left Ritzy’s crying. Yes, she was upset, but she knew that she didn’t need her mom, she had a much better one at home.

15 years later…


“Yes, Ethan?” Lizzie said.

“I love you.” Ethan said.

“I love you too, Ethan.” Lizzie said

They hugged, and Sydney, (Lizzie’s other son) came waddling up to Lizzie, and said

“Momma? Can I have a hug too?” 

“Of course you can, silly!” Lizzie said.

Lizzie’s husband, Asher came and gave them all a hug too. 

“Boys?” Lizzie said. “Momma loves you so much.”


February 06, 2020 18:46

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