Fiction American Drama

Saturday 9:15 AM


“Mom! Mom! Tanner’s not helping clean the playroom! He’s still playing video games! He says he doesn’t have to clean if he don’t want to! And Thom’s reading a book! And Victor’s just playing.”


“Tanner, get off the Xbox before I yank the plug on it! This whole place looks like a tornado hit it! Tanner—”


“Awwwaaahhhawww! Mom! I gotta beat that boss all over again!


“Told you I’d yank it! Get moving!”


“Tyler, you’re a tattletale meany head!”


“Hey! Hey, Tanner threw the controller at me, Mom!”


“Guys, knock it off! We’re not going to Six Flags if you’re going to act like this!”


“If we don’t go, it’ll be all because of you, Tanner!”


“If we don’t go, it’ll be all because of you, Tyler!”


Guys! Are you hearing me? You’ve got an hour and a half to get it done. That’s it! Thom, you’re the oldest . . . please!”


“Okay, okay! Come on, you two! Victor bro! I need your help, little buddy!”


11:29 AM


“Mo-ommm! Tanner’s still not helllppping! And he made this mess, toooo!”


“Did not! You did it. You’re the slob of the family, Ty!”


“Well, your time is up anyway! You lose. We’re staying home.”


No! We gotta go. I want to ride the Tornado! It’s the coolest ride, right Tanner!”




“Too bad! You boys have been up here for two hours and nothing looks any different. In fact, it looks worse! Why're there dirty clothes in the play room? Get them down to the laundry. Whose moldy pizza is that under—hey! Is that my box of chocolates on your desk, Tyler? Victor, sweep the floor, not your brother’s head. Thom, you’re supposed to be my lieutenant here.”


 Oh, sorry. I had to use the bathroom. Mom—it’s on the radio that we’re getting some storms. Maybe even a tornado.”


“Is our house gonna blow away to Texas?”


“Well, Tyler, if it does, I hope it’s clean when it gets there! Victor, let go of my legs. We’ll be fine. We live in New York. Not many tornadoes happen here. Look, we might have to put off Six Flags until tomorrow if we do get those storms. BUT, if these rooms aren’t picked up today, the deal’s off! You got a half hour!”


“A half hour!”


“That’s not fair!”


“It is fair. She’s right, we should’ve had it done by now. Come on, guys. We can do this. Look, Victor, the littlest, is doing more than we are.”


 “Aubwey and Audwey are the wittlest, huh, Momma. I not the wittlest now, huh?”


“No, you’re not the littlest. Please don’t wake them up with your fussing and fighting! I could’ve had the whole upstairs done in twenty minutes—alone! Like I do everything else! Why do you kids have to trash every single room in the house?”




“Mmmm . . . story of your lives—I don’t know! I’m going down to check the weather channel. You boys keep working. I better see some progress when I get back.”


“Mom? Is Dad coming to Six Flags with us? Will he be home in time?”


“Probably not, Tyler.”


“Boy! He never goes anywhere with us anymore!”


12:15 PM


“. . . a rare occurrence for this part of the country, but already three tornadoes have touched down in the Albany-Saratoga region. Damage reports are coming in . . .”


“Listen to that rain! . . . Where’s that dog? Better get stuff ready just in case. And the twins . . . no, I’ve got plenty of things for them in the diaper bag. Just need some blankets and some snacks. The cats . . . where are the cats? Man, of all times Taggart had to work overtime, it would have to be today! But, hey, who am I kidding . . . his home away from home. No, we’re his home away from home! I wish just once—”

“Mom, your phone is ringing! It's up here . . . somewhere . . .”

“I can hear it. Where is it? The toy box? Why's it in the toy box?”


Iountknow . . . That’s all you ever sa—Hello?”


“Hey, honey. How about this storm, huh? Hopefully those tornadoes stay south of us. We might get off early, if Jason can make a decision on his own. Frank didn’t come in today, so we’re without a real foreman.”


“Yeah, hopefully they do stay south. I’ve already started getting things together, just in case.”


“Good. Make the boys help you, Skylar. Not sure Victor can be of much help, but the others! Don’t forget the girls.”


“I won’t forget the girls, Taggart. I'm not—”


“Look, Sky, I gotta let you go. Get the kids down to the basement. Better safe than sorry! Remember, the best spot is over on the east side of the basement. Take plenty of water! Oh . . . hey . . . Ned says he’s ready to make a deal on that piece of land we’ve been dreaming of building a house on.”


“Terrific! Hope we still have a house here after today. Wish you were here.”

“We’ll have a house, don’t sweat it! Remember—east side! Love ya!”


“Love you, too! Bye. . . . What side is the east side? Okay, boys, we have to make survival camp! This is not a drill!”


Yeah! Survival camp! Mom, do I got time to bring all my video games?”


“Can’t play them if we lose electricity, right, Mom?”


“That’s right, Thom. Get, quickly, what you treasure the most. Get your blankets and pillows and—”


“Clean unnerwears, huh, Momma!”


“Sure, Victor, and there’s probably clean unnerwears in the dryer downstairs. You don’t have to waste time getting more. Let’s see how quick we can do this, okay? Anyone know where the dog and the cats are?”




12:22 PM


“Mom, they're saying a tornado's coming toward us! It’s already leveled two towns!”


“Really? Terrific! Tyler, Tanner, let’s go! Thom—”


“Mom . . . Mom, look at the sky. I never seen it look greenish yellow before, did you?”


“No, Tanner! Go! Crap! Are there batteries for the radio?”




“I wasn’t asking anyone specifically! I—"


“Mom! Mom! Look! That thing's a mile wide and sucking everything—there goes Mr. Hensen’s garage! You always liked that garage, huh, Mom? You wished it could be ours, huh, Mom?”


“Well, Tanner, now it’s going to be nobody’s! Guys! Get your butts downstairs! Hurry up! We should’ve been down there ten minutes ago! Story of our lives . . .”


“Momma, we don’t got Nesweigh and the cats!”


“No time, Victor! Come on!”


“Mom! The girls!”


Ah . . .! Get them downstairs, Thom! I’ll be right there!”


“You get Audwey and Aubwey, Momma, and I get Nesweigh!”


No! Thom, make Victor go down with you! Victor, go with your brothers!”


“Come on, Twerp. Nesleigh’ll find a place to hide. We’ll find her after.”


“But her will die, Thom!”


“So will we if we don’t get down cellar like Mom says. Go with Tanner! I’ll be right behind you in a second! Tyler! Stop stuffing your face! What if we have to live in the cellar for a month and you’ve eaten all the food? You’re such a hog! Take that box and get the rest of the donuts. Come on! Mom’s gonna be mad if she comes back and we’re still up here!”


12:42 PM


“Look at you two . . . such tiny sweethearts, sleeping so peacefully . . . like nothing’s happening. What the—! Holy crrapp, things are getting hairy out there! Sounds like ten trains rushing by! Shhhhh! Shhhh! It’s okay, my sweets! We’ll be safe in a second.  . . . there’s Topaz! Where’re the other two? I hope they know how to hide!”


12:50 PM


“Is Daddy coming home, Mom?”


“I doubt it, Tanner. Be too dangerous. Come this way more.”


Ohhhhhh! I’m scared, Mom!”


“We’ll be fine, Ty. Dad said to stay in this part of the basement, so . . . Thom, where’s Victor?”


“I told him to go downstairs. Said I’d be right behind him. But I had to get Tyler out of the fridge first!”


“Oh, God, don’t tell me he snuck off and went out looking for that mutt!”


“She ain’t a mutt! Is she gonna die?’


“Mom, what if Dad’s car gets sucked up in the tornado? What if he gets blown all the way to Texas?”


“Tanner, he isn’t going to be. Okay? You all stay here. I’ll be—  Oh, no!”


“Mom! What’s happening? Mom, the house— It’s shaking bad! It’s gonna get ripped away and get blown to Texas!”


 “Mom, say a prayer!”


 “Mom! Mom! Mom! We’re gonna diiieeeee! Hold me!”


“Oh…Victor! Please, Jah, keep him safe!”


1:10 PM


“Whooaaaa . . . Mom . . . there’s no busted up pieces . . . no . . . nothing! Where’d the house go?”


“Does this mean Victor is gone, too?


“Does this mean we don’t have to clean our room?”


“Don’t be dumb, Tanner! We’ve got no house! Now what we’re going to do, Mom?”


“I don’t know, Thom. For now . . . find Victor . . . if we can . . .”




“Victor! Hey Victor! Where are ya, little buddy? Mom’s crying! Stop hiding now. It’s all over!”


“What if Dad’s work blew away, too? That would be horrible, huh, Mom?”


“Yeah, Tanner, it would. It really would.”


1:40 PM


“Skylar! Sky! Are you all right? Everybody? My God . . . the whole house . . . swept clean off the foundation! I’m so glad you’re safe! All of you—what’s the matter? Why are you crying? Sky? Everyone’s safe . . . aren’t they?”


“Victor . . . V-Victor’s gone.”


What? No—that can’t be. Wasn’t he with you? How could—you remembered the girls?”


“Don’t be dumb, Tag! I didn’t forget anyone! I told Thom to get the boys while I went for Aubrey and Audrey. He must have slipped off and gone looking for Nesleigh.”


“Skylar, you should’ve checked heads! You should have—”


“You know, Taggart, I can’t do everything all the time all by myself! Must be nice for you . . . all safe at work, surrounded by adults, relieved of the responsibility of looking out for four boys, two baby girls, three cats and a dog!”


“All right, all right. I’m sorry. I wasn’t here. I should have been here. This isn’t finding Victor. Let’s find him. And then . . . let’s find our house. Or what’s left of it, at any rate. Guess it’s a good thing Ned accepted my offer tonight. If we have to rebuild, we might as well rebuild on our dream spot!”


4:55 PM


“We’ve searched everywhere. I’ve got to sit down, Tag. Let’s go downstairs . . . God, I hate to think he’s been . . . It is my fault . . .”


“No, Mom. You told me to watch him. It’s my fault.”


“Okay, that’s not going to help anything. Sit here, Sky. Let’s see if the radio works. Miracles happen. He could be safe somewhere. I suppose we have to think about us—where we’re staying tonight. The school’s intact. They’re letting people stay there.”


“Tag—no,  we’re fine here. I don’t want to leave . . . in case . . . in case he shows up . . .”


 “What we eating? Peanut butter and jelly?”


“I don’t know, Tyler. Probably. What happened to all the blankets?”


“They musta fell behind the couch. I put them right there. I did!”


“I’m sure you did, Tanner. I’ll get them in a minute.”


“I’ll get them! . . . Hey! Hey! Come here, look! Mom, Dad! Here’s Victor . . . asleep behind the couch. Nesleigh and all the cats are here with him!”


“Good grief, how could he sleep through all that commotion! Nesleigh too! She hates loud noises!”


“Must be they comforted each other. Fell asleep in their fear. Take the girls, Thom. I’ll get Victor. No, sit, Sky.”


“Now all we gotta do is find our house, huh, Mom? Huh, Dad?”


“Forget the house, Ty. It’s gone forever. We’ll be building a new place on our new land.”


“But I like this house . . . or I liked this house. Can we build the new one, Dad, like this one was?”


“Yeah, can we? Where we gonna live till it’s built? Huh, Dad? Where we gonna live?”


“Don’t worry about that now, boys. Come on. We should see if any of our neighbors need help now that we've found Victor. Little scamp! Safe all the while, he was! What’s the matter, bud? You don’t like me ruffling your hair?”


Sunday, A Day Later – 3:35 PM


“Holy cow, Mom! I don’t believe this!”


“Nobody believes it.”


“This couldn’t happen in a million years . . . When Ned called me to say the house was on the land he just sold me, I laughed. ‘Yeah, right! That’s five miles from here!’ I said, ‘And Hensen’s garage is right beside it, I suppose!’ ‘Sure is,’ he says, dead serious. And . . . so it is. From the outside, it doesn’t look like either place is any worse for wear—except the windows . . . some shingles . . .”


“Kind of like a miracle, ain’t it, Mom?”


“Yes, Tanner. I’d say it’s a lot like one!”


“Did the tornado put them here?”


“Dummy! Of course the tornado put them here, Tyler! So—are we going to live in our house again, Dad? Can we fix it?”


“I like this house. I don’t want to build a new one!”


“Now we don’t gotta, huh, Mom? Huh, Dad?”


“Hey, be careful, Tyler! Stop jumping around; I’m holding a baby here! What are we going to do, Tag?”


“Well, first thing we’re doing is finding out if Mr. Hensen wants his garage back.”


“I hope he wants to sell it. You know I’ve wanted a garage like that—and now we do! Look at that . . . perfectly placed . . . just as if we’d planned it like that. Crazy!”


“All we have to do is build a couple solid foundations and we’re in business. No moving vans, no packing stuff! Hey, this isn’t a bad set up, eh, Sky?”


“A dream come true . . . if Mr. Hensen lets us keep the garage! Boys, what’re you doing? Don’t go inside yet!”


Mom! Dad! You’re not gonna believe this! It’s a mess, but not as bad as you’d think!”


“What? I can’t believe that. Not sure I’m ready to tackle this job! . . . Oh, great. TV trucks . . . Not ready for that!”


Two Months Later – Saturday, 4:45 PM


“This is so cool, Mom! Everything’s finished already! Was great that so many people helped us get the house and garage fixed. Nicer basement to hide in if we ever need to again!”


“Very true, Thom! This is awesome! What, Tyler?”


“Aren’t you glad Mr. Henley gave us the garage? The tornado made your dream come true, huh, Mom? That’s kinda funny, huh. But cool! And I liked being on TV, didn’t you, Thom? Did you, Mom? Did you like being on TV?”


“My teacher made me write all about it! And I wrote how big trucks came to pick the house up and put it on the cellar! And then she said, ‘Tanner, read your story to the class!’”


“She make you write about the bedrooms you have to clean—still? They look like a tornado hit them!”


“A tornado did hit them! A big one!”


“Some little ones hit ‘em first!”


“Can we go to Six Flags if we clean ‘em quick, Dad? It’s open again.”


“Yes, Tanner, I suppose we’ve earned a Play Day. We can go tomorrow—if you boys get your rooms back in shape today. How’s that?”


“An’ I gonna holp! An’ I gonna take care o’ Aubwey and Audwey for Momma!”


“Thank you, Victor. That’s very kind of you!”


“Are you coming this time, Daddy? We want you to. Mom does too, don’t you, Mom? We all do, right Tanner? Right, Thom?”


“Yeah. And Mom was mad last time when we went to the lake, and Dad didn’t, and Ty almost drowned, and that big dog came and ate our hot dogs, and Victor and the girls cried allll day! And you did, too, huh, Mom?”




“No big deal, Tag. He didn’t drown; we had other stuff to eat, and the little ones finally fell asleep. I was tired . . . that’s all.”


“But you’re coming this time, right, Dad? We’re all going together, right?”


“Yeah, Tanner, we’re all going together.”


Yes! And y’ know what ride we’re riding first?”


“I can’t imagine, Ty—can you, Sky?”


“Actually, I can!”


The Tornado!”


 “Guys, guys—too loud! Hey! Okay, okay! Careful, guys! You’re making me squish Audrey . . . or is this Aubrey? Aubrey.”


“Heya . . . look, Sky . . . I’m sorry about how things were before. It’s gonna be different, okay? I thought I was doing my part . . . bringing home the money. And you seemed so capable of taking care of–of things at home. I thought we were okay, you know? But, this has shown me how wrong I’ve been. I’ve missed out on a lot, and I let myself be blind to the fact that you’ve been carrying a load probably bigger than mine! I’m sorry . . . forgive me?”


“I don’t know, Taggart. Maybe . . . possibly. Okay, yes!”


“Co’mere . . . I love you, you know!”


“Hey, hey, Dada! Momma! Stop kissin’ each odder! You squishin’ Aubwey!”


February 25, 2023 04:33

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Wendy Kaminski
16:08 Mar 02, 2023

This was really fast-paced and delightfully different, Anita! That is cool it worked out like it did, and that actually is within the realm of possibility, which I don't think people realize... so very cool realism! My favorite line was " “Aubwey and Audwey are the wittlest, huh, Momma. I not the wittlest now, huh?” awwwww. :) So cute! Thanks for the entertaining and exciting story (with a happy ending!), and welcome to Reedsy!


Anita M Shaw
17:42 Mar 02, 2023

Thanks, Wendy, for your kind comments! I love using small child speak where called for. I actually wrote this a while back after we drove behind a tornado coming home through Alford, MA. from a visit to my parents in CT. Who would've thought?? A house that was being built was there the day before and gone the next. My imagination was sparked . . . :) Thanks for the welcome, as well!


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Shane Murray
00:08 Mar 01, 2023

What a roller coaster, you had me in the first half with Victor. Was glad to see him safe! Very cute back and forth with the kids and reminded me that I do not miss Kansas and its three-tornados-a-day season.


Anita M Shaw
17:50 Mar 02, 2023

Victor is actually a little kid I used to babysit. Had to have him in the story! He was such a fun kid! The others are based on my three boys, and so the conversations are pretty much how it went at times, and the girls are the daughters I didn't get to have. Wow! three times a day! I wouldn't miss that either! Thank you for your kind remarks!


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