Contemporary Drama Thriller

A script for three act piece.


Jenny – an actor, a cute, attractive mouse

Rob – an actor, a humble cat

Bob – an actor, a gay merry cat

Robert – an actor, a solemn, gentleman-like cat

Mike – a movie producer, a confident, strict dog.

Act 1. Scene 1.

At a rise: Bad lit underground parking. On the left side stands old Ford with open driver's door. On the right a door to the elevator hall. From time to time cars go through the scene and on a moment they are hidden actors and drowning their voices. Jenny and Mike emphatically talk with Rob.

Jenny: I must take on you! That scene is about trust – you get me out of an accident here is myself who need to fainted, not you!

Mike: Don't worry about cars – drivers all are proffesionals. They'll make around you but in the last moment – viewers must believe the dangerous is real.

A noisy car crosses the avansscene with a roar.

Rob: I have understood. Jenny, you can rely on me I'll catch you in time.

Jenny: And be accurate when put me on the concrete floor – it's really a dirty hole.

Mike: That's right, that's right. You must rise from the tought circumstances – the settings are correct. Last word – Rob, try to perform a surprising – you even don't believe yourself done it. Okey, lets start.

Action on the scene. Rob go from the lift hall forward Jenny who is closing her car. Operators and services with microphones appear here and were film the action. When Jenny left her car abruptly, another big automobile appeared on the scene from her back. Just in the last moment Rob make a jump and pull the mouse out from wheels. Jenny faints and soften on the cats paws.

Act 1. Scene 2.

The same settings. Jenny lays on the floor, Rob is searching something in the car. The mouse awakes, slowly arises and sees the cat. She is in dread. Jenny stands on her feet, puts out the knife, do few steps and when a car roaring from right to left she jumps on the cat. When the car has passed Rob slides down bleeding.

Rob: Oh, that's hurt.

Jenny: Hurt? Are you pulling my leg? You wanted to rob me! How you dare! You'll never take what I've got through all these hard years! You're bastard! Never touch me or my property or you will die!

Rob: I'm dying...

Jenny: What is in your hands? A pillow from the car? Maybe you wanted just to aid me?.. Never mind! A cat is always a cat! It is a liar! It always has a cunning plots! You deserve this!

Rob goes out. A police flash lits the scene. Officers come from the elevator, from the parking. They comfort Jenny, put a white cover on the cat. With next roaring car the curtain shut.

Act 2. Scene 1.

An office floor. Few cubicles are seeing on the left. In the center a chill out space with coffee machine, small fridge and a table with plates of snacks and fruits. There is an elevator hall on the right side, looks the same as on the underground parking. Jenny and Bob are acting a scene sitting at the table and talking.

Jenny: I said to him that I'm the very person who can rules out that task.

Bob: Our boss is not the Dog who can be easy convince. I like your eagerness!

Jenny: He gave me a choice, and I've got it!

Bob: You are genius! Your can move mountains! So attractive and wit mouce should get her way.

Jenny: What do you mean? I have made a hard work to dart into the apple. And this is just the begining.

Bob: I'm always glad to see over person's proser. I'm not a jealous cat and wish all the best!

Jenny ( to herself): Hmm... I don't believe to smiling cats.

She takes some cherries from the plate and put one in the mouth. Abruptly she begins to choke, obviously a cherry pit has stoked in her throat. She became ill and pale. Bob looses his smile than rushes to the mouse. The cat embraсes Jenny and pushes her chest to free her breath. When she faints in his paws.

Mike (from outside): Well done!

Act 2. Scene 2.

The same decorations. Mike, Bob and Jenny are descusing the next scene. Jenny is lying on a sofa, Bob is seating beside close to her.

Mike: Bob, please be more tender. The viewers must trust you have a feel.

Bob: Yeah, I'll make the cat's eyes.

Mike: Don't overplay, the point of the act is not the love, just a feeling, an anticipation.

Jenny: And please be careful with my fur – you almost squizzed me in the last scene.

Bob: That's all the Art!

Jenny: Stop talking nonsense!

Mike: Okey. Let's move. Last words: Jenny, you must fight with full heart. You are leading up and you eager to take obstacles. Play the aspiration, not a whim.

Mike moves out the scene. Cameras and mics are appearing. Jenny is laying still. Bob is looking at her and stroking her head. At the moment a noise sounds from the elevator, Bob is turning his head. That moment Jenny awakes, her sight depicts dread. She slowly puts out the knife and pushes the table. The table is going upsidedown and at the same moment the mouse jumps on the cat. When the table slides away we can see bleeding Bob

Rob: Oh, that's hurt.

Jenny: Hurt? Are you pulling my leg? You wanted to rob me! How you dare! You'll never take what I've got through all these hard years! You're bastard! Never touch me or my property or you will die!

Rob: I'm dying...

Jenny: What are you doing? You wanted to use my weak? Harassed me? Never mind! A cat is always a cat! It is a liar! It always has a cunning plots! You deserve this!

Bob goes out. A police flash lit the office. Officers come from the elevator, from the cubicles. They comfort Jenny, put a white cover on the cat. The mouse looks forward stern. The curtain shut.

Act 3. Scene 1.

An open roof of a skyscraper. Early twilight. On the left stands a fashionable bar. On the center on a high podium placed a glass fenced view platform. On the right an elevator hall is the same the down level floors. Mike is talking with Jenny.

Mike: Jenny, please read your text before acting, you've looped the same words on the parking and in the office.

Jenny: Oh, really? I've mixed them up.

Mike: Don't mind. I've noticed it by chance.

Jenny: I don't want to refilm an office episode – Bob was so rude.

Mike: Oh, you know, we will make it for greater effect! As you want to say it to every insulter. That has a sense.

Jenny: What do you think if I'll say it again? It might be my the motto of the film.

Mike: Why not? I have an idea for the spoiler!

On the stage enters Robert. He has a style. Jenny mends her fur and transforms for acting. Mics and cameras start working. The pair stands on the platform. They are looking at the city below.

Jenny: I can't believe I'm here.

Robert: You have deserved it by your toil. All the ways now are open to you!

Jenny: I can't believe i'm on the top of the world!

Robert: Please, you are sound childish. Belive you or not you are not the first and not the last. Every day a person whoever you are – a cat or a mouse might make a choice: to become better or become looser. Today you have made the right choice. But tomorrow you shall make new decision.

Jenny's face is becoming grey, a dread fills her appearance. She slowly puts out a knife and suddenly sticks it to the Robert's back. Robert sways a bit and drops down over the glass fence from the roof. Jenny stands on the platform under dazzling of police flashes and helicopters lights.

Jenny: You want to hurt me? You wanted to rob me! How you dare! You'll never take what I've got through all these hard years! You're bastard! Never touch me or my property or you will die! I was trying all my life to become a better person, and you want me to think that I'll never become one. Choosing between good and evil every day? Ridiculous! I have become a better person! I'm the best!

Police officers are entering the scene from the bar, out of the elevator. They cover Jenny with a blanket and comforting her. Everyone is swaying in tune.

Mike (from outside): Well done!

Jenny: Don't you remember the work title of the film?

Mike: Sure. "The way to be better."

Jenny: Didn't we annihilate all bad cats?

Mike: I'm sure they will be enough for sequel.

The curtains shut.

August 11, 2022 19:31

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