Christian Contemporary Creative Nonfiction

"Cut! That's a wrap!" the director shouted when my cellular phone went off.

"Who could be calling at this unholy hour?" I almost grumbled but kept my temper at bay. "Hello." I said, hoping I didn't sound offensive.

"Hello Counselor, " the caller sounded distraught.

"Yes, I am Counsellor Catherine, What can I do for you?". I answered as evenly as I could.

"I'm Paz," she introduced herself,

Paz, Her name means peace, but she sounded exactly the opposite. Did she realize what her name meant? Peace, calm, tranquility. But that is immaterial, out of the question now. As a spiritual counsellor, my job was not to judge but help people in distress.

"Miss Catherine, I am on my way to your studio. Please don't leave. I must see you. Now, before my husband discovers his Maseratti is missing and I am not in bed."

"Oh, Oh, this could be trouble. And I don't want to be part of it," I vowed. But I had a duty to listen. That was what a counselor is for. A sounding board. A fiscalizer, whatever.

"Miss Catherine, are you still there? Please don't hang up on me," she pleaded, now sounding more distraught than before. "I am only a few stretches away . I am driving in full speed. Please don't leave!"

In the next breath, a car screeched to a halt at the driveway. Out came a lady in her bedroom clothes. Perhaps she didn't have the chance to change into something more appropriate, I surmised. She almost stumbled into the foyer and had to be assisted by the security guard to prevent a fall.

"You must be Paz," I said. I extended my right hand. She extended her left hand, then quickly retracted it and thrusted, instead, her right hand into my mine.

I led her gently into my office. She walked slowly as though she were a pilgrim entering a sacred temple. She looked around the room like she was making sure there was no other creature besides the two of us. All this time she had not released my hand. I wondered how she drove herself to Makati. in her condition.

I offered her a glass of water. She gulped it like a camel that had travelled a thousand miles in the desert.

"Please take a seat, Miss Paz." I motioned to a chair.

"I am sorry I had to detain you like this, Miss Catherine," she apologized. "But I was watching your show earlier and there was this lady who wanted to turn her life around for the better. She looked so peaceful and happy after you counseled her and then prayed for her. I want the same peace in my heart, in my soul, in my life."

"Where did you say you came from and drove all the way to Makati?" I asked, curiousity taking the better part of me.

"Tagaytay," she answered. "I live in a big house. A mansion, actually, in the middle of a sprawling well-maincured lawn, with an olympic swimming pool and a private golf course.at the back. Only those that the owner of the house knew intimately and who were special to him are invited the house. He entertained others either in his yacht or in his office.

My friends envy me because I have the rare privilege of living there. Did you know that the place is coveted by what my husband calls lesser creatures? The mansion boasts of doorknobs made of pure gold. One fireplace is made of blue Sodalite, an extremely rare and precious stone.

I heaved a big sigh. I almost blurted out, "I know the place. I once lived there myself. I had all that a woman could ever ask or dream about. He treated me like a precious stone that only he had the privilege and the right to admire. He was jealous of the men who dared cast an admiring glance on me. I should have been flattered but I was not. I was not happy and I did not have peace in my heart. But thank God for coming to my resuce before it was too late,"

"The fireplace of the master's bedroom is of French marble," Paz continued. "Its floors...oh oh, I am running out of time. I must go straight to the purpose of my visit. I said I wanted the peace and happiness of that lady who testified earlier this evening in your program. Do you think I can have that too? she asked earnestly.

"Of course," I assured her. I told her that she must first believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save her from eternal damnation. Then she must also confess her sins and resolve not to sin again. At this junction, her jaw dropped. I assumed she was not ready to give up her present sinful life. The life she was living now was not pleasing to the Lord, a holy God who hates sin

She admitted that she was not married to the man she is living with presently. "I think it was a whirlwind romance. The feeling was quite new for me and I let it wash over me. I was young Our passion (mine, to be accurate) was strong. But like most passions it soon burned."

I explained to her as gently as I could that God hates fornication. I must admit I am always sorry when I had to be so blunt with them but I had to. Or risk going to hell myself for the blood of this lady because I failed to show her the way.

An uncomfortable silence enveloped us. "Paz," I said, breaking the impasse. "Are you ready to change because if you are, we shall go to the next step."

"What's the next step?" she asked absently.

"Accept God's free gift of salvation. That is what the cruxifixion is all about. And she quoted John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believed in hism shall not perish but have eternal life. That Jesus died on the cross on Calary to save us from the pain of hell. He paid the penalty for our transgressions."

At that point, Paz covered her face with her hands and cried. "Oh my God, I am sorry for what I have done and continue doing to this day. But I want to change for the better like that lady. I am willing to give up what I have just so you will forgive me. I want to be truly happy. All the wealth and privilege that I am enjoying right now is nothing compared to the happiness and peace of mind that that lady testified to have experienced the moment she accepted your free gift of salvation.I want that."

My arms went around Paz's shoulders. We buried our heads in each other's embrace and wept unabashedly. Then I held both her hands and led her to A Sinner's Prayer. Paz, please repeat after me this prayer. We bowed our heads and prayed.

"Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. But I thank you for dying on the cross to save me. I am sorry for all my sins. I now accept you as my own personal Lord and Savior. From now on you, oh Lord, will sit on the throne of my heart and I sit at your feet. Amen."

Suddenly, the others who have not gone home to witness another story of conversion, of repentance and acceptance, gathered around Catherine and Paz to congratulate her for her wise decision.

And to confirm her conversion, a baptism where the recipient was submerged in water was arranged. This symbolized the person's dying to sin (submersion in water) and rising (from the water) to a new life in Jesus Christ). would take place on the weekend.

Paz's partner was waiting at the door for her when she got home. But Paz was not afraid. She had long wanted out of the sinful relatiuonship but found no courage to do it...until tonight when she got the courage to give up her sinful ways and follow Jesus Christ.

Her partner had the habit of working until midnight and came home first hour of the day. and expect Paz, to be there waiting for him. But that one night, that fateful night, she was elsewhere...with Jesus Christ's ministers in the vineyard.

Paz's partner was furious. Paz had never been stubborn before. Was there somebody else" Who was he?Was he better than he was? How could Paz betray him?Was he not a generous provider, showering her with all good things that money could buy? Why would she trade everything she had for some lesser creature? "I cannot forgive you for what you have done. Tell me who had stolen you away from me!" he demanded.

"His name is Jesus," Paz revealed. "And he loves you as much as he loves me. And if you also surrendered your life to him, turn from your sinful ways and acceept him as your personal lord and savior, he will forgive you and accept you into his family."

"Stop! This is all nonsense. Baloney! I don't believe you.".

The couple had separated and Paz is now one of the counseors working in the Lord's vineyard.

January 07, 2021 07:41

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