Fiction LGBTQ+ Romance

It’s Wednesday afternoon again. I'm sitting at my favourite little coffee shop on campus savouring a cup of delicious coffee. I occupy a seat in front of the window overlooking the beautiful scenery. Of the nearby trees and sunshine. It is the best place on the grounds to be, and also my favourite time of the week. This is because Lucey, a girl in my economics class, always comes on just after me this time of day and this very time of the week. 

Right on que she walks right by me, the scent of strawberries fills the air, and her blonde ponytail bounces as she passes by. She takes her order, a French vanilla, and trotts outside and takes her seat out the bench in view of where I can admire her from afar through this very window. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, with her silky hair, clear blue eyes and the sweetest voice I have ever heard. 

If only I had the confidence to talk to her. To introduce myself and start a conversation like so many people do everyday. But I hold myself back every time. As if an imp by the name of self doubt pulled on my sleeve every time I had the very thought of striking up a conversation. I look down at my hands with chipped black nail polish holding my coffee cup. What is there to like about me? Why would she give me the time of day? I tucked my short red hair behind my ear and glanced out the window once again. I was plain and ordinary. Nothing exceptionally pretty or handsome. Just someone who always faded into the background. Yet she was radiant. 

Lucey pulled out a book from her bag. Jane Eyre, one of my favourites. Does she enjoy it as much as I do? She tilted her head ever so slightly as she turned the page. I wish I knew what was going on in her head as she read the pages of the book. Did she admire Jane’s boldness as I do? Or Mr. Rochester’s intelligence? Or did she simply find it boring and was only reading it for an assignment? I wish I could know. If only this window from which I gaze at her let me pear into her soul instead. Then I could just simply know if I should take a chance and put myself out there. Was she worth the risk? Could I be accepted by her? 

Abruptly the golden girl pulled her phone out of her bag and was taken by conversation. She stood suddenly, tucking her book under arm and hurried off. Unfortunately for Lucey, she left her purse behind. Please come back, I thought to myself. Realizing that she was not coming back I quickly grabbed my own things and rushed outside to call out to her. To my dismay, however, she was gone from sight. 

What should I do now? I sat down on the very bench she sat down on just moments ago. Maybe she will realize that she left it behind and come back for it any minute now. I’ll just wait for her here and make sure no one takes it. Five minutes go by, ten then twenty. She was not coming to my dismay. I needed another plan.   

Then the proverbial light bulb lit up in my brain. This was my chance! I would return the bag to her myself. This would be my chance to introduce myself to her, spark a conversation with her and maybe even get to enjoy her company for a little while. I was practically bouncing with excitement. Now on the other hand I did not want to invade her privacy but I needed some kind of clue as to where to find her so I had to take a look inside. 

I peeked into the beige tote bag unsure of what I would find. Lipstick, sunglasses, notebook, wallet. Bingo, bongo. I got her address from her driver’s license, and luckily for me, her house was close by. I knew the area well since I have lived here all my life, so I hopped on a bus. 

I was freaking out big time on the ride there. I’m actually going to talk to her. I wiped my sweaty palms on my ripped jeans and my toe tapped in anticipation. I battled my feelings of unworthiness and self doubt as if it were a fantastic beast and I was a brave knight coming to the rescue of a beautiful damsel in distress. 

Finally, at her home, I stood in the doorway and rang the doorbell. Beautiful blue eyes greeted me from behind the door. Then a bright smile broke across her face like a sunrise when she saw what was in my hands. 

“Oh my goodness! Thank you so much. I rushed home from school because my sister thought she left her straightening iron on and I was closest to home so I rushed here and I must have left my bag behind. I can’t believe it.” she cried delightedly. 

“No problem.” I replied, handing over the bag feeling satisfied that I could make her smile like that.

But now that I was finally here, all thoughts and reason fell from my mind. So much for my big chance. 

“Well, I guess I'll get going then.” I said, not knowing what else to say to her. I turned to go, my happiness faded quickly. Almost as if I did not deserve it. 

“Wait!” she called. 

My heart flew out of my chest with renewed hope. 

“Yes?” I answered, turning around.

“Did you walk here?” she questioned, peering out from the doorway noticing that I did not get here by car. 

“No, I took the bus” 

“Let me drive you home, it’s the least I can do.” She smiled.

“I would like that.” I smiled back.

“My name is Lucey by the way.”

“I’m Jamie.” I replied. 

June 09, 2021 01:21

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