Contemporary Friendship Sad

TW strong language and mention of suicide

“You’ve got mail,” the computer shouted at Callie. Callie scrolled through to discover the mile-long list of unread emails. “Why am I getting all of this junk?” She brushed it off her shoulders and created a group chat. The thought of her and her friends graduating from high school made Callie’s body jitter in her seat. While she waited, she checked in on her Tamagotchi—the pet was sick. Not wanting to think about her digital pet dying, she stared at her screen name: CuteChurchGirl97. Callie suddenly saw another name pop up under hers: Bledsoe11. It was her best guy friend, Johnny Green. Callie’s heart beat faster—was today the day she was going to tell him?

CuteChurchGirl97: Hi Johnny! Class of 97, I can’t believe it! ^_^

Bledsoe11: I’m not surprised that you graduated, but me and Bill? Truly a miracle.

CuteChurchGirl80: What are your plans now that we’re adults?

Bledsoe11: I don’t know, I might work with my dad at his shop. You?

Callie was surprised that Johnny didn’t apply to any colleges. Her mother always told her that she must get a college education to be successful in this world. Callie felt concerned for Johnny’s future. “Alright,” she thought, “Tonight’s the night.”

CuteChurchGirl80: I was accepted into NYU

Bledsoe11: That’s amazing, congratulations Callie! :-D

Callie started blushing from Johnny’s celebratory gesture. When she first met Johnny in 1st grade, he was a kind boy that picked his nose. But as he grew older, Callie’s gaze would linger before dissipating. As they talked more, she wondered what the lips that spoke bewitching words tasted like. Having a friendship with Johnny was great, but she craved more. She loved him, and she needed to know if he felt the same way.

CuteChurchGirl80: Thank you, Johnny!

CuteChurchGirl80: Johnny, I have to tell you something.

Bledsoe11: What is it, Callie?

Callie began typing in the chatbox: “We’ve known each other for a long time now, and you are one of my best friends. You’ve been there for me through the ups and downs, and I don’t think I ever thanked you enough. Maybe I didn’t want you to know how I really feel. That every time we hug, your embrace sends shivers down my spine. Sometimes, I don’t change out of the top I’m wearing so that my senses can swim in your scent. I know this might seem out of nowhere, but I love you, Johnny. It might also be weird for me, the woman, to ask you, the man, out, but I don’t want to pretend anymore. I don’t want to keep wondering, “I wonder how we would be in a relationship.” So I wanted to ask, Johnny Green, would you like to go out with me? And I know I’m going to be in New York, but you can come with me. We can explore this new world, this new life, together.”

Before Callie hit “enter,” two more names popped up in the usernames list: xXxBlueEyedBratxXx and BJmaster.

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: Sorry I’m late, I had to get ready for when I go out later. We’re graduates, bitchezzz!

BillNotNye: Sup home skillets!

Callie started frantically hitting the backspace on her keyboard. Her love note to Johnny slowly vanished before her eyes.

CuteChurchGirl80: Hey Regina! Hey Bill!

BillNotNye: I can’t believe we made it

Bledsoe11: I can’t believe you graduated

BillNotNye: Eat my shorts dude

Bledsoe11: You know I love you, man.

BillNotNye: Yeah, yeah. But for real, I was totally buggin before we got our grades.

Bill and Johnny had been friends just as long as Callie and Johnny had been. The three of them met Regina in 7th grade when she transferred to their town. Regina was Callie’s best girlfriend ever since and the only one that knew how Callie truly felt about Johnny. Callie had set up a separate chat for just her and Regina.

CuteChurchGirl80: Hey girlie, where are you going tonight? Need a plus one? ^_~

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: I’m going out on a date.

CuteChurchGirl80: Shut up! When did this happen?

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: Today, actually.

CuteChurchGirl80: Omg, what’s his name?

Callie noticed Bill blowing up the group message.

BillNotNye: I’m happy a D is considered passing

BillNotNye: The girls are too quiet

BillNotNye: Are you girls discussing important news like how dreamy Brad Pitt is?

CuteChurchGirl80: No! But FYI, Regina doesn’t need Brad Pitt. She’s going on a date tonight.

Bledsoe11: You told her?

CuteChurchGirl80: You knew already?

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: Johnny is the one who asked me out.

Callie felt the knife in her back, and her best friend was twisting it. How long had Johnny had feelings for Regina? And why would Regina say yes to a date with Johnny? Callie was supposed to be Sabrina, and Johnny was her Harvey. Callie wished that she had magical powers and could make this situation disappear.

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: I’m sorry, Callie.

Bledsoe11: Why are you sorry?

Callie’s heart couldn’t take being locked behind a cage anymore.

CuteChurchGirl80: She’s sorry because she knew how I felt about you and decided to be a shitty best friend.

BillNotNye: Woah, ladies! Do I have to call Jerry Springer?

CuteChurchGirl80: Shut up, Bill, you’re so stupid.

BillNotNye: Just trying to lighten the mood.

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: It’s not helping. And I’m not a shitty best friend. You’re a shitty friend for attempting to monopolize someone you’re not even with. You don’t own him. He’s not your property.

Bledsoe11: I’m confused. What is going on?

CuteChurchGirl80: What don’t you get? I love you, Johnny! I’ve loved you for years. I love the way you eat ice cream and the way you laugh. I love that you listen to all of the songs on a CD instead of just the single they play on the radio. You are adorable and intoxicating, and gorgeous. You’re a literal angel that fell from the sky, and I don’t know how I could live without you in my life.

For a moment, the group chat was Antarctica: Desolate and cold. Callie didn’t know how to respond to silence, so she typed another message.

CuteChurchGirl80: Regina doesn’t have feelings for you like I do. Her last boyfriend committed suicide, and she’s just trying to fill the void.

BillNotNye: That was cold, Callie.

BillNotNye left the chat

 xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: What the hell? I don’t even know who you are anymore.

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx: I’m sorry Johnny, I don’t feel like going out tonight. I need to go.

xXxBlueEyedBratxXx left the chat

CuteChurchGirl80: No, that came out wrong. Johnny, please don’t leave.

Bledsoe11: I honestly don’t know what to say.

CuteChurchGirl80: You don’t have to say anything. Please, I’m begging you, don’t leave. I didn’t mean what I said.

Bledsoe11: Which part?

Callie was drowning in her own word vomit. No hand could or would want to help pull her out. The tips of her fingers vibrated on the keys of the keyboard. Callie’s right leg shook vigorously.

CuteChurchGirl80: I really care about you, Johnny.

Bledsoe11: I loved you as a friend, as a sister Callie.

CuteChurchGirl80: Loved? As in past tense?

Bledsoe11: I’m sorry, Callie. I have to go check on Regina.

CuteChurchGirl80: Johnny, don’t you dare…

Bledsoe11 left the chat

Callie punched the keyboard and cried profusely. The salt she tasted reminded her of when the four of them went to the beach last year, and that distant memory caused her to sob more. She glanced over at her yellow Tamagotchi sitting on her desk. Her virtual pet was dead.

“Shit,” Callie threw the toy at the wall, and it shattered like the love she had for her close friends, now someday strangers.

June 05, 2021 01:37

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Daniel R. Hayes
21:31 Jun 07, 2021

Hi Frank!! This was such a sad story about unrequited love. I honestly liked the witty conversation amongst the friends, and I feel so bad for Callie. Even her toy pet died!! Ugh!! That sort of thing can be hard for anyone to go through. To love someone you can't have, and then to find out that your best friend can come in so easily and take that away. You did a great job writing this. I was looking forward to a new story from you, and this did not disappoint. Great job :) :)


Frank DiLuzio
13:05 Jun 08, 2021

Hi Daniel, Thank you for reading my story, I always love reading your content! I definitely wanted people to feel conflicted about Callie and her toy was in a way foreshadowing the potential death of her friendships. I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm going to try to submit when I'm not judging contest pieces so hopefully twice a month :). Keep writing Daniel, you are talented. FA


Daniel R. Hayes
15:35 Jun 08, 2021

I think you are very talented also, and I'm glad you like my stories :) I completely understand about your busy schedule, plus judging on here. Do you ever get tired of reading all of those stories... lol :) I'm looking forward to reading more of your work!


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Frank DiLuzio
10:39 Jun 09, 2021

I noticed I messed up on Callie's username because last minute before submitting, I decided to change the number from 97 to 80.


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