Fantasy Fiction Science Fiction

This story contains sensitive content

Content warning: abduction, medical procedures

The room is unfamiliar. I don't know how I got here. Around me are items I have only seen in Star Trek. Glowing lights, science equipment ranging from tools to graphs on the walls, jars full of liquid, and four large, cushioned chairs. Surely this is a dream...a bad dream. Like many of the dreams I have had before that feel so real, but I wake up safe in my bed gasping for air, pellets dripping down my forehead, and heart racing...but safe.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

This time that did not work. I try and sit up only to find that my body is heavy, and I am unable to move. I can move my head, I can move my eyes, but my body...it does not work here. My arms remain by my side, and I cannot feel my legs. I muster up enough strength to turn my head enough where I can make out three faint figures. They don't look like little green men or monsters like I was expecting. They are...human? One is a small woman with long hair and the other two are men a tall lanky man, and a shorter stocky one. Why are there only three people, but four chairs...who is the fourth chair for? I wondered anxiously moving my eyes to try and find the missing figure.

"The medicine will wear off soon we have to take her back to the earthly haven". The woman whispered to the taller man.

"We have not finished the procedure yet! She is not ready to be returned we must complete the trial." He hissed back at her with urgency in his voice.

"She must be returned! She can't know about this, or it will all be over....we will be over!" The woman pleaded a hint of sadness in her voice.

I tried to hear more, but they moved too far away for me to make anything else out. I must be the "she" that they are referring to...but...procedure? What is going on? Where am I? Why can I not move? I try to focus my eyes to see them, but they have moved out of sight. I can slightly make out the chart they were all looking at before. It was of a body...my body. They have circled my legs in red letters I could make out the words "not adapting must correct".

What do they mean not adapting? My legs work just fine...or they did before I was brought here. Wherever here is.

I try again to sit up a thousand-pound weight still keeping me glued to this...bed? Wait why am I on a bed?

I look around again at the room. It is futuristic but observing it further it looks like a bedroom. It feels familiar in a way like I have been here before. The glowing lights are on a machine attached to me monitoring my levels like I am in a hospital. I can hear it now the beeping of the monitor measuring my heartrate. It was getting faster, louder. I try to find anything that can give me a clue as to where I am. The posters and graphs on the wall show a constellation, but not one I recognize. It was not of my world...at least not the world as I know it. I remember the figure saying "earthly haven".... does that mean this is not Earth... There is a frame of 4 people, but I cannot make out who they are only that there are 2 men and 2 women. I try to lift myself to sit up and am able to get slightly off of the soft surface underneath me. There was a large window that showed scenery that I was sure doesn't exist in real life. Fluorescent pink trees, a bright orange sky, and royal blue flowers as far as I can see. It looked peaceful, but I could not shake this feeling of dread. This feeling that something was not quite right. My body begins to shake aggressively. I am too weak my arms buckle underneath me, and my body drops back down with a thud.

"Did you hear that?" One of the figures asked turning my way. "She's looking at us...she's awake" It's the shorter man...who now I see is not a man at all. He is a boy. A boy who doesn't look much older than me and sounds scared.

"No, that is impossible! The sedative should still be in full effect!" The tall man exclaimed.

"Maybe we gave her too much too many times...she has built a tolerance." The woman worriedly blurted out.

"Impossible...we have to complete the procedure!" The tall man hissed.


"Help me" I was able to whisper just loud enough for them to hear, though I was hoping that anyone else could hear me. Could rescue me. The figures dropped what they were holding making a loud clinking noise on the floor. It was tools...they were holding long silver tools. The clinking rang through the air filling the deafening silence.

The figures stepped closer into view. The woman led the way slowly. Finally, I could make her out. I could see every feature she has. Her almond shaped eyes, her freckles, and her long auburn hair...I could even smell her now. The same familiar flowery scent I've been smelling my whole life...


"I'm sorry...this is for your own good. For all of us to survive." The woman whispered. I could see her legs now...they weren't touching the ground they hovered and had a glow underneath them. Like a fire radiating out of her heels. I felt a sudden sharp stinging in my arm. The woman started to fade away all I noticed was a tear welling in her eyes. Those familiar eyes.

Suddenly, the world went dark again. I woke up in my bed gasping for air, pellets dripping down my forehead, and heart racing...but safe?

February 14, 2025 16:56

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Shaba. A
19:56 Feb 21, 2025

Hello Taylor! I just wanted to reach out and tell you how truly impressed I am with this write-up . I love every bit of the storyline. Keep up the good work mate! Are you a published writer?


Taylor Jester
23:19 Feb 22, 2025

Not yet! Thank you I’m glad you enjoyed it 😊


Shaba. A
06:16 Feb 23, 2025

You're welcome. Do you have any book you are currently working on?


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20:43 Feb 14, 2025

Great story start! I want more!


Taylor Jester
23:51 Feb 19, 2025

Thank you!


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