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Mystery Speculative Fantasy

The huge thunderstorm raged around them, rain on the roof of the coach sounded like horses stampeding for fear of being struck by lightening. 

Up until Derbyshire all was calm, as soon as they hit Yorkshire, it seemed like all hell had broken loose. What a way to spend the eve of “Walpurgis Night”, for both innocents and sinners alike. Saying that it was the end of April and we should expect downpours, but this!

The driver had his work cut out for him, he was well experienced and it wasn’t a big coach, just held 26 people and it was only half full. Seems strange, driving all the way up to the North Yorkshire moors when Derbyshire had some beautiful places of its own, like The Peak District. He didn’t mind, he was getting paid a lot of money for this trip, plus accommodation paid for.

Tabitha, who lived up to her name, was the soul of the party as per usual, she got the other girls, well some of them were a little bit older, in a jubilant mood with her singing. You would think they were going to a football match, rather than the annual get together of their national association.

She looked so fiery in her black t-shirt with red and orange dragons breathing fire and red denims, her long ginger hair added to the scene. Some of the younger girls wouldn’t look out of place at the goth weekend in Whitby, the older ladies were more dignified. All of them were as excited as each other, knowing what the next few days would bring.

By the time the coach was pulling into the hotel car park in Pickering, the storm had passed bringing with it a clear night. Thanking John, the driver, for their safe journey, they all went in and registered for their designated rooms. Once their luggage had been deposited, a meeting had been arranged by Aradia, whose name originated from The Gospel of the Witches, she was one of the high priestesses of the national association. This year was a special one, it was to mark their 80th 

anniversary of worshipping The Horned God and The Moon Goddess. 

There were 390 people, packed into the conference hall, coven’s from all over the UK had assembled here to enjoy the following nights festivities. They were all from different walks of life, judges, barristers, doctors, nurses, cleaning ladies, bar staff, even normal housewives, tonight they were all equals in every way.

Aradia, came to the microphone, she introduced herself, then the rest of the welcoming committee, looking so radiant in her long black evening dress with a split up the side, revealing very long legs

which supported her 6ft 3 inches and that was without high heels. She had the smile that would melt anyone's heart, male or female, she welcomed every body. This was followed by 30 minutes of dialogue, her voice was as mesmerizing as her looks, when she had finished you would have thought it was a masterpiece, every one gave her a standing ovation. 

A short interval came next with a trio of musicians playing enchanting songs from years gone past, Tabitha and her group moved as one, to the buffet. They had not eaten since setting off from Buxton, in fact some of them were starving. Luckily there was plenty to choose from and it came in abundance. After stuffing themselves with food, they settled down to some more pleasantries from the other members of the committee. When the meeting had finished, they were all given a booklet showing them directions where the ceremony would take place, it was up to them how they spent the next day.

The younger girls were up early the next day, wanting to explore the area and the male population, they were warned to rest up before the evenings proceedings, Tabitha and the mature ladies knew what to expect, so they had a relaxing day, a little sightseeing, a little browsing, maybe a little shopping. That’s as exciting as it got. The afternoon went by quietly, the girls had come back a little deflated after their jubilant start, not much in the way of entertainment in Pickering or men but they still had a bit of fun. 

They all sat down to their evening meal, a very light one at that, knowing what was to come later on, well into the night. After checking the weather forecast, the gods were being favourable to them,

a clear night, with a full moon. They weren’t bothered how cold it might be even though they would be barely dressed, the excitement of the occasion would keep them warm. Once they had the meal they all went to their rooms to relax, some of them were sharing, others on their own. Tabitha was with her wife, they had been to this gathering many times together, in fact they met at one them, many years ago, never looked back since, Celeste, was nearly the opposite to Tabitha, she was quiet and serene where as Tabby, her nickname, was vivacious and hot blooded, they say opposites attract and they were right.

At last their big special ceremony had arrived, they boarded the coach, John had been given the destination and directions earlier, his orders were to drop them off and leave. The roads were busy that night with coaches, coming and going. The excitement grew within the coach, the ladies all talking, seemingly at the same time but being understood. Eventually the coach stopped, before they got off Tabitha said “make sure you just have your essentials, meaning no mobile phones”, that went down like the titanic. 

One by one, the ladies got off the coach, Celeste being the last one. Tabitha thanked john and he drove off. When all were ready, they walked in couples to a huge clearing surrounded by thick dark trees, once there, 30 covens of 13 witches stood, ready to celebrate the grand witches sabbath.

This was a night for the Wicca’s to celebrate

August 22, 2024 13:29

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1 comment

Keith Menendez
22:15 Aug 28, 2024

Jim, I love the opening scene and the description of the coach in the storm. I knew it would be a creepy ride in your details of the trip and the two main characters. A little more dialogue between some of the passengers or the MC with Tabitha could have enhanced your world building, which is enchanting. Great job, I want to see where this story goes.


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