Friendship started in busstation

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Write a story about strangers becoming friends, or friends becoming strangers.... view prompt


Coming of Age Fiction Friendship

It was Sunday with the dazzling sunlight making it too bright to handle .I am feeling too hot .And asking a paan shop for a bottle.I gave him 10 Rs for 1liter bottle.And waiting at the busstop is making the thing more bored ,mainly when you are a lonely girl among the crowd .I sit down at my desk reading a book "WAITING FOR GODOT "I was afraid ,and feel very strange and awakward .As the crowd was full of boys and men .Not even a women was there.This making it strange.Then suddenly after few minutes I saw a girl ,walking towards the bus stop with her luggage.I patted myself as I m not only one girl .I have someone to go along with me.And to not feel afraid .

She came towards my bench and take out her bottle and took a sip from her bottle .I saw her closely .I realize she is pretty younger than me .She looked towards me and smiled .And I smiled her back ,asking her Where are you from. What you are doing here?She replied me gently ."I study in Dibrugarh University,Assam,India and I am going to my home as I got summer break .And you .I replied ,"I am also going back to my hometown as I have got leave from duty.

I asked her questions .I know that I am asking many questions and also realizing that she is too feeling same of my bundle questions.And which lead her to ask question."You speak too fast "

Yaa,"I m always like that" ,I replied

Hmm.She noodded me .The bus arrive after 1hr ..The bus was loaded with passengers . I and she hesitant to go to the bus .The bus conductor asked us to come as only two sits are available .We said if seats are available then only we will go .So we came inside the bus .It doesnot look loaded as it look outside And we got two seats .I took the font window .The food hawks selling cashenuts ,peas ,etc .I buyed one and she buyed it too .

We started eating .And she told me that she always take chips and these and can't live without it while travelling .I replied

"Yess me too" .

After 1 hour I look at the window, with my half shut eyes trying to sleep .I saw her .She is asleep totally.The bus was too hot and even the driver is making it worst by stopping here and there and loading the people.Even the bus was full .I took out my bottle and drank some water I feel cool inside but not totally as the bus has make the ice water hot water.

The conductor collecting asking where they will go And on the that basis asking the money .

I woke her .And told her about it .She took out her money Rs 100 .And me too took out my 80 Rs .

After giving the money ,she again fall asleep .

I saw her and making me thing how she can sleep like that in this hot bus .Me can't sleep and feeling headache.But after few minutes I too fall asleep .I got up before few minutes of my station and even she woke up .I asked her ,"You sleep like you are in a bed"

and me "can't sleep "like that

She laughed ,Yaa "I am always like that ".

We talked so much that we forgot to ask each other name .

So,Hi ,I m Raghvi and you

I m Anee .Nice too meet you

same here .

We shook our hands .My destination arrive . I asked where her stop is. She told me that it has not still arrive.It will take few minutes and told me to meet again by chance.I goodbye her and came down from the bus .

i was happy that we became friends ,despite knowing each other.

After I yr.I met her again at a shop .She was taking something .I thought myself that I think she forgot me.But yes she forgot me .She stared at me and after few seconds She asked me to move from the side .I was sad .We talked so much but she forgot me .

I told my friend about it.Ananya told me to ignore .What to do with it .You met her as a stranger and so now you are a stranger .

I said ok .

But I was sad as how she can do like that .Meeting me and forgetting me .Ok she forgot me if we are meeting only for seconds .But we talked so much .That's ridiculous.I decided to forgot the situation .For some reason I have to go to university to submit my paperwork .There I saw her .She was with her friends ,laughing ,talking each other .I ignored her .As she ignore me .

It was on the stationery she called me by my name

Raviya it's me Anee hi .She shouted loudly .But me ignoring her .She came towards me .

You forgot me .We met at the bus station .I was totally shocked .She ignored me and now she blaming me .

What I replied ,You forgot me .When I was at the shop .You hesitant me and even ignore to look at me .

She laughed .I have not ignore you .I have done this because I don't want to talk to your friend Anaya.She is too much .She dulled me and falsely accuse me.

I was shocked .But not dared to ask her why .Because by her talk I realize she was sad .And asking her about it ,will make things worst .So I tried to divert her mind by asking her .Are your classes going.She replied me that she has got lunch break .I nooded.

I got a call .So I have to go I told her .She told me Now and again "I m sorry" for that day .but sorry for one thing I will ignore you when you are with her .Otherwise you are my friend always .We are friends .

My fault that I blame you .I asked her phone no .

We exchanged our numbers decide to be friends and meet again later .I gave her goodbye ,hoping to meet agai.But this time only we .She smiled me and I smiled her back .A friendship that last long .

May 29, 2021 14:45

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