The playful pattern of a fate in the mirror of a glossa

Submitted into Contest #101 in response to: Write a story in which the same line recurs three times.... view prompt


Coming of Age Contemporary Inspirational

Time goes by, time comes along,

All is old, and all is new;

What is right and what is wrong,

You must think and ask of you;

“Glossa”, by Mihai Eminescu (1883),

The chirping of birds is so sound in the peace of the morning. Freedom-thirsty dogs bark at the woods’ shadows in the woods surrounding his house. Their voice is only a sound sent back bay from the trees’ bark.

His home set on a mountain slope, each morning looks with sleepy windows to the sunrise from behind the ridge, and each evening admires the calm of the king Sun when he is set beyond the opposite ridge.

 He had been a foreigner coming to this country, and he tried to not remain a foreigner for these majestic mountains.

As a teacher, his dream has always been to set the seeds of education, to set flowers in the society’s garden just like the jeweler who sets diamonds in engagement rings.

 His pupils are wide open to the future when it is about his pupils

He stacked sets of books in his home library, ready to enlighten the minds and souls of the children who are his students.

One should set the set of the educational stage as a meticulous and authentic one. The school trains the learners for life, and life is authentic.

 He feels the duty of his profession as a synergy of several connected roles played with wide-open pupils: screenwriter, director, and producer of a movie that has as a leading actor the Pupil.

As a child, he dreamed in a night that he would be a teacher. For a long time, in childhood games, his assumed role was that of educator, a gardener for the life.

This became his dream of a life that has come true.

His life dream’s fulfillment was a joy, not a fulfillment as an execution.


Forest music is the purest concert a human being can listen to. To the chirping of birds is added the murmur of springs, the inimitable sound of the crystal water leaping over the stones in the path. And dogs, even if they do not have musical voices, accompany the sound of other creatures that spread across mountain slopes or the quiet lines of the hills.

Perhaps this music could be compared and matched, in a way, by the rhythmic sound of the waves hitting the shore, accompanied by the shouts of seagulls. And all this music is a kind of match that fires a deep quietness and happiness within the human soul.

           The chirping of birds is so sound in the peace of the morning. Freedom-thirsty dogs bark at the woods’ shadows in the woods surrounding his house. Their voice is only a sound sent back bay from the trees’ bark.

The two milestones of a day, the sunrise and the sunset moment, surprise and delighted him alike. The landscape surrounding his house is not dull and gives him each day the trigger for an alive but not dull life. He certainly is a mountain’s kind of human being, aware that a peak is always above his head, pointing the way forward.

His home set on a mountain slope, each morning looks with sleepy windows to the sunrise from behind the ridge, and each evening admires the calm of the king Sun when he is set beyond the opposite ridge.

Acculturation is an extremely complicated psychological and social phenomenon. When he left his homeland, he was aware of this challenge. But, maybe at a subconscious command triggered by his soul, he tried to find at least the mountain landscape as his new home. Then, he brought that feeling of “at home”, as a soul’s attribute, there on his new mountain slope. He learned to act according to a new set of rules, keeping the ones he grew up with, somewhere in a crease of the heart, as a treasure only for him.

           He had been a foreigner coming to this country, and he tried to not remain a foreigner for these majestic mountains.

It’s unnecessary to exhibit the importance of education, but only to realize it with honesty and devotion.

Society of the present is the one that ensures that of the future, building its people, as people, as citizens, and as professionals, through education. This statement doesn’t need an argument, just like when it is about the sunbeam.

If one wants to see it, it is for one’s own benefit. If one ignores it, the sunbeam can burn the ignorant. Don’t ignore education like you aren’t advised to ignore the ray of the sun even on cloudy days because the ash is next door. Ignoring attitude fires a hidden fire that burns on the inside, through the sufferings of the soul and mind. Forgetting them by people around, when nobody bothered to cultivate the souls and the minds in the fertile field of education could be a failure of the entire humanity.

The new flowers in the Future garden should be active, sensitive, not slow, and without feelings.

As a teacher, his dream has always been to set the seeds of education, to set flowers in the society’s garden just like the jeweler who sets diamonds in engagement rings.

The gardener of souls and minds must have wide pupils of their eyes. Pure light should enter inside the humans, leading the pupils to the development of their inner world based on perennial and solid values.

His pupils are wide open to the future when it is about his pupils

In a world where screens, small, medium, and large, have invaded human life, the smell of book sheets seems to be lost. This discreet smell remembers of forests’ wood with trees trembling with life. Books with their unmistakable smell should be a daily companion, not just a museum piece. How beautiful are the children with the book in their arms reading wherever they are! The rich language of books gives joy, trains the mind, and sets it to respond to the challenges of life. Life has no phone-message abbreviations. It flows fast and requires a defined riverbed and solid bridges.

He stacked sets of books in his home library, ready to enlighten the minds and souls of the children who are his students.

The school should put aside the banner of “to pretend” stuck on its frontispiece. The educational institution isn’t, or shouldn’t be, a dollhouse where the learners pretend to play about life. It must be that place with good soil where skilled gardeners know how to sow, water, cut, and graft, giving for the future’s gardens “flowers of life” adapted and adaptable to any time and any weather.

One should set the set of the educational stage as a meticulous and authentic one. The school trains the learners for life, and life is authentic.

A feeling impossible to put in words accompanies the process of buds turning into flowers that further giving healthy seeds capable to live further in new seeds.

 It’s an uplifting feeling to receive a flower, late in life from the ones you had gardened in your life track.

As a child, he dreamed in a night that he would be a teacher. For a long time, in childhood games, his assumed role was that of educator, a gardener for the life.

He’s sitting on a wooden bench next to the woods, after a life of gardening. Behind him, gardens of flowers stay in a line, generation after generation, specific ones for each step of his life track. In front of him, it’s a crystal vase, reflecting this wonderful string of flowers. It’s a perfect image of his dream born from a dream of a child’s sleep.

This became his dream of a life that has come true.

His eyes are wet. The rich rain of fulfillment and the morning dew of a new beginning moistened them.

The rays of the sunset are playing now in the rainbows, shining the drop of dew set between his lashes since that morning of a new beginning.

His life dream’s fulfillment was a joy, not a fulfillment as an execution.


 His life dream’s fulfillment was a joy, not a fulfillment as an execution.

This became his dream of a life that has come true.

As a child, he dreamed in a night that he would be a teacher. For a long time, in childhood games, his assumed role was that of educator, a gardener for the life.

One should set the set of the educational stage as a meticulous and authentic one. The life the learners are trained for is authentic.

He stacked sets of books in his home library, ready to enlighten the minds and souls of the children who are his students

His pupils are wide open to the future when it is about his pupils.

As a teacher, his dream has always been to set the seeds of education, to set flowers in the society’s garden just like the jeweler who sets diamonds in engagement rings.

He had been a foreigner coming to this country, and he tried to not remain a foreigner for these majestic mountains.

His home, set on a mountain slope, each morning looks with sleepy windows to the sunrise from behind the ridge, and each evening admires the calm of the king Sun when he is set beyond the opposite ridge.

The chirping of birds is so sound in the peace of the morning. Freedom-thirsty dogs bark at the woods’ shadows in the woods surrounding his house. Their voice is only a sound sent back bay into the trees’ bark.

July 05, 2021 22:53

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