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"Oh God... She really meant she was gonna barf," Catie saw Justiene running to the trash can across the hall. Catie was Justiene's friend since primary school and had insisted to stay backstage to help with Justiene and her participation in The Little Mermaid for her high school show. Justiene hadn't expected to receive the lead role, for through her many experiences of theater were highly amature leveled. 

“I thought I would have recovered from this by now!” Justiene cried in between spews, “I guess I’m never getting over this stagefright thing!”

“Oh don’t you be so silly,” Catie cooed while rubbing her friends back, “This is your first big role, it’s understandable to be extra scared before this show.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Justiene sighed while regaining composure. “I’m going to go ‘round the corner and take five, I’ll be right back ok?”

“Sure, just don’t be longer, can’t have a show without our main girl!” Catie agreed with a wink as Justiene ran around to find an empty room. 

Once she found a room to herself, Justiene instantly broke into a series of ferocious sobs. “Wh-at i-if I me-ess up?” she cried as she spoke to herself between hiccups. “M-my v-voice could cra-ack, o-or I c-could tri-ip, o-or---” She was cut off as Catie came in with a glass of water and a comforting face.

“Ok, I promised you some alone time and you got it.” She handed Justiene the cup as she continued, “Listen here bestie, I know you’re scared.” Justiene opened her mouth to protest but Catie continued, cutting her off, “You’re shaking like a leaf don’t deny it. I promise you, you are amazing. Remember, they chose YOU, and for a reason. Justie, You’ve been my best friend for so long now, you truly are amazing and I know you can do this.” Catie comforted her and continued, “I promise you, they will love you, you will do amazing.” Justiene attempted to get up, but fell back. “Hey, hey, you’re ok, I promise, stay down for a bit and drink, I know you’re suffering and I'm here for you.” Catie tried her best to comfort her struggling friend, she really had no clue how to respond. She had never really been a ‘theater kid’. She had done a few shows with Justiene, but Catie was more into sports.

“Hey, you still have the rest of the set to finish, I’ll be ok, see you in a few?” Justiene tried to change the subject as well as get more time alone. Although she would not admit it, she really was suffering and wasn’t ready to talk to anyone yet, not even her best friend.

“Ok, see you in a few!” Catie said cheerily thinking she had helped her bestie. Justiene took a few sips of water and put her hand in front of her face. It trembled like a puppy hearing fireworks for the first time.

“...Wow, Catie was right,” mumbled Justiene, “I really am shaking”. Justiene then proceeded to slowly take deep breaths, in and out. She counted in her head, in five, hold four, out five. She could feel herself calming down. Justiene knew she was an overthinker, her struggle was realizing everything she thought of, may not always happen or be true. She grabbed a nearby desk and slowly lifted herself up and off the floor whilst maintaining a steady breathing pattern. “It’s ok, I got this, I can do this,” she told herself to try and have a more positive outlook, and to attempt to calm her jitters. Once she was up, Justiene shook her arms, then her legs, then rolled her head in some circles. These exercises always seemed so silly to her when her teachers had her do it, but it had relaxed her and made it easier to get everything done. Catie came in again.

“Hey girlie, I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doin’. Glad to see you’re standing up now,” Catie said, sounding concerned. “I saw you shaking off your jitters round the corner, I do the same thing before big games. Look, I know this is nerve racking, but I’m gonna tell you the same thing I tell myself before game day. You practiced for this, you know you’re ready, it’s just a matter of believing in yourself. Now, do fifteen jumping jacks.” 

Justiene laughed at her friend, “Catie... You really give yourself a pep talk before jumping jacks?”

“No, those are for you,” Catie said bluntly. Justiene stopped laughing.

“You’re kidding,” she said looking at her friend in disbelief. “You know I don’t do sporty stuff Catie.”

“I know, but I think it will help with the nerves, it always helps me. C’mon Justie, just try it.”

“Well, I guess it can’t hurt,” Justiene replied wearily as she started jumping and waving her arms. “Do! You! Think! This! Could! Cure! Hiccups!?” Justiene bubbled trying to lighten the mood while jumping.

“I mean maybe, we can try next time one of us gets the hiccups if you’d like,” Catie replied giggling. “Ok that’s fifteen, you can be done now,” Catie concluded patting her friend on the shoulder. Now, you’re on in five, go, go, go!!!” Catie continued encouragingly as Justiene ran to the stage smiling. She stood in the wings ready to go, but she could feel herself getting nervous again. She took deep breaths and remembered her goofy best friend and smiled. Justiene did five jumping jacks and then proceeded to tape her microphone to her face. She walked onto the stage and sang her first song with the voice of an angel. The audience applauded and as soon as she got off stage she ran to her friend and gave her the biggest hug the girl could muster up.

“Thank you Catie, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Catie hugged her back, surprised, she added, “You can do anything you put your mind to, sometimes you just need a little encouragement from the right person to give you the confidence to continue.” Catie exchanged a smile with her friend and helped with her costume change.

“Hey, ice creams on me after this,” Justiene added before running back on stage with a beaming smile.

July 16, 2020 07:52

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1 comment

Boompas Kin
02:48 Aug 02, 2020

Love the way you bring the reader into the story as though we are part of the story.


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