Romance Sad Suspense

She needed to leave and escape the incoming nightmare.

Would she have to betray the person in front of her? Yes, that was without question.

What would be the cost? She didn't know.

Would she have the guts to do it? Maybe.

How could she betray the man that loved the broken side of her. The man in front of her, that loved her at her worst and hated her when she at her best, at least what she thought was her best.

She watched as the man she loved, Rhysand, fiddle with the wires inside of a circular object. The candle light graced the sharp outline of his jaw that was clenched. She opened her mouth to inquire if he was okay, but then changed her mind and decided it was better to stay silent.

"Are you feeling sick, Darling?" Rhysand looked up from his work almost as if he could sense the uneasiness she had.

Her crystal blue eyes met his cobalt eyes and knew it was a mistake the moment she met his. He was always able to read her emotions once he looked into her eyes, so he knew what was troubling her in the quick second their eyes met.

"Why?" Anger filled his figure and she flinched in fear.

"Because this lifestyle is unhealthy!" Rising up in exclamation. "Why else would I leave? I love you and almost worship the ground you walk on. If you told me that you controlled the moon and the sun, I would believe you because I love you that much. The only problem is this lifestyle isn't healthy. We can't just go around blowing up buildings just because we feel like it, it's not sensible! I don't know much how it affects my soul and mind, but all I know that it's bad for both."

"I can't believe you, Keres!" Rhysand spat. The fire that filled his eyes was so hot, it was cold. Ice cold. Keres unconsciously stepped back in fear and shivered. One might compare the situation to where an angry mountain lion has cornered a frightened doe.

"After all I have done for you, you want to leave me? I love you." Rhysand screamed and the dim candle light showed his glassy eyes. He felt as if his heart was breaking, but the only emotions from that was rage. Then Keres made a fatal mistake. A mistake that would eventually cost her the life she lived. She mistook his tears for sadness instead of realizing that they were from his anger.

Stepping towards the man she loved, she gently pressed her hand to his cheek, "I'm so sorry for making you cry, Rhy. I'll stay with you. I realize my mistake and I will not do it again. I realize that you are the only person who will truly accept me."

Taking a deep breath, the dark haired man settled back into the chair and finished the work on the bomb he was making.

After an hour of silence and hard work, he had the finished product. He looked over to the woman he loved. The only woman or person in the world to give the Lord of the Night Court, feelings. He tried to ignore his feelings at first, but the little devil Keres was, she crept in and stole his heart. Could anyone explain how a heartless monster grew feelings for a broken lady? No, it as asking a blind person what the color purple was. A blind person couldn't tell anyone what the color purple looked like and no one could explain how the beast had feelings for her.

He got up from the table he worked on and went over to his blonde angel. Kneeling down to reach her height when she was sitting, he gently grabbed her shoulders.

"Are you alright, Hun?" Rhysand softly asked. She nodded, afraid to look up into his eyes. A soft, defeated sigh came from his perfect lips. He knew that she was lying, but could do nothing about it. Pressing his lips to her forehead, he gave her a goodnight kiss before the leaving the room returning to it's silent state once again.

The conflicted woman sat there in the candle light. Tears started to roll down her cheeks and the muffled sobs of pain racked her anguished body. The state of mind she was in was a wretched state for she was torn between the love of her life and doing the right thing. She wanted to run. She wanted to scream. She wanted to hide. She wanted to be as quiet as a mouse. Tugging on her golden locks, she rocked back and forth. It was a heart wrenching sight and anyone would feel sympathy for the women. This horrible state went on for several hours going between sobbing and almost pulling out hair to a quiet frightened little girl state. The stars in the sky eventually faded out and the crow of a rooster could be heard. Then, finally, something in Keres's mind either clicked or snapped, but either way she had come to a decision.

This decision wasn't the most ideal way for her to go, but it would get the job done. It would prevent Rhysand from blowing up anymore buildings, it would give her piece, but most importantly her lover would finally lead a good life. So, grabbing her black cloak and the merciless bomb, she left the place she had called home for the past couple of years. She quickly headed to the nearest skyscraper and didn't look back. She knew that if she looked back now, she would crumble and go back the place she called home. If her love wanted her to be at her worst then she would be at her worst. Crying out in anguish and pain, the blonde threw down the bomb and the last thing she saw a light so bright it was white.

Would she have to betray her love to break free from that terrible lifestyle? Yes, it was inevitable.

Did she have the guts to do it? Yes, but barely.

What was the cost? A death and a broken heart.

November 06, 2020 22:24

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