
If you asked anybody who lived in Dronyon Town about cats, they for the most part would be okay with it. They would ask you what breed was your favourite, whether you were a dog or a cat person, if you had a cat, pretty normal stuff. But as soon as you started talking about white cats, they would stop talking to you. Now, to somebody who's never been in Dronyon Town that would seem weird. Why would the people of this town be scared of a white cat of all things? But if you did some digging and ask around enough, you'd find the answer.

One day, a long time ago, there was a little white cat born in the alleys. There was nothing wrong with this cat at first, but soon people started noticing something weird about it. Whenever somebody interacted with the cat, no matter who, something bad would happen to them the next day. First, it was little things that were barely noticeable, like someone losing their keys, or someone accidentally getting blamed for something. But as the years went by and the cat got older, the consequences of talking to the cat got worse, too. Instead of losing your keys for a while, they would disappear completely, and instead of getting blamed for something people would outright get framed for things. Still, people thought it was just a coincidence and had nothing to do with the cat. Until one day.

Jim Thicket was a young man with a wonderful life. He had a wife and kids, a good stable job, and almost everyone in the town liked him. Everyone was sure nothing bad would ever happen to him, and even his death would be peaceful. Until one day. Jim was walking to work, when he met the little white cat sitting on a fence. Being the nice guy he was, Jim gave the cat a few pets before going on his way. The street was empty before he started crossing it, but as soon as he set two feet on the asphalt, cars came flying out of nowhere. Poor Jim didn't realize what was going on until it was too late, and he was tragically run over by a car. Most people thought it was just an accident before they started putting the pieces together.

The last person Jim interacted with was the cat, and whenever people said they had a bad day, they always mentioned interacting with a white cat. Word spread around quickly about the evil white cat who lived in the alleys, and most people stayed away from it as advised. But a few animal lovers couldn't help themselves and went up to the cat to talk to it or pet it anyway. They thought people were just making up stories about the cat because it served as some gossip, especially a little girl named Sable Monrow.

Sable was a girl who loved animals with all her heart, so she was very upset to learn about this supposedly 'evil' cat. She decided to make a point and go spend a few hours with the cat to show people there was nothing to be afraid of, and she actually started convincing some people. But then it happened.

The cat and Sable were sitting in a park tree when her mother told her it was time to come in for dinner. Sable said a quick goodbye to the cat, before starting to climb down the tree and go home. But she accidentally stepped on a weak branch, causing her to fall out of the tree and onto the ground. She didn't die, thankfully but did end up with a broken arm. That was enough to convince the girl that the cat actually was evil though, so she stayed as far away from it as possible.

People started getting more suspicious about the cat after what happened to Sable because she seemed so sure that the cat wasn't evil. More people stayed away from the cat, and only the bravest would go near it. One woman named Tara Frey was among the people who would go near the cat.

Tara was a daredevil and known throughout town for her stunts. Compared to what she'd done before, she thought a tiny cat was harmless, so she decided to pet it to see what the fuss was about.

Nothing happened at all the entire day, so she announced to everyone that there was nothing to be afraid of and the cat was normal. People didn't exactly trust her at first, but as she watched her go about her day normally, they realized they were just being silly and there was nothing to worry about. People hesitantly started going near the cat again, and everything was okay. Until the next day.

Tara was a stunt double, and the next day she was supposed to backflip on a motorcycle over an airplane. She had been practicing for weeks off-camera, as she wanted this to be perfect. But as soon as she started driving, the engine malfunctioned and exploded, giving Tara terrible injuries. She was in the hospital for a few days but soon died because of how bad her injuries were.

After hearing the news about Tara, people stayed away from the cat again. They were absolutely convinced the cat was evil now, and nothing could make them think otherwise. They lived like that for years and years, staying very far away from the cat. They got so worried about it, that they started staying away from any white cat in general. Everyone in town thought it would stay that way forever before something strange happened.

One day, people started seeing a stray black cat wandering around the streets. Nobody knew where it came from and frankly, nobody really paid any attention to the cat, before one day. One day, the black cat sniffed the white cat. Nobody knew what would happen, as they'd never seen the white cat interact with any animals, but they hoped the black cat would be okay.

The two cats circled around each other for a while, before nodding and walking away. Everyone kept a close eye on the two cats, fully expecting the black one to die, but it didn't. Instead, the people found the white cat dead in an alleyway. The entire town celebrated since they thought the curse of the white cat was dead, but they were very wrong. They found out that whenever someone interacted with the black cat instead, no matter who, something bad would happen to them...

May 16, 2020 02:39

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