Coming of Age Fantasy Inspirational

I can't believe this has happened,' I said to myself still piecing this all together. My beloved Robin Hood has been kidnapped by none other than the evil Sheriff Vaisey of Nottingham!? 

After years of countless one sided battles, Robin has lost to the most ruthless and unlawful man everyone in England has ever known! I was told all of this by this from Sheriff Vaisey himself as he gloats his victory directly to my face.

Oh, how much I wanted to sock him in the face so badly, but I had to hold my composure. After all, I'm still a lady at the end of the day. 

Vaisey most certainly knows far too well that I love Robin Hood, more than anything. He strongly believes I'm just an old-fashioned woman. One who won't hold a weapon and get into fights like most men.

Little did he know, I was a force to be reckoned with! 

Much later that evening, my halfing Lady Knight: Carol and I snuck out of the heavily guarded keep. The two of us knew this castle's structure and hidden passages like the back of our hands. All thanks to my Uncle Richie who was gone to do King duties across the land. I really wish he was here to give his no-good-for-nothing brother John a nice smack in the back of the head. 

Prince John has been a tyrant for a good few years, and while doing so, he has made Vaisey his first hand into all of his evil deeds. One of them being: taking money from the poor.

The only salvation we have next to King Richard was my dear Robin. For he did everything in his power to give back to the poor without complaints and no flaws. But now, Robin is captured by that dirtbag and I have to do something about it.

I can't just have him lock away in the cell where his actions were justified. He fought for these great people of Nottingham. For all we know, Prince John and Vaisey could have Robin be rotten in prison or worse... I just can't say nor do I want to.

All the while my friend Midnight, a kind-hearted Half-Orc Druid, stayed back to safeguard and cover for us. God bless her soul for she too has been my loyal compatriot throughout the years, next to Lady Carol obviously. I still remember meeting her when I was a little girl, but that's a story for another time. 

Lady Carol and I both headed to the Forest of Nottingham without any hesitation, all the while going in stealth of course. We stuck to the trees and shadows until we came to the Headquarters of the Merry Men. Little John, Robin's right hand man and second in command, met us halfway. 

He gives us a quick bow and responds with: "It brings me relief that you two have made it safely. But we must make haste to HQ. Who knows if any of the Sheriff's guards have followed you when you left."

"It brings me relief too that you are doing well with all things considered," I replied with an acknowledged nod. "I couldn't agree with you more. Let's go meet with the others right away." 

The intimidating yet gentle half-giant barbarian led us to the rest of the crew. No one spoke for we were focus on the task at hand. Plus we didn't want to give out any of our location if we were being followed.

We arrived at the Merry Men headquarters shortly afterwards. It was more of a clearing if anything for a HQ. Tents and other camping gears or belongings were spread around the clearing. In the center was where the rest of the Merry Men have gathered. They were standing among an unlit fire pit. 

Literally everyone was there that evening! From dwarf cleric: Friar Tuck, to half-elf bard: Allan A. Dale, gnome warlock: William Scarlock, and William’s fairy sorcerer named Ellie have accompany us. We surely can count our blessings however everyone seemed off edge and unnerving.

I couldn't blame them though for I was the same way about now.

Robin is their fearless leader and now that he has been captured, it seemed all was lost. I just gonna find a way to reassure them.

"So what are we going to do now that the boss is captured from that bastard?" asked William who seemed the most unedged.

His fairy companion said something to his ear and he replied with annoyance: "I know we have to save him obviously, Ellie. I wasn't born yesterday, you know!"

The fairy giggled after her gnome companion's reaction. She was always the mischievous one of the group but very reliable, especially when it came to small and tight places.

"Maybe we can draw them into the forest..." started Friar Tuck as he spoke his thought as William interrupted him.

"And what? Have them kill us in our own turf? We ain't good enough if we are dead, considering they have the numbers and it's only a small few of us. And if you ask me, I'd rather not."

Allan chimes in by saying: "Now, now William, you didn't let old Tucker here finish what he wanted to say. Let's hear him out."

"Thanks Allan," nodded the cleric as the bard did the same. "As I was saying, we can draw them into the forest with a set of traps. We got a ton to use in order to get the field advantage."

"While I admire your thinking, Tucks, I don't think we have enough time to set up those traps," said Little John politely. "It would take us the whole evening to do as much, and like William has said, they have the numbers. A good 200 of them. They will soon find us and figure out what we were planning. We need to come up with someone else."

"How about a performance from yours truly, then?" asked Allan with pazzi. 

"I don't think they want a show from you, Double A. They will most likely shoot you from the spot," noted William.

"Exactly!" cheered the bard. "I can use that as a perfect distraction to draw their attention while everyone else gets inside."

"You'll need to catch the attention of 200 men!" mentioned William. "Most will be inside of the keep unable to hear your little show."

Ellie whispered into William's ear again saying something.

"I know the odds will be in our favor but only from the outside!" replied William again with some annoyance. He tends to do that with Ellie, considering she always finds a way to get underneath his skin.

William continues his rant: "We have to still consider the guards who remain inside, especially within the depths in order to recuse our leader."

"William's right," Little John agreed. "There's still a stronghold of men we need to consider, especially if we are doing in stealth. Also not to mention, we might need Allan just in case shit went sideways."

"Excuse me, gentlemen," timed in Lady Carol. "While you all have good and thoughtful ideas, maybe we should ask our dear Maid Marian to see what she thinks of the matter."

As soon as my Lady Knight had said it, everyone there looked upon me for an answer. Thanks Carol. No pressure.

Now, I wasn't the one who got any attention. Like Robin, I have the cards close to my chest and stick to myself. However, with this situation at hand, I must take a stand and help my lover to get out of this in any way I can.

Luckily for all of us, Robin and I have this type of scenario all planned out since they were very little. Especially if any one of us got captured for the greater good. I have even been trained for this, all thanks to Lady Carol and Robin Hood himself. Secretly of course. You never know with prying eyes and nowadays, those were a given.

All I have to do now is recall the conversation she and Robin had many years ago…I couldn't help but reminisce...

July 13, 2024 20:15

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