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Creative Nonfiction Romance Sad

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. Everything about this wedding had been meticulously planned; down to the number of white roses in the bridesmaids bouquets and the brand of shoe shine the groomsmen used. There was just one, slightly important problem, Craig hadn’t shown up yet. 

“What do you mean ‘he isn’t here yet’? I can’t get married without someone to get married to!” 

That’s the bride, Denise. A usually sweet girl, Denise was quite frustrated with her husband-to-be’s tardiness and was storming around the dressing room, occasionally scattering a loose bobby pin onto the carpet for her hairdresser to scamper to collect and replace in Denise's hair. 

“I’m sure he’ll be here at any moment darling,” The hairdresser mumbled,  “don’t worry.” She stuck in the last of the pins. 

“Ouch! Be careful back there, my scalp is sensitive!” Denise protested while lightly touching the offended area.

The hairdresser rolled her eyes and took a glance out the window. “Dear, I believe the groom has decided to attend after all. Possibly, he will give your sensitive scalp a massage after the ceremony.” She silently withdrew from the room.

Craig was hurriedly exiting a black car and striding toward the foyer entrance while buttoning up his tuxedo.

Denise spun to face the window and angrily whispered under her breath, “Craig James Barnabee, If they don’t get to you first, I’ll be the one to blow your brains out.” 

She turned on her heel and daintily stomped her way to the entrance of the foyer. Poor Mr. Barnabee was not ready to be verbally accosted by his fiancée, but Denise had the words out of her mouth before he had two feet in the door.


“Enny, i’m sorry, I-”

“Where have you been? Everyone is already seated and ready for us to begin at any second now! I just can’t believe you could be this-” She took a deep breath and continued, much more calmly, “Just get to the front, please, so we can get this stress inducing nightmare over with, ok?

“Denise I need to tell you-”

“Craig, please just go, we can talk later.” 

“Denise, you have to listen-”

“No. You listen to me, Craig. We can discuss this later when we’re both not as tense and worried. I know you’re nervous, but right now all I need is for you to get up to that altar so we can say our “I do’s” and get out of here. Just do this one thing for me. Please.” 

Denise went to take her place at the closed double doors leading into the church and gave Craig a pointed look. He sighed deeply and approached the doors. He looked at Denise and reached out his hand.

“Denise, I love you; please don’t forget it”

Her gaze softened but she ignored his hand and instead pulled open the doors and lightly pushed him into the church. 


Craig gave her a half-hearted smile, and turned to walk down the aisle to the altar. 

It wasn’t a huge gathering, but they had their close friends and family and that was enough. The Wedding March started playing, The doors opened, and Denise began her slow walk down the aisle. For all the planning and stress building up to this moment, she couldn’t have been more calm. She glowed in a beautiful off-the shoulder white gown and dainty heels. You could hear the gasps from the guests as she glided past the pews, her eyes only on Craig. She joined him at the altar and gave him a smile.

The officiant smiled at the two of them and looked out at the guest in the pews, “Good afternoon. Denise, Craig and I would like to welcome everyone on this gorgeous day. It's because of all of you—because of this strong community—Denise and Craig's relationship has strengthened and grown and led them to this very moment. Thank you for being here, now let's begin.”

And so the ceremony began. The planning everyone had put in paid off, and everything was perfect. Then came time for the vows.

“We come now to the words Denise and Craig want to hear the most today…the words that take them across the threshold from being engaged to being married. Before you declare your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your intention to be married today.”

“Criag, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Denise in marriage? If so, answer ‘I do.’”

He puffed out his chest and took a deep breath, “I do.”

The Officiant continued, “Denise, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Criag in marriage? If so, answer ‘I do.’”

She bit her lip and looked at Craig, “I do”

Her mom wiped tears with a handkerchief and 

“Denise and Craig, having heard that it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows. Groom, please repeat after me…”

Craig beamed at the officiant and then at Denise, “I’ve got it from here. I Craig, take you, Denise to be my wife. I will share my life with yours, and build our dreams together, support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness.”

“I promise to give you respect, love and loyalty. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and made new every day of our lives.” 

Denise beamed right back at him and wiped the forming tears from her eyes.

“I Denise-”


A shot rang out in the church and the doors at the back were thrown open. A man disguised in all black ran stepped through the doorway and held up a gun.

“Am I late? I wasn’t certain i’d be on time, but I think i’m here at the perfect time to see my girlfriend get married”

A gasp went through the crowd and  everyone looked at the shocked Denise. She let out a shriek; “NO. I am not your girlfriend, we broke up years ago but you won't leave me alone! Go away!”

“Hello Denise.”

He looked around at the church and waved his gun. “Hello everyone gathered here together with this horrible woman to get married. Well I don’t care! GET OUT! ALL OF YOU!”

The silenced guests screamed and sprinted for the exit. 

“I’m only here for Denise and the man that wrecked my life.”

Denise quivered as the man drew closer. 

“Please, You heard what Denise said; you broke up, just understand that.” Criag pleaded.

The man disregarded Craig and focused once more on Denise.

“I always knew we should be together, but then you decided to marry this tool. Interesting choice really. But, as you know, unfortunate circumstances happen all the time. I’ve tried talking sense into you but you simply won’t listen. For that reason, I hope you enjoy the rest of you life” 

The man raised his gun and pointed it at Craig. Denise screamed in what felt like slow motion and Craig dropped to the ground. A red flower bloomed from his tuxedo and Denise sunk to her knees. 

“NO!” Denise cried

“I told you to watch out dear. It’s not my fault you didn’t listen.” The man smirked at Denise and swiftly ran from the church. 

“Craig. Craig listen to me. Criag can you hear me? Please babe please tell me you hear me.” 

Sirens blared in the distance, and the red stain on his shirt grew. 

“Craig? Craig please. I do love you. I’m sorry. I love you. Please, I love you…”

But his eyes closed and he went limp in her hands, because by then it was too late.

November 21, 2020 04:58

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1 comment

Ramon Martensen
12:33 Dec 02, 2020

It's a well written story. Easy to read and captivating. What I liked about it is how you build up a mystery by implying that the groom wants to say something but doesn't get the chance to do so. It kept me curious. Once the thing becomes clear, the story loses its momentum a bit, partly because it seems a bit far fetched. Of course, fiction is a form that allows for far fetched things, the imagination is limitless... However, it would be best of you make it believable in the story by hinting at it. You could show this history and tensi...


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