Fiction Romance

“I’ll have half a pound prosciutto, extra thin, please.”

“I’ll have half a pound prosciutto, thin, please.” That echo comes from my right.

I glance at the man next to me, he pronounced it proshute, as if he knows what he’s talking about.

His skin is sun-kissed, I think that’s the term. With well-styled, dark brown curly hair, sinfully long lashes framing brown eyes, a roman nose and full lips, he reminds me of a long-ago movie star. Can’t remember who. It’s not important.

Are you Italian? I ask. He shrugs eloquently.  No, he answers, but his grandparents were, he grew up speaking the language. Have I been there? No, I say, but I’d love to go, someday and tell him where and what I’d like to see. He tells me that region is where his grandparents came from. That he still has family there. He highly recommends the trip.

We part ways and each finish our shopping. I relive each word, each nuance in his expression, the sound of his voice, the hint of his accent. I imagine his scent, telling myself to pay closer attention next time, hoping there will be a next time.

The next Saturday, I go back to the same store at the same time and linger among the adult and baby diapers, keeping one eye on the deli counter. When I see him walk to the counter, I sidle up next to him and order whatever he ordered. He turns, a smile on his face, when he hears my order. Hey. the warmth in that one word will feel like honey. Sweet, thick and fragrant. I ask him what he is planning to make with Parma ham this week? He confesses it’ll be just for sandwiches. Cooking for one is not worth the hassle, don’t I agree?

Oh, I do. But can’t help myself and share a lovely recipe I learned from my mother. He thanks me, though I doubt he’ll ever use it.

The third Saturday we approach the deli counter from opposite directions and grin as we meet up. What am I making this week, he asks. Croque Monsieur. I scrunch up my nose. I know, it’s too fattening. And promise to have only one – today.

He laughs and ask if I have time for coffee. On the sidewalk terrace one coffee becomes two and an exchange of phone numbers. He entertains me with stories about his childhood trips to the old country as he calls it, and the mischief he got into with some of the local kids he befriended.

He calls me a few days later. We chat and text and meet again for coffee on Saturday. I’ve been presumptuous, he confesses and tells me that he made reservations at Boca for that evening, am I free to join him?

I make a show of thinking it over, keeping him guessing, but not for long.  Of course, I would love to go out to dinner with him. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about that famed restaurant. Four stars, no less!

Our evening is a success, with much laughter and flirting. We are barely aware of the food. The wine flows freely and time flies. The late spring night is perfect for a lazy stroll, a smile and a kiss on my cheek as he wishes me good night.

Bike rides, baseball games, watching fireworks from a friend’s roof-top patio, late nights over a glass of wine brings us closer. Gradually, almost hesitantly, our relationship grows more intimate. He’s a passionate, skillful lover. Whispering sweet nothings, he always looks for my pleasure and never has to ask, he knows. Looks so pleased, is so proud when I lie spent in his arms. Like an artist would look at his flawless sculpture, his exceptional painting,  his critically acclaimed novel.

It isn’t long before his toothbrush lives next to mine and his shorts tangle with my bras in the washing machine. At least twice a week we cook dinner together. He hesitates to move in all together, confessing to having been hurt before and being a tad gun shy. That he needs a little more time and space for himself, a place to reflect on us and miss me.

Of course, I try to be understanding, knowing that he is right. We shouldn’t rush this. Should allow our love to blossom and ripen before taking that last step.  It doesn’t stop us from sending chatty texts and messages. Our times together are even more precious, intimate and passionate because of it.  My lovely home is our love nest. We even adopt a puppy. The little darling only reluctantly gives up her spot on the bed, when he spends the night.

We talk about a trip to Italy together, and the places I want to see, the places he wants to show me. He urges that we wait till fall, when the weather will be better, and the tourists have gone home. I surprise him and learn to speak Italian. He laughs with delight at my atrocious accent. He tells me t’i amo.

For now, a long weekend in the mountains, hiking and “roughing it” in a cabin with hot and cold running water where we curl up in front of the fire and make sweet, slow love all night, declaring our passion, over and over.

When we can, we attend a concert in the park. Or take a stroll riverside after dinner. We meet each other’s friends and throw dinner parties, dragging the dining table out onto the patio. We become the couple everybody envies with our open affection and inside jokes.

I’m ecstatic, deliriously happy when I learn I’m pregnant. It was that one night of endless love in the mountain cabin, when we ran out of condoms and said it would be okay. One evening of passion, of not being cautious. I can’t wait to share my precious news with him.

He’ll be such a wonderful daddy. He is so playful and nurturing, yet protective. His ambitious side makes him a perfect role model. We’ll look for a larger home. One with plenty of room and a yard for all our children and puppies.

He'll be speechless.

“Ma’am? Your prosciutto? Will there be anything else?”

I look around. He’s gone. He has taken his half pound of ham and left the counter.

“No. No thank you.” I send a weak smile toward the girl.

One week later, I lurk in the toothpaste aisle, keeping one eye on the deli counter.  No eye contact is made when he passes me near the mouthwash. I follow him and hear him ask for half a pound of Parma ham. I sidle up next to him and ask for the same.

I allow a small smile to dance at the corners of my lips. “What are you going to make with the Parma ham?” I ask.

“Huh? What? Oh. My wife is in charge of the kitchen, I just fetch and carry.” He smiles politely and wishes me a good day as he walks toward the check out.

August 08, 2024 23:54

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Keba Ghardt
21:22 Aug 11, 2024

Such a great way to interpret the prompt, and your construction of the fantasy just made your main character even more grounded and relatable. Very well crafted


Trudy Jas
21:30 Aug 11, 2024

Thank you Keba. A fantasy is a terrible thing to waste. :-) I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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KA James
21:04 Aug 11, 2024

You'll have to teach me how to daydream faster. Don't think I could have made it past the first dinner at Boca in the time it takes to say 'ma'am you're prosciutto' . And I think the best romance stories are the ones without just a happy ending


Trudy Jas
21:08 Aug 11, 2024

I'll take it as a compliment that you admire my efficiency in daydreams (you should see the ones when I sleep) and yes, HEA is so yesterday, don't you know. LOL Thanks KA


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Jeremy Burgess
08:04 Aug 11, 2024

Great telling of an amazing daydream! Well executed, and convincingly done. I liked that it was all in her head, felt right to me!


Trudy Jas
11:27 Aug 11, 2024

:-) Just your everyday "lusting in her head" Thank you, Jeremy.


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Mary Bendickson
14:00 Aug 10, 2024

Unexpected and unreal. Oh,what could have been...😍


Trudy Jas
14:02 Aug 10, 2024

Mary! Unreal? Be honest howmany of these types of affairs have you 'enjoyed' till reality it you over the head? Thanks. :-)


Mary Bendickson
14:26 Aug 10, 2024

I meant unreal in that the imagined world didn't happen. Well, only in her mind it happened in a flash.


Trudy Jas
14:48 Aug 10, 2024

Got it. And yes, the torrid affair was here and gone before I put pen to paper (or index fingers to keyboard) Thanks. How's the writing going? Or still cleaning that one corner that has been collecting years of flotsam? ;-)


Mary Bendickson
14:57 Aug 10, 2024

Yeah. I'll be sending you a note.


Trudy Jas
16:44 Aug 10, 2024



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M.D. Adler
10:39 Aug 16, 2024

This was such an enjoyable read! I didn't expect the ending at all. I think we've all (or most of us) been there, fantasizing in different aisles of a shop, haha! Well done 🙂


Trudy Jas
11:00 Aug 16, 2024

Thank you, MD. I'm so glad you enjoyed. I was fun to write. :-)


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04:13 Aug 15, 2024

Wicked story. Poor naive MC. What will she do now? Perfect story for the prompt. One wee point. The last word is one word if it is a noun. Superb writing, as usual.


Trudy Jas
11:33 Aug 15, 2024

Thank you, Kaitlyn. To answer your question, MC will probably fantasize about someone else. No harm, no foul. Thanks for liking my story.


21:51 Aug 15, 2024

What about her pregnancy? Surely, this will bring her back to earth!


Trudy Jas
23:08 Aug 15, 2024

The whole affair was her fantasy. :-)


07:26 Aug 16, 2024

Maybe there should have been a mention of mental health issues. My goodness. I guess I have a low opinion of males, The MC had stalker issues as well as a vivid imagination.


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Chris Sage
17:26 Aug 14, 2024

Ooh err, plotting seduction from the adult diaper aisle! I would offer more feedback but my glasses have now steamed up.


Trudy Jas
18:57 Aug 14, 2024

LOL I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks, Chris.


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Marty B
04:52 Aug 14, 2024

How many love affairs have been initiated over half a pound of prosciutto, parma or mortadella? Mille mille!


Trudy Jas
09:03 Aug 14, 2024

And how many have lived and died in our fantasy. :-) Thank you, Marty


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Jenny Benavidez
23:32 Aug 12, 2024

How many times have we wondered what would happen if we had the guts to walk up to the adorable and perfect stranger in the store? Reading her experience was a joy.


Trudy Jas
23:47 Aug 12, 2024

Thank you, Jenny. She was enjoying it too, till reality hit. :-) Thanks for eading my stories.


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Geertje H
16:19 Aug 11, 2024

I thought for sure this was the romance to end all romances only to have it be a fantasy. Sad but true. I really enjoyed this story.


Trudy Jas
16:24 Aug 11, 2024

Thank you, Geertje. Great fantasies can happen at the deli counter. LOL


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20:52 Aug 09, 2024



Trudy Jas
21:13 Aug 09, 2024

Thank you. 🙂


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Calvin Kirby
18:03 Aug 09, 2024

Trudy, I loved the story and was sort of disappointed in the turn at the end, because I wanted that Hollywood ending. Good job! See you in a couple of weeks. Bernie will be contacting you to help fix your mic situation. Keep writing, I love your stories (at least most of them😁). Cal


Trudy Jas
18:39 Aug 09, 2024

:-) Thank you, Cal. Sometimes he gets away/is taken. But a girl can dream. I'm glad you liked (most of) it.


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Alexis Araneta
17:37 Aug 09, 2024

*sings the Temptations' "Just My Imagination"* At least, she didn't outright confess to the guy. Hahahaha ! Such a splendid, original take on the prompt. Lovely work !


Trudy Jas
18:41 Aug 09, 2024

😃 Thanks,Alexis. Some fantasies are more vivid than others, and yes, good thing she kept her thoughts to herself. :-)


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TE Wetzel
06:54 Aug 09, 2024

Great story with an unexpected ending. The sort of daydream that play's out in the minds of people all around the world all the time. Nicely done, Trudy.


Trudy Jas
12:47 Aug 09, 2024

Exactly! Way back when, I've done it. (Well, not lurking in the toothpaste aisle, of course) :-) Than you, Thomas.


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Myranda Marie
01:38 Aug 09, 2024

He's married? Well that stinks !!! Love the story..... nice mix of sweet and stalker !!


Trudy Jas
02:07 Aug 09, 2024

Thanks, but the whole affair takes place in ten minutes (or less, is you read fast) and all in her mind. A girl can dream, can't she. Some of us, that's all we have. :-)


Myranda Marie
15:01 Aug 09, 2024

I totally got that......but still.... what a bubble burster when he says "my wife"


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Trudy Jas
15:17 Aug 09, 2024

LOL, sorry.


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