
Ryan looked around the table at Blake and Carter. It was a little rare for all three of them to be able to eat dinner together. Usually, it’s two of them or - even more common -  they’re eating alone while the others are at work or sleeping.

“How was your day, Blake?” Ryan asked the smallest of the three.

“Um, kind of boring. A few car crashes. No serious injuries, one person had an asthma attack. That’s really it.” Carter rubbed Blake’s back as they finished talking. Blake was still getting used to the three of them being in a relationship, they were used to it just being them and Carter.

“Was the ED busy today Ry?” Ryan nearly laughed.

“When is it not? Two college students came in and one of them had a lightbulb in his mouth.” Ryan shook his head as he spoke. Blake and Carter started laughing.

“Jessie dared Alvin to do that a few weeks back.” Carter mentioned. Blake looked at him.

“Please tell me Alvin didn’t do it.” Blake was stifling laughter as he asked.

“Jessie bet him twenty bucks. Of course, he did it. Took him to the hospital on the other side of town to get it out.” Ryan raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend.

“Why not just go to Hero’s? Y’all are just down the street.”

“Well, Alvin was embarrassed and knew that seeing as I was the one taking him, I would say I wanted you to come and get the bulb out.” As Carter explained Blake started laughing.

“You could’ve called for ambulance Twenty!” Blake exclaimed, laughing harder than they were earlier.

“And then asked for Nurse Lorde!” Ryan added.

“Alvin would’ve died of embarrassment.”

“I bet he would.” Blake and Ryan said at the same time.

The three of them weren’t related, they were dating though. Blake and Carter had been dating the longest and only five months ago Ryan joined the two. Blake was working on being more comfortable around Ryan, but right now, sitting between Ryan and Carter, they were perfectly happy.

November 26, 2019 17:48

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