The Hidden Societies

Submitted into Contest #55 in response to: Write a story about a meeting of a secret society.... view prompt

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I was walking toward my door when a random guy came walking up to me all mysteriously. 

I knew who he was. 

But why is he here? 


Oh, sorry if you were confused about who I am talking about let’s start from the beginning. This is how it all started. Just like any normal day, I was just walking down the road, minding my own business.But noooo. Some guys had to come out of nowhere and kidnapped me right then and there. The next thing I knew, I was in a dark room and I was asked if I wanted to join them right now . What the heck? I didn’t even know them. They only told me that they needed a new person to join and whether or not I answered yes or no, I had to keep it a secret or they were going to make my life a living hell. Welp, isn’t this just what I needed. Random guys pulling me out of the streets and threatening me if I opened my mouth about something I don’t know yet. Sounds interesting enough, I guess. As long as it doesn’t involve killing or some sort of mafia gang thing. 

Out of curiosity, I just replied “Sure, why not?”  

As I was about to ask them something,  the men in front of me disappeared and left me on the road alone. What the hell? What is going on? 

Now, flashed forward a bit. I’m now walking through the alleys till I got to an opening. I don’t even know if I’m at the right place. Then I noticed a familiar-looking figure leaning against the wall. Looks like he’s been waiting there for hours. I figured he must be who I needed to meet and walked up to him. He noticed me and greeted me with a handshake.

“Are you-” I started.

“We need you for a meeting,” he said. 

“Wait, what? Right now?”

“Yes, right now.” 

“What kind of meeting will this be about?Do I really have to attend?” I asked 

“You have to go. It’s important,” he said as he ignited a smoke bomb and disappeared again.

DidI tell you that they love to make dramatic disappearances but lame appearances? Anyway, earlier today, they had slided a letter under the door and onto the floor of my living room: telling where the meeting will take place. 

Didn’t look like I had much of a choice and decided to head out. And now, here we are... 

This place looks like an abandoned shed. 

Well, time to go in. 

When I got in, they were all standing, not sitting. I looked over and saw that there was one spot opened in the circle. I’m guessing that’s where I’m supposed to stand?

One of them looked at me and said in a deep voice “So you’re here. Let us begin. ”

His voice just gave me goosebumps and a shiver down my spine. I walked over to my so-called spot in the circle. 

The leader of the society started talking in a low voice “we have a problem that needs to be solved right now”

“What is the problem,” I asked

 “We are in danger and could fall in any minute someone knows that we are a secret society that lives into the shadow they could be watching us right now so when you go out please stay watch of your surrounding,” the leader said 

Now I was creeped out that someone was watching us somewhere around here 

“What if it is another secret society” I blurted out

“Maybe but we don’t know exactly who” the leader

The other people were nodding in agreement

Then in a very dark room I look up and saw glistening eyes looking down here and then disappear should I tell the people around or keep it a secret

“I just saw something like a person,” I said my mouth is like having a mind of its own.

“What? are you joking or are you not?” the leader said 

‘I am not joking” I said my mouth again 

“Scout the surrounding” the leader told several people 

“So are we done with our meeting,” I said 

“No, not yet I think the one who is spying on us right now is another secret society. 

Sir, we started researching about the other society that may be around in secret but can not find any yet.” one of the hackers said

“Ok keep searching” the hacker went off 

“So we need you to help us,” he said 

“Me?!” I was stunned 

“Yes you, you  just need to get yourself  geared up and you will be off. We have a suspicion of where the other society is at and we need you to go. The problem is that if we find out we can’t go do further research and things that we need.”

“Ok…” I said 

“Can you gather everybody up we need to have a meeting” he said to one of the coordinators

People started gathering up to start the meeting of the important message of the leader.

“Now as you all may know we have a spy from somewhere but we have a suspicion that it could be another secret society like us and is planning to ruin us. That is why we shouldn’t start going to look for things.” the leader boomed 

Murmurs went through the society he raised a hand and the whole society hush up and he started talking again 

“So now all cases are close and please do not speak important things around people that spy may be listening like he could be listening right now... “ 

The leader kept talking but I wasn’t listening anymore because I saw those eyes again like  it was watching me do something. 

“Ok that’s it,” the leader said when he finished 

I look back at the leader and then look back at where the eyes were. They were gone! Am I hallucinating or what? I forgot about it then I saw a glistening eye again but in a different place.

I slowly went up to where the eyes can’t see me. The eye started to move to somewhere else so I went we were walking for like an hour and then we stopped at a mansion it looks spooky like nobody lives here anymore and then when I went in with the strange spy there were people sitting on a table talking about something. The leader was right there is another secret society lurking through the city. I was about to go and report to the leader but then curiosity came over and I went closer to the meeting of some sort of society. They started talking about our society and other weird things. I just dash out so they won’t get me. I didn’t hear the rest while I was running to the abandoned shed. I wish that I stuck around to see what 21 means when I got to the abandoned shed I told the leader everything he kept nodding and frowning 

“This is very interesting’ the leader said 

“And they said something about 21” I blurted again with the blurting out stuff.

“We’re going to that abandoned mansion to see if it connects to everything” the leader exclaimed 

The very next morning, we headed out to the mansion, not the whole society then there were people there where the mansion was, as they were very surprised to see us and then our leader demanded to talk to the other leader. So the leader of the other society went and both of them gave each other death stares like they know each other then all of a sudden the random guy just smile and gave a laugh and said  hey big brother like our was his big brother but our leader was like hey little brother and they just went off and then after an hour they came back 

Um what are you guys doing” I ask 

“Oh we’re just brother,” the leader said

“What about the meeting,” I asked 

But they did not hear me and just kept talking to each other but they are still a secret society that needs to keep quiet. I was so confused but moved along and from this day on our secret society worked together I know right it is very weird.

August 21, 2020 16:13

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18:19 Aug 29, 2020

Hi, Jack! Just wanted to drop by to say: Thank you so much for liking all my stories!! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 ~Aerin!!


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