Confusion and Constrain Part 1 Maze Runner FanFic

Submitted into Contest #56 in response to: Write a story about an established group of people welcoming (or not welcoming) a new face into their midst.... view prompt



Anne snored deeply as she drooled on the dark wood surface. Anne woke to the sounds of giggling and laughing. She felt a jab in her shoulder as she opened her eyes she saw pairs of eyes staring at her. Mr. Confucius glared down at her.

"Nice of you to join us Ms Darwin."

Gally walked in carrying a box of Edwin computers.

"Ms Winston wanted me to drop off these Edwins."

Mr. Confucius looked up at Gally.

"Just leave it on my desk."

Mr. Confucius's stare went back to Anne.

"you will see Principal Paige at the end of the day."

Anne frowned, she never had to go to the principal's office and she did not want to break her streak.


Aphrodite smiled.

" guys are going to Anne and Chuck's house to play Wii?"

Anne frowned. the cafeteria had a mysterious goo that did not help with her bad day.

"I can't."

Aphrodite looked shocked.

"Why! It's your house is't it?"

Anne sighed. "I have detention after school."

Minho howled.

"what do you have detention for?"

Anne did not look forward to this.

"I have detention for sleeping in class."

Minho howled even harder.

Aphrodite pushed the thought away.

"that's all you got? I get in trouble for lots of stuff, but sleeping on the job? No sir." Aphrodite smirked. "But Minho was sleeping this morning in math."

Minho looked offended. "But I didn't get caught."

Anne cringed. he always seemed to get her one way or another.


Anne sat outside Principals Paige's office when Gally walked up and plopped down beside her. Anne turned to him.

"What you'd get in trouble for?"

Gally's grey blue eyes met her gaze.

"Aphrodite passed me a note in class and I got in trouble."

Anne nodded her head.

"What did the note say?"

Gally shrugged turning a hint of pink.

"I did't have time to read it."

just when he finished saying this the door opened and Principal Paige walked out calling them to sit down so she could get to business.

"because I have a meeting in a few minutes, you will be working with Mr Confucius."

Anne against her will groaned.

a voice came behind her. she knew that voice too well.

"I'm so happy that you will enjoy working with me Ms Darwin."

He smiled mockingly. "From what I heard Galileo, you and your little girlfriend will be painting fences and working on the flower bed."

Anne's face turned beet red. but at least it matched her tank top.


The sun beat down at them while they both dipped their paint brushes and stroked down the fence.

she used her hand covered with dry paint, to wipe her hair hair out of her eyes only to have it fall back down into place.

Gally got quickly bored and dipped his paint brush and brushed back the bristles and flung paint at Anne.

Anne pulled her hands up to protect herself but it had no effect.

Anne surprised her self by laughing, and flinging paint at him back for revenge.

when they finally finished the fence, they had to lean over in the dirt and pull out the ivy that came tumbling down the walls and rooted in the dirt.


After the long day Anne started home. But not sooner as she started she looked behind her and Gally was following her

she stopped to look at him.

"Why are you following me?"

she called down to him. his head snapped up, but he kept walking.

"Chuck invited me over for Wii."

Anne nodded her head and remembered that everyone was at her house.

As they arrived Aphrodite walked up to her with concern in her eyes.

"I need to tell you something!"

Anne brushed her off.

"I need some food first." as soon as she walked into the kitchen she knew that something was different. because of one person. Sophie Turner.

the air was warm as Sophie and her best friend Anne waited for the bus. as soon as Anne walked on the bus almost every girl shouted her name and invited her to sit with them. Every time this happens, everyone wants Anne but no one wants Sophie. I guess jealousy came over her because when the sleep over came she did the worst possible thing ever to a teenage girl.

Anne gritted her teeth as Ben introduced them for the second time. But the moment that hurt her most, was when he introduced her as his girlfriend.

She shook hands as Sophie whispered, "Your hair looks great, how did you get it so dark?"

Anne backed away as all her happiness from the detention washed away. As she walked from a distance she saw that she acted like she had been friends with everyone her whole life when she only met them 2 hours ago. And nobody cared.

Aphrodite walked up beside her, having a face of pity.

"Are you okay? Is it about Ben?

Anne sighed and began to talk.

At the sleep over, Anne had fallen asleep early. Sophie seeing her chance grabbed the bleach and scissors, and snipped away the dark long locks. In the morning Anne found that her hair was a pixie cut and bleached so that it was white. When she turned to look at social media, she found a picture of her holding a teddy bear from the beginning of the school year. Only one person had this photo and she knew who. the rest of the year her friends slipped away and she was left alone.

Aphrodite smiled, the smile that made her understand that she still had friends.

Anne walked towards Minho who was playing on the Wii, and sat down beside him and grabbed a controller.

The rest off the night went by smoothly, and Sophie and Anne never really talked. She just stuck with Aphrodite and Minho.


Anne woke to the vibration of Aphrodite shaking her awake.

Aphrodite took no time in explaining.

"So I sighed you up for a dating app because you are lonely, and also you just need to put your username." Anne finally realized she was talking about, the thing that she had been pushing her to sigh up for because she was 'lonely'. The weird thing was that she didn't care. She just rolled back over and drifted off to sleep.

I take no credit for anyone except for Anne and Sophie. My sister owns Aphrodite

August 21, 2020 18:56

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