
The winds had started to blow , and the cloud was getting dark, Jane jumped up from the couch she was relaxing on and looked through the window, oh not again, she thought aloud.i have to get to Rose house before it rains, she picked up her bag , Simon, I'm off to see Rose Jane shouted across to her brother who had stuck both ears with an earpiece listening to his favorite song from his iPhone, she ran out of the house shutting the door behind her.

  Nooooooo, Rose shouted as she gets up suddenly, everywhere was dead quiet she looked all around the room, there was nobody, she could hear herself breathing really fast, she was visibly shaken, sweat had broken into bits all over her body, one more time she had had the same nightmare again, when will this ever stop she asked herself. I must have slept for a very long time she thought to herself, she looked at the old wall clock in her room, it's just 3pm she said aloud, she laid back on the bed and soon got lost in the memories that lead to the constant nightmare we was always having, it was the evening of the 10th day of March 2009, her thoughts were still locking in the event when she heard a knock on the door.

  She jerked back to reality, " who is that , she shouted across ', it's me Jane ,was the reply she got behind the door, oh, I'm coming she replied as she went ahead to open the door, she was surprised to see that it was raining outside and Jane was totally drenched in the rain, that was when she realized She was not even aware it was raining, she was totally lost in her thoughts. Oh come in Jane, let me get you a towel to dry you up and also make tea to keep you warm., From the looks on her face , Jane knew she had had another nightmare, did it happen again Jane asked, yes Rose answered quietly, Jane held her hands and assured Rose that everything will be alright. Yes it will be Rose answered in response, 

  Jane smiled as she watched Rose walk into the kitchen, Rose could hardly walk, her pace had become really slow, she needs this exercise Jane thought to herself, this was the 6th month she was introduced to Rose by a friend, Rose wanted so badly to do a D and C, she had just lost her husband and her in- laws stripped her of everything, she just didn't want to have any link with the family again, Jane understood her pain and with day to day counseling and love, she was able to nurture her heart to love her baby, Jane was able to convince Rose that her baby was innocent 

  Aaaaaah it coming was the shout that jolted her from her thoughts, are you ok, she shouted across as she ran into the kitchen to meet Rose, it's the baby Rose shouted, the baby is coming, Jane was filled with excitement, let's get to the hospital quickly Jane shouted , she took Rose to the sitting room and ran to get the neighbor for a ride to the hospital, Jane quickly opened and lying on the bed was Rose her baby in her hands, With a smile Jane took mother and son to the hospital.

Mother and child were immediately taken to the emergency ward for proper examination after the examination the doctor said both mother and child were alright but they had to stay back in the hospital for some time in order to observe them, soon afterwards mother and child were taken to the ward, Rose held on to her baby with tears in her eyes WOW! You look so much like your Dad she said to her son, look at your eyes, bright and shiny like your Dad, Oh , your nose pointed just like your Dad, and your lips, exactly the same, I love you so much my son she said as she kissed his head, Jane stood by the door watching mother and son, her eyes filled with tears of joy, it wasn't easy getting here she thought to herself, Rose was very stubborn and adamant on her decision to terminate the pregnancy, she just didn't want to have any link at all with her husband's family, it wasn't entirely her fault, they were really cruel to her, standing and watching them now Jane recalled the sacrifice it took her to get to were they were today, her job, yes, that was the first thing she would have lost in the process, she recalled how she got an emergency call from Rose, she had to quickly attend to her at the risk of her job, Rose had just been thrown out by her in - laws right into the street and her husband's house sold out, they really didn't care if she was pregnant or not.

She had to take Rose to the small apartment she shared with her brother Simon, the apartment could barely contain the 2 of them, back to the office the next day she got a query , she ended up been suspended from the office for 2weeks.she also had to get a loan in other to get a new apartment for Rose and also with the help of the loan Rose was able to register for antenatal in the hospital she worked in.what about the issue of the constant nightmare Rose was having, it took a lot of counseling to set Rose mind right, Jane's mind was still drifting away in her thoughts Jane, Jane, Jane, that was what jolted her from her thoughts, thank you so much, you are the one that made this happen,, thank you for all the love you have shown me, all your counseling, carry him, he's also your baby, go ahead Rose insisted.

Jane carried the baby and kissed his head, he's so cute,, yes Jane, just like his Dad, you are blessed, Rose, I know said Rose. you know Jane said,I want to thank you too, what if you didn't adhere to all the counseling I took you through, today will not have happened, Rose! Jane exclaimed your baby is crying,Oh! , Put the baby to suck Rose ,Jane said as she watched the mother putting the baby to suck, she smiled and slipped out of the ward leaving mother and son to bond.

January 06, 2021 20:22

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