Falling in love with the jerk next door.

Submitted into Contest #72 in response to: Write a romance where your character falls in love with the last person they expected to.... view prompt

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Fiction Romance American

Most people believe that all stories end with the girl falling in love with the guy next door. Because they were either best friends or they'd grown up together or something. That wasn't the case for Alexia Daniels and Clay Johnson. They had lived next door to each other they're whole lives. Only they sure didn't have feelings for each other. Clay was the big guy on campus football star, basketball captain, head of the student leadership committee, and all around golden boy. Also it didn't hurt that he stood at six foot three with blonde hair down to his shoulders and green eyes that would make any girl fall to her knees and beg him to pick her up in his strong arms.

Alexia mean while was the complete opposite of someone Clay would have dated. Alexia was the longer, she liked to sit in the library at lunch and read her books or study. She preferred to stay home on Friday night watching something paranormal on Tv then go out to the football games like all the other girls. An she was in love with a guy from another school who she'd been dating since she was sixteen. Alexia was also the tomboy type. She preferred her jeans and shirts over anything girly or as she called it "Fufu".

Yes Alexia and Clay were totally different living completely different lives at least at school that is. Their home lives where almost the same. Of course they're parents were best friends had been since Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had moved to the house next door when Alexia and Clay were six years old.

Things between Alexia and Clay changed the night of the homecoming dance junior year of high school. It was a night that both Alexia and Clay had rather forgotten but it was hard for them to when they had to face it everyday.

*Homecoming night one year ago*

Alexia Daniels stood in front of her mirror looking at the black and blue dress her mother had picked out for her just for the big night. Junior year homecoming was a night her mother had been waiting for. She'd so excited over the last month helping Alexia to get ready. Her mother was just so sure she would get voted homecoming queen and dance the night away with her prince charming just she did.

"Mom you do know that I'm not exactly Ms. Popular I mean you do know that I don't hang out with anyone from school right?" Alexia had told her mother. Her mother just laughed and told her that being voted Homecoming queen wasn't a popularity contest.

The dance hadn't been a total nightmare actually it had been a great night. Everything changed how ever when the music stopped and the sound of guns being shot erupted threw whole gym. Everyone stood quite as a mouse not sure what was going on. When suddenly the principal call for everyone's attentions and announced that someone was out the school with a gun and no one was allowed to leave until the police showed up and the shooter was arrested.

Alexia had been sitting by the doors waiting for her parents to come and get her. The school had found a safe route to get everyone out of the gym and to safety using the backdoor of the gym. The police had cleared that part of the school there only seemed to be one shooter and he had been at the front of the gym.

A little while Alexia saw Clay walking over to her with a worried look on his face and what looked like blood on shirt. Jumping up she ran over to him worry written all over her face.

"Clay what happen? Are you alright? Where is the blood coming from ?" Alexia asked worried as she started checking him over for bullet wounds or anything that was the source of the bleeding.

"It's not my blood. I was trying stop Jack from bleeding out."

"Jack?... not.. Oh my god not Jack.." Alexia felt a lump in her throat.

"Yeah.. our Jack." Clay had whispered softly.

Jack Moston was Alexia and Clay other neighbor. Even though the three kids didn't really talk much at school. Outside of school Jack was their best friend. Jack had been smart, athletic and very kind.

He had lived between Alexia and Clay he was the only reason they even hung outside of school. Now he was dead killed at homecoming for god only knows what.

"Who?" Alexia finally whispered enough to ask Clay.

"Drive by some random gang drove by the school and just shot at Jack for no reason. I'm so sorry Lexa.. I tried.. I tried to save him.." Jack cried sobs racking his body.

"Hey, you did the best you could at least you tried to save him."

"What are we going to tell his dad? It was our job to keep him safe."

"It wasn't your fault Clay you didn't do this. His dad knows that."

That had been a year ago and every day since then Alexia and Clay had to live with the nightmare of that night for a year. Since then they'd tried to be better friends to each other. Hanging out not just outside school but at school as well.

Sometimes between what had happen at homecoming and now Alexia had noticed that her feeling for Clay had changed. Sure he was still a jerk most of the time and it was really hard to talk to him at school due to his popularity statues. But she had fallen for him and she hadn't expected for it to happen.

One day while she was finishing up her homework in study hall. Alexia noticed that Clay was sitting next to a cheerleader. She could her heart squeeze with envy as she watched Clay flirt with the red haired cheerleader. Shaking her heard to stop herself from seeing green. Alexia turned her attention back to her friend Liza.

"You say something Liz?" Alexia asked her friend not having heard the question.

"I asked if you needed with your history paper but then I noticed you where to busy watching the jock show to pay attention so I moved on to math."

"Sorry Liz, its just been a really weird time for Clay and I ya know."

"I get it Lexa I mean Jack was a great person. I just never thought that I would see you fall for Clay Johnson."

"What do you mean Liz I haven't fallen in love with Clay. that just crazy."

"Trust me Lexa you've fallen for Clay and you have no idea that you have done so."

Glancing back at Clay one more time Alexia felt the feeling of jealousy come over her again. What if Liza is right what if I'm falling in love with Clay? I mean would be to crazy to think that I would fall with someone I've know for years? No there is no way I'm falling for Clay Johnson. I mean his the biggest jerk I know.

As sudden as the though crossed her mind it left and only to still feel the prong of jealousy in her heart. Maybe she really was falling for Clay and if that is true then what did that mean for them? What would mean for they're friendship? Would it change anything between the two of them. Or would it be one those scenes from the movies her sisters love to watch where the guy has always been in love with the girl.

No I might be in love with Clay but I will never let him know how I feel. These feeling stay between me, myself and I. Alexia though to herself just as the bell rang signaling end of the day.

December 17, 2020 20:09

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1 comment

21:32 Dec 23, 2020

Interesting, finishing when one expects the story tp start. I think you need more sentences on shooting on the school. Some mistakes at that party, double drive in one sentence and Jack spbbing, although he is dead


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