Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Coming of Age Friendship High School

It was the after ball party for the local high school and it was to be hold at my best mates house as her parents were away for a couple of nights. Me and all my mates helped my best friend becca get everything sorted before everyone turned up and the party pad was looking great. So we all went upstairs to start getting ready for our big night, we all got out of our pretty ball gowns and started putting on our cool party outfits and touched up our makeup and scents. We all looked very classy as it was a 20,s style party and all the lady's where dressed as flapper girls and the guys as gangsters it was a party full of very fly teens. As the car loads of teens begain to turn up the party began to rock. Young lads come in all swigger and with beers and chips. It wasn't long before one drink turned into two and so on and the smoking turned to dope which well was hardly noticed, until the dope turned to pills by then we were all to tipsy to notice. A few hours had pasted and my mate noticed that the neighbor's had got home not long after that the police were called. We all took off in a rush walking all over the street as the party was closed down. Not sure of where all my mates were I stumbled along with a group of teens walking down the road, we didn't get far before we were taken to the police station because we to drunk, when we got their until we went back to sober. Their was a few of us in the cell I noticed, We had all been tested for drugs and lets just say we were all wondering how we where going to get

out of this one. I noticed almost all the teens where calling their parents and begging them to help them out of trouble and I could hear lots of angry mums and dads and grandparents talking to my friends, boy we were in a lot of trouble pretty much my whole class

was being bailed out and my parents were oh so mad at me, as soon as I was home I was grounded for six weeks and I had to do extra choirs. To make matters worse we all got to school the next day and found out that our teacher had found out just how out of order we all were the night before and she was so angry because it was a after ball party that was thourghen the night of the ball which means as we were all in the cells that night we were all very tired and falling asleep in class. So was so pissed off she did the clasic nails

on the blackboard trick and then when we had all waken up she said we all had detention for the rest of the term, which was about

six weeks, so every day after school my whole class had to do detention for an hour after school. Man me and my best mate becca felt so bad but believe it or not it was the time in our high school life were we so cool. But seeing my parents loss trust in me had really made me regret my actions. I still went to party's but not that often and I would often just have a couple of drinks. I never forgot that night as my high school years went by but I never got that wasted again. Lets just say I the night could have gone alote worse luckly for all of us no one was hurt, As the years pasted and we all went our own way after high school, I woundered what had happened to our big group of friends, I often wounder what everyone is doing, are they happy in their lifes, do they have kids or a partner, are they married and did it work out. As for me I have had my ups and downs like everyone and made plenty of mistakes but its ok, its how we learn. Along the way I have been blessed with two lovely children that in many ways changed my life, It has not all been perfect but that's fine, I am luckyer then alot of other people, I see so many family and friends lossing their loved ones to corina and I wounder how they carry on with out falling apart, I see people on the streets and wounder how they manage and hope and pray that their lives turn around, I see so much sadness in this world but i also so many great people that are in it to try to help and chgange peoples lifes. As for me it has taken the dark times to make me realise that other people out there are searching for hope and because I have come though my bhard times and come out the other side that i can help the people that just lossing hope praying that things well change, I can show them that things well get better.

Thats the only way I can see that we can all get though this world and make it a happier place for all, is to learn from our own strangles and help each other as much as we can we what we have learnt, If we all just stopped judging each other and instead remembered that we are only just human then we would come to the conclusion that we have to work together to make this world the best it can be. That way we can at least know that someone cares. To me it doen't matter who you are where your from what age you are and what you belief in we all have staggles we all have problems and we all want to know that someone well be there for you, to pull you though the hard times, and the mistakes you make as a young person and life though are there to teach you something so hopefully someone can learn from it. from Andrea Hopkinson

May 15, 2021 03:13

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