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Bedtime Fantasy Friendship

A mystical realm where communication was a silent ballet of gestures and expressions. In this quiet world, silence reigned, and tranquillity was restless. Yet, even here, the unspoken words weighed heavily on Ella, a gentle soul with a song sung as a sweet acapella.  

Ella, an elephant with her soft, welcoming eyes. Her presence radiated warmth throughout the forest skies. Her tender demeanour drew others to her like moths to a flame. Her kind face contrasted her scars from past-life pain. She bore the scars from a tale of a tragic fall; she tumbled down a revered mountain known by all. This mountain, known for its fresh water and lush trees, held an allure of promise and ease. The accident left her smooth skin rough. Covered in scars, she even broke her tusk.  

Today, Ella wandered deep into a meadow that was gentle. Far from her usual resting spot, she felt herself go mental. The meadow was a tapestry of colours, flowers entirely in bloom. Creatures bustle in the trees, and the wind carries earthy perfume. She cancelled her plans of climbing again, the dream she had long abided. She sat aside the meadow lacking freshwater mountains provided. Feeling a mix of relief coupled with guilt. Ella contemplated amongst the flowers the weight of feelings she had built.  

Enveloped by a strange sensation, she sat in the meadow. A soft voice caught her attention, an ethereal "hello." "Ella, Ella," it whispered. She looked but saw no one. The voice came from within, a message from the sun. A tingling sensation began in her legs, spreading at a fast pace. It reached her stomach, her side, her back, her eyes, and finally reached her face. The voice spoke again, but clearly, "You need to pause and reflect." It was time Ella slowed down, the message clear and direct.  

The mystical force introduced itself, "My name is Luminara." An ethereal being composed of pure energy, shimmering like a princess's tiara. Invisible to the naked eye, Luminara's presence was felt. A soft, electric hum is in the air, and a gentle static is smelled. Tingling the senses of those nearby, she communicated through thoughts. Projecting soothing, melodic voices directly in soft spots. Luminara possessed the ability to stop and manipulate time. Pausing it to review your path, in a sense, hitting rewind.  

Luminara's presence cast a soft and glimmering halo. Illuminating all her surroundings, giving an otherworldly glow. Her touch was a gentle, invigorating sensation, like a warm breeze on a cool day. As she spoke to Ella, time seemed to stand still, and the meadow faded away.  

"Why do you rush, Ella?" Her voice is soothing and melodic. "The mountain will always be there." "You must learn to take your time; don't worry about when, but where."   

Ella felt a calmness settle over her, clarity guiding her thoughts. She realized the mountain would always be there, saving her a spot. Her journey, as she understood it now, had only just begun. The mountain was merely a pit stop within a labyrinth to be won.  

"I wish we could stay here forever," Ella murmured, the peace of the meadow around her. "I must keep moving while smelling the flowers," she said as the forest surrounded her.  

Luminara's golden glow brightened. "Forever is made up of moments like these. Embrace them, and you will find yourself; your path will come with ease."  

Luminara's presence faded in contrast as life resumed its pace. No more whispers of hello, only steps of guidance left in place. Ella was left with a soothing serenity. The meadow more vibrant, the dancing trees softly whispering. The air was full of aroma, and colours were more vivid; Ella stood up slowly, her steps measured and deliberate. She began her walk back through the forest; her heart felt lighter now. She understood that she should take as much time as life allows.  

The forest was alive with sounds of creatures returning from activities. The sun shone brightly, and the sky was clear as birds sang melodies. Ella moved through the crowd, all the animals leaving the mountain; she felt a sense of readiness to spring forth like water from a fountain. She realized that her journey was unique; all she required was strength. A little courage goes long when a friend is found at length.  

Ella's steps were steady as she walked, the path before her clear. No longer in a rush to climb, recalling her friend, "Just slow and steady, dear." Instead, she embraced the journey, each moment to be savoured. The beauty unfolded around her, with a connection to the world. The vibrant plants and ancient trees offer encouragement in silence. An unspoken understanding, a natural alliance.  

Ella paused at a narrow ledge overlooking a waterfall cascading into a pool. The sight was mesmerizing, struck with awe, a lesson not taught in school. She took a deep breath, feeling profoundly at peace. The water glistened in the sunlight, creating rainbows dancing without cease. As Ella stood there, her thoughts were turning inwards. Reflecting on past fears and the wisdom she had garnered. Luminara's words were never lost; they echoed in her mind. Reminding her to take her journey one small step at a time.  

Ella continued her walk, her heart whole of quiet triumph. She had learned to listen to herself, to listen to the quiet voice within, the chime of. The scars from her past no longer felt like burdens; they were badges of honour, peering into a window not covered by curtains.  

As the sun began to set, it cast a golden hue. Ella found a quiet spot to rest and reminisce about the lesson she now knew. The flowers seemed to nod in approval, and little creatures whispered their support. Ella closed her eyes, feeling the gentle breeze on her face. The ball was in her court. Her heart is full of hope for the future, and she finally feels at peace. Climbing one step at a time, Ella's anxieties are now at ease.  

June 04, 2024 01:17

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05:04 Jul 07, 2024

This was beautiful thank you ♥️


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