Horror High School Fiction

There's something over there, around the corner. It's round. It's red. It slowly turns out from the alley and makes its way slowly down the streets. It's a ballon. A red balloon. Something is attached to it. It looks like a note. I can't read it. All of a sudden, I hear screams out of nowhere. I see flames. Then, I see... my school. The visions stop and the red balloon is all that's left. 

I wake up with goosebumps covering my body from a chilling dream. I'm not actually gonna let a dream get to me though, right? I look at the clock. 3:27 am. I shake it off, knowing I would forget about it by morning, and fall back to sleep. 

I wake up, not feeling very well rested, but drag myself out of bed and get ready for another day. I remember waking up in the middle of the night from a bad dream, but I can't even remember what my dream was about. All I know was that it gave me chills. "Chlo! You should probably be leaving soon!" my mom calls from downstairs. "I'll be down in a sec mom!" I call back. I finish getting dressed, grab my bag, and run downstairs and out the door. However, before I get into my car, I see a red balloon next to my mailbox, and there was a note attached to it. Where have I seen that before? It looked familiar. I walked over to look at the note. Flames shall light the day with terror. I stare at the note confused, thinking it's probably just some neighbors balloon that got loose. I let go of the note and get in my car. Ugh, I am way too exhausted to go to school today. I mean, obviously I'm always tired before going to school, but today I'm more tired than usual. It must be that stupid dream that interrupted my sleep. I open my eyes and drive off to school.

I pull into my parking spot at the same time as my best friend, Mackenzie. Her spot was right beside mine. "Hey girl." she says as we get out of our cars. "Rough night?" she asks examining my look. "No sleep." I say. "Really? I bet you were thinking about that boy that you 'don't like', huh?" she says with a laugh. "Hayden? Of course not! I had a dream, that's all." I say. "What was it about?" she asks. "I don't even remember. I woke up with goosebumps though." I say. "Ah, a nightmare. Yeah, those are pretty good at taking your sleep." she says. I nod. The bell rings and we begin making our way to our first hour. "Catch me in detention, cause I'm probably going to fall asleep in all my classes." I say. "Oh, do NOT get yourself into detention, you'll sit there doing nothing and then you won't even being able to try to stay awake." says Mackenzie. I sigh. "It's gonna be a great day." I sarcastically say before walking off. 

I make it to my first hour and sit next to Hayden, who Mackenzie supposedly thinks I'm crushing on, which I am NOT. "Let me guess, already dreading being here?" asks Hayden. "You know it." I say with a sigh. "He laughs. "So, how was your first day?" he asks. In my head I thought normal, boring, the same as any other school day in my life. But I didn't say that. "It was good. How was yours?" I ask. "I'd have to say the same, it was fine, nothing much to it. Although, you look tired. Did you get much sleep last night?" he asks. "No, not really. Dreams are getting in the way." I say. "Good or bad ones?" he asks. "Bad ones." I respond. "Well, I'm sorry to hear. What was it about?" he asks. "I don't even remember, it was probably nothing." I say. 

I feel the urge to close my eyes but try to keep them open. I don't want to go to detention and fall asleep in there, cause we all know multiple punishments will follow that. The bell rings and some more students scurry into the classroom. "Good morning students." the teacher starts, grunts and sighs from students following. "I'm feeling the energy." he says. "Okay, let's get started with todays lesson. MLA format. So, can anyone tell me-" RIIIIIINNNGGGG! Mr. Forbes was interrupted by some sort of siren. That doesn't make sense though, the bell just rang. And this didn't sound like the hour bell. It sounded like... the fire alarm! RIIIIINNNGGGG! It sounded again. I hear screams and running in the halls. "What is going on?!" Hayden asks. Then, the principle comes on the loudspeaker. 

"Attention students and faculty, there is a fire in building C. Teachers please get all students out of the school and to the parking lot across from the school." she says. More screams follow, from students inside our classroom and out. "Everyone! Make your way through the double doors at the end of the hallway and to the parking lot, go fast, but go in an orderly manner!" Mr. Forbes says. The students basically ignore what he says and all run out of the classroom as fast as possible. We burst out the double doors and run down the stairs. To my right I can see tons of smoke and flames coming from building C. Terror filled the school. I made it to the parking lot across the street looking around for Mackenzie. "Mackenzie! Kenz, where are you?!" I yell. "Chloe!" I hear from behind me. It was Mackenzie. "Oh, good. You made it out alright." I say. "Yeah, but do you know what caused this?" she asks. I shake my head. But wait. I know where I have seen this before. In that awful dream I had last night. And that red balloon that I saw this morning. It was from my dreams. And in my dreams, I saw flames and screams at my school, and the note said 'Flames shall light the day with terror'.

The note on the balloon and the visions in my dream were about what was happening right now.

The flames demolished about a third of building C. Two fire trucks came and the firemen worked to stop the flames, which they were thankfully successful at. I was currently on the phone with my mom explaining the situation. "No, I'm fine mom. The fire is out and nobody got hurt, stop worrying. Okay, I'll keep you updated. Love you too, bye." I say and turn to Mackenzie after ending the call. "Well school is obviously canceled for the rest of the day...and probably for a while." Kenzie says while texting her mom.

All I can think about is the red balloon. I keep replaying my dream back in my head...the balloon slowly lurking through the streets, down the alleys, and then stopping in front of my house with a note attached to it. 

In my dream, I didn't read the note, but instead saw visions of the fire. It. Was. Awful. Blood curdling screams. Burning flames and smoke. People sprinting out of the school so fast, they could outrun a cheetah. Then when I woke up the next morning, it was all a blur. Even when the balloon became my reality and I saw it in person when I was leaving for school this morning. 

That was when I first read the note. Flames shall light the day with terror. Just saying that in my head sent chills down my spine. The balloon and note was obviously about what had happened today. 

It was only seconds later after having my chilling thoughts that I spot something in the distance. Something is lurking behind the burned school wall. Something...red. I began walking closer to this mysterious object once my eyes could finally make out what it was. It was the red balloon. With yet again, a note attached to the string. It made its way out of the school. I don't understand. This can't just be a coincidence or a silly prank! This balloon has to have had something to do with all this chaos.

"Chloe!" Mackenzie says, who apparently had been trying to get my attention. "Sorry. What did you say?" I ask. "I was asking if you are okay. You look, I don't know. Uneasy or something." she says. "Oh. Yeah, I'm okay." I lie. 

Before she could say anything else, Hayden runs up to us. "Hey! I lost you when we were all running for our lives." he says out of breath. Mackenzie looks from him to me with a smirk. I give her the 'don't even think about it' eye. 

"Yeah...it was quite a scramble. Kenz this is Hayden. Hayden this is my best friend Mackenzie." I introduce them knowing that if I don't, I'll hear about it from Mackenzie later. "Well hey there!" Mackenzie says and I know she has the thought that I've found a special someone. "Hi. Nice to meet you. Do either of you know what started the fire?" he asks finally catching his breath. I shake my head while Mackenzie explains. "Some chemistry lab spill on the top floor." Mackenzie briefly says. But was it?

Before Mackenzie can explain anymore, the principle pulls out her loud speaker to make an announcement, "Students and teachers, the fire has been put out, but due to the strong smoke and deconstruction of the building, we are going to have to send all of you home. An email will be sent to all students and parents tonight regarding information about the incident and when students will be able to return." 

No school? Um, yes please! I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand this is a serious situation, but if it means getting me out of prison for a couple days, I will remain happy. "Hey, since there's no school, do you guys want to go grab a coffee at Jumpin' Beans?" Hayden asks. Jumpin' Beans is the local coffee shop that everyone goes to. It's been around for as long as I can remember. "We would love to! Wouldn't we Chloe?" Mackenzie says eagerly. I practically roll my eyes at her craziness. "Let's do it." I add. 

The three of us sat down with our coffees and casually made small talk. My eyes drifted off to a bunch of balloons that stood near the entry way, but there was only one of them that I was fixated on...the red one. It kept bringing me back to my dream. The balloon. The note. It just didn't make sense. Where did it come from? Who wrote the note? And how the hell did it predict the future? I wish I could just let it go, but I can't. "Chloe!" Mackenzie said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry." I said. "What's wrong? Are you still in shock from the fire?" Hayden asked. I didn't want to tell them about the balloon and note, they would just think I'm crazy. "Yeah, I guess I am." I lied. "I should get home, it's getting dark and my mom wants be back." I say before picking up my bag and leaving. I know Mackenzie and Hayden are probably confused, but my mind was too boggled to stick around for small talk right now. 

I blow dry my hair after taking a 30 minute shower, hoping the hot soapy water would do something to ease my mind. It didn't do much. I put the blow dryer away as I am now finished and lay down on my bed before picking up my phone. 

Text message from Ken Z:

Ken Z: Why did you leave? I was really hoping you and Hayden would hit it off. 

I have been to frazzled thinking about this creepy shit to even think about Hayden. If I'm being honest, Mackenzie did have a point. Hayden is kind. He is SMOKING hot. And I mean, he seems to kind of be into me, right? Woah. This is the first time all day my brain has been on a different subject. 

Chloe: Sorry I had to cut it short, my mom needed help with dinner. Hopefully Hayden and I will hit it off next week. Text you in the morning. 

I shut off my phone and flick off the lights, my eyes close in and I fall into a deep sleep. 


I wake up at 3am, drenched in sweat and completely out of breath. No. This can't be happening again. I jolt out of bed and looked out the window. Tears of panic filled my eyes. There it was, right in front of my house again. The red balloon, with a brand new note. 

July 18, 2021 00:03

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