Suspense Horror Fantasy

This story contains sensitive content

Disclaimer: Mild language and sexual nuance.

“Where the hell is it?”

Nancy was fussing about the kitchen, looking for the wine opener. She crashed through drawers, slamming them shut after nearly taking them off their runners jerking them open. She could feel Thomas was watching from the doorway.

“Having fun?” She quipped sarcastically. 

“Nope, just hoping it'll make you aware there are other people around.”

Nancy sighed. She hated when she got like this. It was always over stupid, pointless things, but her whole body would shake with violent energy. It was impossible to control, or felt like it anyway. The bass pounding in the next room and smell of cigarettes wafting in from outside mixing with Angela's famously strong perfume didn't help. When she found the wine she'd brought completely empty, it was the last straw. She was going to open a new one and drink the whole damn thing herself. Once she found the opener, that is. 

Thomas came and stood next to her. Nancy couldn't turn around. 

“Do you need help finding something?”

Nancy broke down in tears at his offer. Yes, she needed help finding something, her fucking mind would be a good start. He put a hand on her back and guided her face to meet his. 

“Let me help.” His calm, amber eyes made her feel even more ashamed of her behavior, but also less alone. Nancy lamely held up the bottle of cabernet and gave a sad smile. Thomas's responding chuckle was full of warmth and understanding. He opened the drawer Nancy had just slammed shut, fished out the opener, then proceeded to uncork and pour 2 glasses of wine.

“I was just gonna drink straight from the bottle. Look at you, all classy.” Nancy joked. She'd had a tiny crush on Thomas since they met 2 years ago, but there always seemed to be something in the way. Thomas's grin disarmed her completely. Those brilliant white teeth contrasting with his ebony complexion. It melted her every time.

“I'm sorry. I just…I…”

“You just got overstimulated and someone took all your booze?”

“Yup. I still shouldn't act that way.” Nancy looked outside the window, gazing at a group around the fire pit laughing.

Thomas shrugged. “Maybe so, but, at least you look cute when you're pissed.” Nancy snapped her head back, surprised. Her face flushed as she failed to hide her instant giddiness. 

Thomas held up his glass and clicked it to hers. “To new adventures.”

“To new adventures” She repeated, gladly staring into his eyes now. She set down her glass and inched closer, she could feel that unmanageable energy again, quivering beneath her skin. “And what adventure would….” Nancy trailed off. Behind Thomas, she saw someone enter the living room she'd never seen before. He was a bit taller than everyone else and wore a black, porkpie hat. His dark brown hair fell around his shoulders in tresses any woman would kill for. To top it off, he had on a neat, 3 piece suit and spatz, pulling together an ensemble wholly unique in this drunken house party. Nancy silently walked past Thomas into the other room.

“Nance?” Thomas called after her. He watched her walk right up to the newcomer. He knew she was impulsive, but he thought she genuinely liked him. Now, she didn't even finish a sentence because some asshole in a suit shows up? Thomas gulped his remaining wine and stomped out the back door.

Nancy walked with purpose over to the debonair gentleman. He turned as she approached, almost as if he was expecting her. 

“Hello, mon chérí. What can I do for you?” 

God those cheekbones are to die for! Nancy thought. She was dumbfounded for a moment, gazing at the intentional 5 o'clock shadow that ran along his jaw.

“Hallo?” The man playfully waved his hand in front of Nancy's face. She blinked, realizing her faux pas. 

“I'm…um…I, I, uh, saw you come in and, and, well, a friend and I just opened some wine if you want some.”

“A friend? Where is your friend?”

“Oh he's just in the kitchen.” Nancy turned around and pointed, then saw Thomas was no longer there. 

“Oh, well, he was. I'm, I'm not sure where he went.”

“That is fine. I prefer more intimate séances myself.” The man put his hand on Nancy's back, sending a seductive shiver up her spine. He led her to the kitchen. 

“This light, it's ghastly. One moment.” He moved about the kitchen like he lived there and produced two tapered candles and a lighter within moments. He lit them, then motioned for Nancy to turn off the light switch. 

As she turned off the light, the sound went out too. The light from the candles seemed to cast a hazy sphere around them. 

“Now then, let us give you more appropriate attire, too.” The man snapped his fingers and Nancy's blue jeans and black t-shirt transformed instantly into an elegant, red gown with a plunging neckline and high slit. She instinctively tried to cover herself, feeling totally exposed.

“Now, now, don't try to cover such beauty.” he took her hand and pulled her into a slow dance. There was music fading in, an erhu and flute entangled in a haunting melody. 

Nancy tried to find her voice, her thoughts, but all she could see was his piercing, emerald green eyes locked onto hers. He brought his lips just short of hers. His breath was sweet, like raspberry liqueur. 

“My dear, how would you like to come away with me? I can show you things you never dreamed of, make you feel things you thought impossible.” His grip tightened as he spoke. Nancy whispered, “Yes.”

The man twirled her around and held her from behind, carefully tucking a blonde hair behind her ear. 

“This makes me very happy, my lovely. Very happy. I must be sure you are serious, though. Will you do something for me?”


The man produced a fine, silver blade with a bone handle and placed it in Nancy's hand, then enveloped both in his. “I just need a tiny drop of blood from you. Just a little slice of the finger and let it fall into the flame of the candle. Then say, ‘I accept willingly, my incubus.’ Can you do that my pet?” 

Nancy nodded, but fear began to emerge somewhere in her mind. She wanted to struggle, but something was blocking her ability as she languidly swayed with the devil. He guided her over to the candles. The knife was about to pick her skin when bright light blinded her. The knife dropped with a clatter and an inhuman shriek made her ears ring. Nancy collapsed. A film covered her eyesight as she tried to focus on two bodies tumbling next to her. The world was muffled, but she could make out grunting and yelling. Then, everything went dark. 

When she came to, Thomas was holding her in his lap, gently tapping her face. 

“Nance? Nancy!” 

Nancy gasped as air rushed into her lungs. Her head was pounding and her stomach was in knots. 

“What? Thomas? What happened?” She asked groggily.

Thomas sucked his teeth. “Man, you have got to get some impulse control, girl. I don't know what the fuck just happened, but I think I just saved your soul.” That beautiful smile reappeared on his face. 

“Shit. Well….I guess I owe you a drink.”

“And maybe an apology for teasing and then abandoning me?” Thomas's eyebrow arched disapprovingly.

“Yeah…maybe.” Nancy smirked. “But then, you might think I actually liked you or something.”

Thomas let out a deep, loud laugh and hugged Nancy tighter. “Yeah, I might….You alright?” 

“I am now. Thomas?”


“You're kind of cute when you're pissed.”

December 18, 2024 20:25

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John Rutherford
09:43 Dec 19, 2024

I just listened to W3NDi the farm robot, and I read this. Your style is all around literary texture, and a very creative imagination. The robot that feels, and the girl who dances with a dangerous stranger (devil) in her dreams. Interesting reading.


14:57 Dec 19, 2024

Thank you. I'm excited to continue reading your work, as well! It appears I have a few to fill up my reading time with! (Yay!)


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KC Foster
21:49 Dec 18, 2024

I liked this. The use of dialogue was excellent and very believable. It's nice to see a different side of your writing.


23:33 Dec 18, 2024

Thank you. It's fun to try out different styles!


KC Foster
15:51 Jan 06, 2025

Absolutely, I miss experimenting, I think I'll take a break from the series I'm writing and play with some other styles. I wouldn't mind dabbling in the first person again.


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